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What do you guys think of Randall amps? Which ones are good?

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  • What do you guys think of Randall amps? Which ones are good?

    Pretty much what the title says. There are plenty of bands that I like that use Randall amps and I love their tone, so I'm lookin' into 'em. The only things I'm concerned with is weight and price. I don't want an amp that weighs 40 pounds. Anything under 40 pounds is good, and under $500. I don't care if it's solid state or tube, as long as it sounds good.

    Also, while we're at it, what is the difference between the G2 and G3 series?

  • #2
    Re: What do you guys think of Randall amps? Which ones are good?

    The G3 have a tube in the preamp.


    • #3
      Re: What do you guys think of Randall amps? Which ones are good?

      Originally posted by D-EJ915 View Post
      The G3 have a tube in the preamp.
      That's the difference between G2 and G3? G2 were all solid state?

      What do you think of 'em? I've been looking at the RG75G3.


      • #4
        Re: What do you guys think of Randall amps? Which ones are good?

        The G3 uses the valve dynamic's more like the tube used in a Valvetronix..than a pre-amp style like a Marshal AVT (plenty of info on the Randall site about this new tech..gets good, but not great reviews, I've not played one yet)

        IMO though, the best randall amps are the old RG series from the 80s...RG-80, IIRC. Those amps killed and were the ones Lynch,Tesla, Viv campbell and sev others played/endorsed. I feel they sound much better than the current Randall offerings which are harsher sounding..ala Dimebag type tone.

        I'm an internet person. All we do is waste time evaluating things that have next-to-zero real world significance.

        Remember, it's just a plank of wood. YOU have to find the music in it - The Telecaster Handbook


        • #5
          Re: What do you guys think of Randall amps? Which ones are good?

          Originally posted by JeffB View Post
          I feel they sound much better than the current Randall offerings which are harsher sounding..ala Dimebag type tone.
          Dimebag was one of the guys who I was referring to when I posted. I happen to like Dime's when he was using Randalls. Not so much when he started using Kranks.

          And what does YMMV mean?


          • #6
            Re: What do you guys think of Randall amps? Which ones are good?


            Cyclones are supposed to be good dimebag-ish tones...I think...


            • #7
              Re: What do you guys think of Randall amps? Which ones are good?

              I'm not really going after Dimebag's tone, or anyone's tone in particular. I just noticed that there are plenty of artists that I like that use Randall amps, so I figured I'd look at Randall since I seem to dig their tone. I just wanted to know what you guys thought of 'em and which ones you guys think are good.


              • #8
                Re: What do you guys think of Randall amps? Which ones are good?

                Originally posted by sufferinrewind View Post
                Dimebag was one of the guys who I was referring to when I posted. I happen to like Dime's when he was using Randalls. Not so much when he started using Kranks.
                welp, Dime originally used the kind of Randalls I mentioned...RG80 series...that time period. ..that much I know. Not usre if he ever prgressed along with the Randall line.

                I'll say this...there was a time when randall was trying to make SS sound more like tubes, and they got to a point where they were doing a pretty good job (i.e. the late 80s), then for some reason, they kinda went the opposite way and really started to embrace SS as it is...IDK why....but the amps IME, got harsher and colder, and more sterile...instead of warmer and fatter, and smoother (relatively speaking)

                And what does YMMV mean?
                Your mileage may vary.......
                I'm an internet person. All we do is waste time evaluating things that have next-to-zero real world significance.

                Remember, it's just a plank of wood. YOU have to find the music in it - The Telecaster Handbook


                • #9
                  Re: What do you guys think of Randall amps? Which ones are good?

                  I've read that he used the Century 200 amps.

                  Where did you get that he used the RG80?


                  • #10
                    Re: What do you guys think of Randall amps? Which ones are good?

                    Originally posted by sufferinrewind View Post
                    I've read that he used the Century 200 amps.

                    Where did you get that he used the RG80?
                    Don't really remember TBH. I believe it was either on the Dean Forums or on HC talking with Chris..err...crap..the dude that used to have the huge amp clip page.... Hows that for a precise answer?

