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  • Fizzyness

    I have a Traynor YCV 50 Blue and and Epiphone Les Paul. Gain is at 5, Volume is at 7, Master Volume at 5 (the gain at 5 stops it from being really loud while keeping nice classic rock or bluesness).

    However, I find that it can be.. fizzy or buzzy when I play hard on single notes, or even even mildly on chords. Even turning the volume down doesn't help. And a problem that wasnt there when I got the amp, is the clean channel is suddnely sounding really... dry.. like, a dry taste in your mouth style. Neither of these things were in the amp in the store.. could it just be excessively bad tubes/dying?

    Is this a pickup issue you think, or more an issue with my amp (the tubes are stock and I hear the stock ones are crap). If it's tubes, what can be done to fix it (eg, good manufacturer)
    Last edited by TimmyPage; 06-27-2006, 05:34 PM.
    Originally posted by BigAlTheBird
    I just got oiixed in the mung by a Canadian.

    Timmy - 1
    Andrew - None

  • #2
    Re: Fizzyness

    Anyone? Purdy please? I'll love you forever?
    Originally posted by BigAlTheBird
    I just got oiixed in the mung by a Canadian.

    Timmy - 1
    Andrew - None


    • #3
      Re: Fizzyness

      Whether it's the tubes or not, a new set of tubes will liven that thing up. Try JJs from .


      • #4
        Re: Fizzyness

        new tubes, check th ebias, and maybe some speakers.
        Jeremy Ledford
        Tone Guru Extroardinaire
        Tone Shop


        • #5
          Re: Fizzyness

          Well, I emailed JJ. He said it was a set bias, eg, it can only take one type of tube, but it will never fall out of bias.. so.. im guessing new tubes is my next attempt.
          Originally posted by BigAlTheBird
          I just got oiixed in the mung by a Canadian.

          Timmy - 1
          Andrew - None


          • #6
            Re: Fizzyness

            Yep. They have a few 50blue sets to chose from. Happy retubing!

