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Another tube story

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  • Another tube story

    Just one hour ago I got the 3 tubes I´ve ordered the day before yesterday for the Engl Screamer.

    1x JJ ECC83 Selected
    1x JJ ECC83 Balanced
    1x JJ ECC83S

    I´ve put the selected in the V1 position, the Balanced as the V4 tube and the ECC83S as a V2.

    I dig it so far very much!! It´s smoother and overall more "natural". The cleans are 100% better...and the overdrive/distortion is enhanced, too.

    Perhaps I could change the ECC83S for the balanced in the V2 position..could change the tone aswell..what do you think?

    Thanks to Rocker35 who gave me advice on tubes, cheers!
    Last edited by StrangeSound; 06-16-2006, 03:20 AM.
    Originally posted by Guitarist
    Honestly, I like Scott's words. "There is a rhythm to life. Ride the waves."

    And keep in mind that while nothing lasts forever, nothing is lost.

  • #2
    Re: Another tube story

    nice, i'm interested in the results.

    v1 is for clean channel right? does it sound warmer also?

    i'd like to have my thunder warmer when driven clean.
    ~+~ tube afflicted, strat addicted ~+~

