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Amp Advice: Kicking out the Katana

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  • #16
    Re: Amp Advice: Kicking out the Katana

    Just a quick update. The amp arrived in great shape. I'm not particularly fond of honeymoon gear reviews, so I might post something down the road once I've had some serious time with this amp. But I'm very pleased with what I've found so far:
    • Seems indestructible. Since I got one made in Mississippi, it's probably doubly solid.
    • Wonderful SS cleans, both in the modern and vintage modes. I eyed the Roland JC-series earlier in my search, and though I'm sure they're fantastic sounding, I'm very happy with what the Peavey produces. Better (more lively and sweeter) than the Katana's cleans, imho.
    • My multiFX zoom unit works great in the loop for time and mod effects. That will save me buying individual pedals for now.
    • The Vintage setting on the Lead channel has some serious warmth to it, and it's growing on me. The other settings might satisfy metal guys, but I probably won't spend a lot of time there.
    • No Master volume, only channel volumes. I missed this detail. I can work around it, but it's the one thing I kinda would like to have.
    • Still dialing in a good drive sound. My SD-1 works best into one of the clean settings, and I've ordered a couple cheapie ODs to play around with. Considering trying a Joyo AC or British into the FX return to see how a different flavor of preamp works.

    Thanks again for the recommendations. I think I've got a winner here! If any Peavey Bandit/Studio Pro/Envoy users have drive pedal recommendations to try, let me know. I've got a Rat and an SD-1, but feel like I could do better for Marshally blues/rock/solo sounds.


    • #17
      Re: Amp Advice: Kicking out the Katana

      I have used my Joyo Ultimate Drive pedal into my Laney GC80A SS amp with success
      But it absolutely loves my Carvin Belair tube amp
      Just here surfing Guitar Pron
      RG2EX1 w/ SD hot-rodded pickups / RG4EXFM1 w/ Carvin S22j/b + FVN middle
      SR500 / Martin 000CE-1/Epiphone Hummingbird
      Epiphone Florentine with OEM Probuckers
      Ehdwuld branded Blue semi hollow custom with JB/Jazz
      Reptile Green Gibson Custom Studio / Aqua Dean Shire semi hollow with piezo
      Carvin Belair / Laney GC80A Acoustic Amp (a gift from Guitar Player Mag)
      GNX3000 (yea I'm a modeler)


      • #18
        Re: Amp Advice: Kicking out the Katana

        As a cheaper simplified distortion for a clean channel I really like the OpAmp BigMuff. It also does very well getting pushed by a clean boost, actives, compressor,od-boost ect,.

        It's not a pedal I'd use as a dedicated preamp since it only has a tone knob, but if you already have the clean channel's EQ to dial the tone then who needs all those extra knobs on a pedal anyways.

        Also when you use the clean channel (especially with distortion pedals) you might see if the gain channel's pregain knob has any effect as you roll it up near max. It shouldn't have any effect on the clean channel, but on several older silver-stripes I've tried it actually rolls-off the presence abruptly once you get past 3:00. Maybe it's just that all the silver-stripes are getting up there in age now.
        Last edited by dave74; 07-15-2018, 01:03 AM.


        • #19
          Re: Amp Advice: Kicking out the Katana

          I gave up on BOSS gear earlier this year.
          In the past I owned a GT 6 and loved it but let it go when I gave up playing guitar for about ten years.
          Last year I picked up the guitar again and got hold of the THR 10 C and a boss ME 80.
          The THR was ok albeit limited in its amp tones but I found one or two tweaked models that I liked.
          The ME 80 just did not have the amp sounds to suit me so I moved on to the GT 100 which I found to be a little better in this respect but it still did not hit the spot for me by a long shot.
          On a whim I popped into my local music store and tried out the Blackstar ID15TVP and finally found what I was looking for.
          It took me no time at all to dial in the sounds that I wanted on the day I bought it and, six months on I have barely tweaked it.
          The Yamaha and boss gear remained unused for months so I moved them on to buy an ltd ec1000 asb with a JB/59 pickup set and have not looked back.
          I can get the classic thin lizzy, boston and skynyrrd tones which I love with the advantage of getting a great sound at whisper level for late night playing.


          • #20
            Re: Amp Advice: Kicking out the Katana

            Originally posted by Mononoaware View Post
            I ordered a Katana 100 based on the overwhelming praise it gets. After many, many hours of tweaking and playing, I'm sure it's not the unit for me. There's something inherent in the voicing that gets on my nerves -- this nasal, bricky, unorganic feel -- that persists regardless of EQ or gain settings. I'm convinced that no amount of tweaking or speaker break-in is going to change the amp into something I find inspiring to play like I do the THR10 or certain amp sims like S-Gear or ReValver.
            You just described the exact issue I had with my old Roland Cube 60. It just felt fake.

            Glad you went with that Peavey. Hardly anything wrong with them. The definition of workhorse amps.
            Epiphone LP Standard PlusTop Pro
            Ibanez SZ320 / A8 DD103 bridge.
            Ibanez RG270 / Screamin' Demon bridge.

            Egnater Tweaker 15 Head / Laney Cub 8 / 2x12 - Celestion V30+K100
            Line 6 M13 and plenty of stompboxes I rarely use!


            • #21
              Re: Amp Advice: Kicking out the Katana

              I haven't played a Bandit in several years, but I had a 112S that was an amazing amp. It worked well at low volumes and accepted pedals well.
              Romans 3:23; 6:23; 5:8; 10:13; 10:9-10

              Teknon Theou
              Complaining that there are hypocrites in church is like complaining that fat people use the gym. Where else would you have them be?


              • #22
                Re: Amp Advice: Kicking out the Katana

                Originally posted by Mononoaware View Post
                Long story short, about a year ago, I sold my full-sized amps due to living circumstances, and went with a Yamaha THR10. I've really enjoyed it, and it's been the perfect amp while moving around. Now, though, I'm ready to add another amp back into the mix.

                Stuff I'm Considering/Have Researched:
                • Vox (VT-X or AV series)
                • Fender Champ X2 (I had a 70s Champ I LOVED, even if it was a one trick pony)
                • Blackstar TVR series or HT5R
                • Peavey Valveking II mini head
                • Ibanez TSA15 (have played it, and loved the cleans)
                • Marshall DSL series (seems like too much amp for home play)
                • Peavey solid-state options (Envoy, Bandit, etc.) with pedals
                • Laney Cub 10 or 15

                Thanks for your advice -- it's all great and good to listen to endless YouTube videos, but y'all are a great resource of personal experience.
                I really love my Yamaha THR10C–would like to eventually get the THR100HD. The Vox VTs get some killer tones. Those Fender Champs are awesome too.

                Best of luck!

