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  • lc15r

    this amp SUCKS bigtime.

    tried a working one this weekend at the laney booth @ the londong guitar show.. same **** as mine. with 2 guitars, one was a paul gilbert pgm301 the other was a feline all maple custom gunslinger w/miracle man and trilogy pickups.
    same ****ty top end, not loud enough. a tube change might rectify the ****tyness a bit, but IMO, not worth the money

    people that want a GOOD! home practice amp, they should look at the MatAmp MiniMat. for 2 watts, it SLAYS!
    so do other MatAmp amps. the GT1 and LX flat out RULE!!!

    back to laney. a GH50L is SHAAAWEEEEEET!!!! 80's metal, pinch harmonics that jump out like they're on crack. amazing amp. not as amazing as the MatAmp, but its not in their price range

  • #2
    Re: lc15r

    I got some amazing blues/rock/clean tones out of a stock LC15 at low volumes myself. Even some pretty heavy rock sounds. Not a hint of fuzz or thinness. It sucks that you didn't like it.


    • #3
      Re: lc15r

      low volumes yes.. gain doesnt matter if you got the volume below 4. once you get past that, it starts sounding like sh!t

      i mean high volume, 7-9 on the scale. and no, it's not TOO loud then. pansy.

      a gh50l on 7 is TOO loud! i know. i played it.. and i'm getting one!


      • #4
        Re: lc15r

        What kind of speaker is in it Davey? Were you just using the combos speaker?

        It almost sounds like the speaker is crapping out. In which case an upgraded speaker would prob solve the nasty high end, as well as provide some incresed volume. The cabinet is prolly not terribly well built either.

        Then again, I just don't think El84s absolutely cranked really sound all that great. It's good for mild gain and cleans but thats about it, IMO.

        Also how many 12ax7s in the preamp stage?

        I honestly think you'd have better luck with a Marshall AVT50 ( I know it's in your price range or thereabouts). Takes pedals well, and through a better speaker cab, they are pretty dang good. Was listening to some guy at a local shop one day and swore he was playing through a DSL, till I walked over and saw what it was..AVT50 head through 4x12 900 series cab (75 watters).
        I'm an internet person. All we do is waste time evaluating things that have next-to-zero real world significance.

        Remember, it's just a plank of wood. YOU have to find the music in it - The Telecaster Handbook


        • #5
          Re: lc15r

          stock speaker, yes, but my cab sounds good even with my crate, so its not the speakers when i tried it through my cab

          i aint touching anything else but tube amps, for a LONG LONG time.

          bareknuckles dont mix well with transistor amps/modelers. they need to be played LOUD and through tubes.

          with a pickup like the warpig, with a DC resistance of 22something k, you're not going to be able to use it with a hybrid or SS amp. no way. its designed to push the amp HARD with this INSANE midrange.

          i'm going for a gh50l .. thought about getting an engl thunder, but they didnt have engl anywhere at the show (the official booth) so i couldnt test them out to see if its to my liking and if it warrants the price diference.

          oh, the lc15 has 3 preamp tubes, all are ecc83's


          • #6
            Re: lc15r

            Originally posted by JeffB
            I honestly think you'd have better luck with a Marshall AVT50 ( I know it's in your price range or thereabouts). Takes pedals well, and through a better speaker cab, they are pretty dang good. Was listening to some guy at a local shop one day and swore he was playing through a DSL, till I walked over and saw what it was..AVT50 head through 4x12 900 series cab (75 watters).

            The old VS100 head was pretty killer too. :6:
            Ain't nothin' but a G thang, baby.

