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MXR Distortion+

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  • MXR Distortion+

    What do y'all have to say about this pedal? Apparently it is very similar to the DOD 250, but for some reason the D+ gets higher ratings. The product descriptions claim to go from clean boost to British Crunch. The Distortion+ was integral to Randy Rhodes' tone.

    There's even a Hermida mod available for this pedal. Hermida is the designer of the Zendrive which is one of the latest, greatest new pedals.

    I can buy the D+ new from MF for $70 or the DOD 250 for $40. Are either one really worthwhile? The 250 might be really good after the Hermida mod if it will easily translate from the D+ to the 250 like I espect it will.


    I'm expecting a response like get a Sparkledrive and forget about it. Sparkledrive=tone happiness.
    Last edited by Guitar Toad; 02-25-2006, 09:07 AM.
    Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.
    -Conrad Hilton

  • #2
    Re: MXR Distortion Plus

    I have owned several oringinal Distortion pluses and 2 reiussues...the reissues are junk compared to an oringinal...thats just my opinion but Im sticking to it!

    The Distoprtion plus had a cool tone (NOT tube like at all but cool) but it never had enough volume for me to get any real use out of it...even with the volume all the way up there was a slight volume drop betyween the pedal off and on...

    As for the RR connection, first, Randy had a ****ty other way to say it but the way he got away with the Distortion plus is that he never turned it joke, it was on all the time...also, don't use Randy's tone as a benchmark for the Distortion plus...he also ran an MXR 10 band graphic EQ with it (also on all the time) with a massive mid boost...Randy's tone is very different from what a Distortion Plus really sounds like.

    As for the DOD 250, I had one for a while...didn't care for it...more of a preamp/booster than a distortion pedal but some guys really like them.
    If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


    • #3
      Re: MXR Distortion+

      these are not two of the better ODs. People aren't exactly falling over themselves to get a D+. I have one of the RIs ... 10 years old in pristine condition - that should tell you something.

      the D+ was also used by Jerry Garcia, but I personally didn't care a lot for his OD tone (sorry Jerry!)

      get a Sparkle Drive
      "music heals"


      • #4
        Re: MXR Distortion+

        I'm expecting a response like get a Sparkledrive and forget about it. Sparkledrive=tone happiness.

        You answered your own question. I don't think the two pedals you mentioned are very good tone machines. What tone are you looking for, Todd? Do you still have the Spina modded Boss? I think you should look for a lighter OD. I love my Barber LTD, very smooth and musical sounding.
        Originally posted by tone4days
        we're not musicians, we're beer salesmen


        • #5
          Re: MXR Distortion+

          Originally posted by Curly
          these are not two of the better ODs. People aren't exactly falling over themselves to get a D+. I have one of the RIs ... 10 years old in pristine condition - that should tell you something.
          the D+ was also used by Jerry Garcia, but I personally didn't care a lot for his OD tone (sorry Jerry!)
          get a Sparkle Drive
          I will say that the original (NON Dunlop) Distortion +'s sound better than the reissues...FWIW, Mr. Spina does a Distorion + mod.
          If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


          • #6
            Re: MXR Distortion+

            The DOD can sound the same, no sweat, the construction is the same, get some germanium diodes, and if I remember correctly use a 1.0pf for filter at the op-amp.
            For more output wire the diodes assymetrically.
            And grab an old LM741...the grandaddy of op-amp chips
            Last edited by Vasshu the humanoid typhoon; 02-25-2006, 09:30 AM.


            • #7
              Re: MXR Distortion+

              I want 2 things I want a pedal that I can practice some mod's on. And I want pedal with good warm overdriven bluesy tone. Since I got the DS-1 modded it's a bit too hot for me now. I love the sound and I like to use it. But, I really just want to explore and experiment. I haven't had a TS pedal yet.

              Maybe the Carl Martin Crush Zone is what I want? I don't think I want a crystal clear booster. I want an overdrive that adds warmth with smooth but minimal clipping, if that makes any sense. I think I want something that is in between the SD SFX01 and the modded DS-1.

