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JTM45 RI & Bassman RI , How much alike

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  • JTM45 RI & Bassman RI , How much alike

    I`ve been checking out the Bassman 4x10 RIs and played thru one clean the other night with a friends axe , sounded nice. I know the JTM45 was built around the Bassman and was wondering how alike these two amps are as far as build and tone. I`ve has a JTM45 in the past and it sounded really nice with a distortion pedal and 2x12 cab.
    When asking for pickup suggestions please tell us what amp you`re using

  • #2
    Re: JTM45 RI & Bassman RI , How much alike

    Sorry for the slightly off topic response. I can't answer your question on the comparison. Just wanted to plug for ScottF.

    If you are considering a JTM-45, contact ScottF (the admin on this site) with a PM and have him build you one. He's very reasonable and he makes a fine product.


    • #3
      Re: JTM45 RI & Bassman RI , How much alike

      Originally posted by Gr8Scott
      Sorry for the slightly off topic response. I can't answer your question on the comparison. Just wanted to plug for ScottF.

      If you are considering a JTM-45, contact ScottF (the admin on this site) with a PM and have him build you one. He's very reasonable and he makes a fine product.
      That thought has went through my mind more than few times.
      When asking for pickup suggestions please tell us what amp you`re using


      • #4
        Re: JTM45 RI & Bassman RI , How much alike

        From what some said alot of the difference comes with the speakers. I was having trouble deciding between Bassman and JTM45 for my next amp. I decided to go with the bassman for the cleaner tone and I think I might try the new SD pedal, once I can scratch the cash together. I may even try to use the bassman as a head on a friends 2X12 and see what kind of tone I get from that.
        Fender and Squier Guitars, Crate Amps and Seymour Duncan Pickups.


        • #5
          Re: JTM45 RI & Bassman RI , How much alike

          As far as the schematic goes they are very, very similar the reason they do sound different is because of the parts used...even thought they are the same (or similar) values and such the Bassman is made with american parts while the Marshall is made with brittish parts, the transformers also are different and has an effect on the tone as do the speakers, cabs, etc. As for the reissues Im not 100% sure how faithful to the originals eash amp even is so I can't really answer that question except to say that they should be pretty damn close.
          If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


          • #6
            Re: JTM45 RI & Bassman RI , How much alike

            Many bassman RI come with a plug in solid state rectifier. That's one major difference. You can replace the plug in SS recitifier with a 5AR4 (GZ34), and that brings back the sag and lowers the power. The re-issue bassman is louder than the reissue 45 in stock trim. The original Bassman used a 12AY7 in V1 instead of a 12AX7. The Marshall always used the 12AX7 or eqivilant in all positions.The re-issue Bassman uses all 12AX7's too.

            Both are PCB amps, and the Fender has recieved critism for using cheaper componants on the board. I'm not sure of the bias circut in the re-issue bassmans, but someone told me that mods must be made to adjust the bias, properly.

            The Marshall re-issue has recieved critism for not faithfully adhering to the original design, as far as some cap and resistor values in the pre-amp. Additionally, the filter caps of the re-issue are plexi/ JMP50 value, differeing from the original JTM45. This makes the amp sound much stiffer, but also prevents bad humming and ghost notes. Both reissues are not original in the filter cap values. Furthermore, the reissue Marshall has recieved critism of the output transformer (always different from the Fender Bassman and another major diffrence in the designs) compared to the original JTM45. The Sovtec 5881's are okay in a Bassman but not a JTM45, IMO. The 45's need KT66's or even the EL34 for the more Marshall type sound.
            Last edited by Lake Placid Blues; 01-24-2006, 08:38 AM.


            • #7
              Re: JTM45 RI & Bassman RI , How much alike

              the older bassman ri is ok, the newer ltd model is much better. solid pine box, tube recto, gt6l6ge pwr tubes, and an adjustable bias. very nice amp

