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Sold my SVT!!

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  • Sold my SVT!!

    WOW!! Sold my 1974 Ampeg SVT head for $1,100.00!!

    I took it to my local music store where they sold it for me. I guess the guy who bought it was totally geeked about it, which is great. It's a great amp and it served me very well back in my bass playing days. But it's just been sitting in my basement for the past 10 years and I figured if someone can get some useage from it that's cool with me. Besides, it's too heavy for me to lug around, especially with my tired old back!! The store asked for $100.00 (commission) which was fine with me, considering I bought it used in 1979 for $300.00!! So I think I made out okay.

  • #2
    Re: Sold my SVT!!

    wow, i've never known anyone to SELL an svt

    but... congrats
    Originally posted by gibson175
    metal zones are for pussies.


    • #3
      Re: Sold my SVT!!

      Good choice to unload that thing! The last time I messed with an SVT I got to attempt to put that thing on top of the "fridge" cab. My back has been cooked for the past 10+ years, it's not just tired. Even if you are still primarily playing bass, there are enough high wattage options that'll get you "in the neighborhood" (sort of ) as an SVT. When a good 1000w SS head will weigh somewhere around 25 pounds, 300w tube doesn't come in anything less than 80 pounds...
      *Recipient of the 2006 Time Magazine "Man Of The Year" Award*
      Originally posted by Slash2987
      Oh c'mon man, quit being such a liberal and actually accept someone disagrees with you.
      Originally posted by PVFan
      I'm a good sex man.
      Originally posted by Grumpy
      I am just jug the merlot.


      • #4
        Re: Sold my SVT!!

        It is like lugging around with that 400w Hiwatt once made...
        I have hauled a few of those old SVT's a drag
        But a great sounding thing.


        • #5
          Re: Sold my SVT!!

          Originally posted by drew_half_empty
          wow, i've never known anyone to SELL an svt

          but... congrats
          That's a first for me too. Oh well, congratulations on the sale. Spend the cash on something cool

          EDIT: Now I see the reason you sold. It must be hard for you older guys(no disrespect meant at ALL) to lug around something that damned heavy.
          Originally posted by Kyuss_Rock
          Thats what I like to hear. Family massacre heavy.


          • #6
            Re: Sold my SVT!!

            Ahhh!, I was right on the money with it's value.


            • #7
              Re: Sold my SVT!!

              Thanks, guys. I've seen a few on Ebay of that vintage going for around $1,000.00, and the store suggested asking $1,100.00 so I'd have a bit of bargaining power on my side. I must admit I am surprised it sold for what was asked, but the guy who bought it gladly paid the price! He got a great sounding vintage amp that's more than proved itself and I've no regrets selling it.


              • #8
                Re: Sold my SVT!!

                You know what? If you aren't rockin' out in a rock n roll band, I just think the SVT is not much use lying around.

                Did you ever have reliability issues with them? I have.

                You fetched a nice price as well!
                1973 Les Paul Standard
                1973 Marshall Super Lead 100


                • #9
                  Re: Sold my SVT!!

                  i think the reason that you got the asking price is that it was very very reasonable. on ebay you have to pay for the shipping on a 85 lb head which cant be cheap.
                  they are heavy and if you dont use it, then unloading it was the best idea. but nothing else sounds like it. i have a nice ampeg svt5pro and have had a svt3pro, nothing sounds as good as a svt or b15


                  • #10
                    Re: Sold my SVT!!

                    Originally posted by OlinMusic
                    You know what? If you aren't rockin' out in a rock n roll band, I just think the SVT is not much use lying around.

                    Did you ever have reliability issues with them? I have.

                    You fetched a nice price as well!
                    No reliability issues ever. That amp was steady, and I used it damn near every night from 1979 thru 1983. Took a break until 1994 and used it for the next two years without a problem. Even though it was sitting in my basement since then I did keep it covered up and did fire it up on occasion to make sure all was okay. Plus I have a de-humidifier in my basement too.

                    Jeremy, I agree that nothing sounds as full or rich for bass as an SVT. Nothing. That amp was and still is a monster. I had great times with it but it really was time to say goodbye and let someone else enjoy it.


                    • #11
                      Re: Sold my SVT!!

                      Score! Why keep it if you don't use it?
                      Darn, I am old enough to remember those heads. My old bass player had one, and I remember that is was pretty darn heavy!

