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blues deville blues

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  • blues deville blues

    My blues deville comes on and works fine and then it will come on and go off sometimes responding to foul language and minor beating and sometimes not and then will work great for hours. tubes all have less than 30hrs. any suggestions will help? I can fix it but it wont stay broken!

  • #2
    Re: blues deville blues

    My 90s blues deville did that, the 2 white ceramic rectangular power resistors would get hot and lose connection to board. I think the solder would melt. I moved the resistors off board with wires and used aluminum heat sink style resistors. It's been fine for years now that way.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    • #3
      Re: blues deville blues

      Yea, I suspect cold solder joint or a cracked trace. Easy fix.....not so easy to find.


      • #4
        Re: blues deville blues

        What mdf99 said. Its a well known problem on Blues Deluxe and Blues Deville you can google it.
        I get the feeling the A8 will blow your skirt up more so - Edgecrusher

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        • #5
          Re: blues deville blues

          Those two white 5w power resistors are where to start. They’re hard to miss and plenty of documentation out there. Technically can be replaced without removing the board, but for convenience I’d pull it and While you’ve got everything out, reflow every solder joint you see. I love these amps and have had many. Perfectly reliable once you work through the notoriously bad factory solder joints.