              The Sparkledrive and any other TS clone with improvements may be exactly what I need. Is it a tweed tone that I'm looking for?

              I keep thinking I might be able to find a diamond in the rough or find a hidden gem that is exactly what I want as it is.
              Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.
              -Conrad Hilton


              • #8
                Re: MXR Distortion+

                There is a lot and I mean A LOT of sonic ground between an SFX-01 and a Spina for a warm bluesy overdrive...that is not a Distortion least not to me. A tubescreamer or TS style OD might be what you're looking for...
                If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


                • #9
                  Re: MXR Distortion+

                  Originally posted by the guy who invented fire
                  I will say that the original (NON Dunlop) Distortion +'s sound better than the reissues...FWIW, Mr. Spina does a Distorion + mod.
                  I've thought of just GIVING mine to John for all the good stuff he's done for me.
                  let it be a test bed or decent OD for someone else
                  "music heals"


                  • #10
                    Re: MXR Distortion+

                    I like John's mods, but I also like a go to pedal that sounds good out of the box, so I usually recommend the Maxon OD 808 ... it sounds terrific, it's lightweight and small, so it's nice for a pedal board, the switch is better than that TS 9 crappy switch, and it's about $120. It's also a bit more transparent than a TS9, which IMO makes it perfect for an OD for a strat or other single coil guitar.
                    "music heals"


                    • #11
                      Re: MXR Distortion+

                      Maybe the Carl Martin Crush Zone is what I want?
                      Erm smooth and warm is not what the CZ is
                      It is crunchy and hot, it is a dual stage distortion, and defently not for the milder end of drivesounds.
                      Grab some old TS-10 and do stuff to that one
                      Or get one of those old DOD's, they are simple and fun to mod.


                      • #12
                        Re: MXR Distortion+

                        MXR Micro amp = pure Boost
                        DOD 250 = Boost plus a little hair
                        Tube Screamer = More Hair (or a boost)
                        Distortion+ = Hair
                        DS1 = More hair
                        Metal Zone = Big Hair

                        Get the right tool for the job! For an alternate example of D+check out early to mid 80's Iron Maiden. Played in a band with a guy who used a D+. I wasn't into it, but it mixed well with my distortion sound. Nothing I'd be running around trying to collect.
                        Originally posted by Bad City
                        He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


                        • #13
                          Re: MXR Distortion+

                          I want mid-rangy tones with warm mild overdrive and a bit of hi end sparkle.
                          My understanding of the Sparkle Drive is that it mixes clean tone with the overdriven tone and that's where it's sparkle comes from.

                          According to you guys the 250 and the D+ have no sparkle.

                          OKay, I'm thinking out loud now, I know this may be dangerous but here it goes...Have you ever used a clean boost and a distorted pedal together in parallel into one amp? I've heard of using two amps one clean and the other dirty. Of course you'd have to split and then recombine the signal...that may not be worth doing but it might be worthy of a Gedankenexperiment.

                          What'chou guys think about that?
                          Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.
                          -Conrad Hilton


                          • #14
                            Re: MXR Distortion+

                            it sounds like you really want a Tubescreamer style it an Ibanez, Maxon, Sparkle Drive, etc...

                            As fo the clean boost and an OD at the same it all the time. You can run a true clean boost infront of an overdrive for even more grit or after it for a volume sounds great with some pedals and not so good with others...
                            If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


                            • #15
                              Re: MXR Distortion+

                              WHOAAAAAAAAA! Let's get our signal chains straight here...

                              boost+dist = louder distortion
                              distortion+boost =louder and possibly some amp distortion

                              If by "parellel" you mean clean signal into one channel and dirty signal into another - yes: But that's a peculiar would need to split the original signal, put it into two boxes, then put them into each channel and get the levels right. Could be done. Sparkle drive would be WAYYYYY easier...or you might be happy with a TS-9. everybody ought to have one anyway. The better/usual way to get the sound you are talking about is to split the guitar into two amps. Say a Bluesbreaker for the warm fuzzy and a twin for the sparkle.
                              Originally posted by Bad City
                              He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...

