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Can I output from a Seymour Duncan PowerStage 700 into powered Adam A7x monitors?

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  • Can I output from a Seymour Duncan PowerStage 700 into powered Adam A7x monitors?

    I'm thinking this is possibly a bad idea since the speakers are powered with their own amplifier? I have the PowerStage 700, outputting one speaker cable from the LEFT speaker output (NOT the XLR left), into a Yamaha MG10XU mixer (single input, which then outputs directly by speaker cable to phono adapter into the Adam). If I keep the PowerStage level low enough, shouldn't do any damage to the speakers? Or should I be sending to passive non powered speaker/cabinets only? Note I have not experimented, asking here first.

    Additionally does anyone see an issue with plugging the PowerStage into the Yamaha mixer, powered speakers aside?

  • #2
    if you use the xlr outs you are fine, if you use the speaker outs youll blow something up. dont do that.


    • #3
      There is all sorts of bad going on in this signal chain. Don't run speaker outs to anything other than an unpowered speaker. Theoretically I could tell you it could work if you used a SS power amp into a high enough impedance input and kept the levels low, but all it would take would be one bump on the knob to possibly fry whatever it's plugged into. Why would you want to run the speaker outs to anything other than a speaker in the first place? Use the XLR outs into the mixer or the monitor, and they have a cab sim on them anyway, it's fine not to have a speaker plugged in, but again, speaker outs only go to unpowered speakers.


      • #4
        XLR into Monitors at home and speaker out into a guitar cab when out of the house, right?
        Last edited by PFDarkside; 04-24-2021, 08:21 AM.
        Oh no.....

        Oh Yeah!