                    I am talking about in his formative days tho and the first (CFH?) album.. Don't think the Century series was around back then, but I could be wrong. I'm not a fan in the least.
                    I'm an internet person. All we do is waste time evaluating things that have next-to-zero real world significance.

                    Remember, it's just a plank of wood. YOU have to find the music in it - The Telecaster Handbook


                    • #11
                      Re: What do you guys think of Randall amps? Which ones are good?

                      Oh well, it doesn't matter. Like I said, I'm not looking to nail a certain person's tone, just looking for a tone I'll like. Like I said, I noticed that there are plenty of bands that I like that use Randall amps, so I figured I'd look since they actually have amps that I can afford at the moment, unlike Mesa/Boogie.


                      • #12
                        Re: What do you guys think of Randall amps? Which ones are good?

                        I have an RG100SC (stereo chorus) that had the meaty channel flunk out after six months. No pedals were ever used on this amp.

                        A peruse of Harmony Central will get you a mixed bag of answers from juvenile to useful...but this problem was noted by other users. I did not know about HC until after I bought it.

                        Randall could be the latest and greatest manufacturer of "modern" tone gear, if they would pull their heads out, and create gear that is not made with the corporate "Made in China" mentality. The tone really is good for modern scooped metal!!!!! Dimebag would be proud! I kinda wish that Randall would create a pedal with the same ubercruch tone that emanated from my amp before it failed. Don't get me wrong, there nothing wrong with the workers in China being hired to create gear...but on a corporate level, this is a decision based on economics...the results (failures included) speak for themselves.

                        I find it disturbing that Randall creates "pro" gear that have internal thermal fuses (in the power transformer casing)...rather than an inexpensive/easily serviced fuse holder on the rear of amp. What good is a thermal fuse in the transformer case if you have to wait 30 minutes for it to cool down and "reset"?

                        I do not know about the older Randall gear, but the new stuff I see now is not really professional enough.


                        • #13
                          Re: What do you guys think of Randall amps? Which ones are good?

                          A friend had a Randall for awhile. I believe it was a Thirty Twelve, IIRC. Awesome amp, but out of your price range, even used.

                          And it weighed a bit more than your upper limits.
                          Romans 3:23; 6:23; 5:8; 10:13; 10:9-10

                          Teknon Theou
                          Complaining that there are hypocrites in church is like complaining that fat people use the gym. Where else would you have them be?


                          • #14
                            Re: What do you guys think of Randall amps? Which ones are good?

                            Originally posted by LesStrat View Post
                            A friend had a Randall for awhile. I believe it was a Thirty Twelve, IIRC. Awesome amp, but out of your price range, even used.

                            And it weighed a bit more than your upper limits.
                            Do you mean a Rivera? Rivera has a Thirty-12 model. I dont recall a Randall by that designation?
                            I'm an internet person. All we do is waste time evaluating things that have next-to-zero real world significance.

                            Remember, it's just a plank of wood. YOU have to find the music in it - The Telecaster Handbook


                            • #15
                              Re: What do you guys think of Randall amps? Which ones are good?

                              Originally posted by Sludgenutz View Post
                              I have an RG100SC (stereo chorus) that had the meaty channel flunk out after six months. No pedals were ever used on this amp.

                              A peruse of Harmony Central will get you a mixed bag of answers from juvenile to useful...but this problem was noted by other users. I did not know about HC until after I bought it.

                              Randall could be the latest and greatest manufacturer of "modern" tone gear, if they would pull their heads out, and create gear that is not made with the corporate "Made in China" mentality. The tone really is good for modern scooped metal!!!!! Dimebag would be proud! I kinda wish that Randall would create a pedal with the same ubercruch tone that emanated from my amp before it failed. Don't get me wrong, there nothing wrong with the workers in China being hired to create gear...but on a corporate level, this is a decision based on economics...the results (failures included) speak for themselves.

                              I find it disturbing that Randall creates "pro" gear that have internal thermal fuses (in the power transformer casing)...rather than an inexpensive/easily serviced fuse holder on the rear of amp. What good is a thermal fuse in the transformer case if you have to wait 30 minutes for it to cool down and "reset"?

                              I do not know about the older Randall gear, but the new stuff I see now is not really professional enough.
                              They're really that bad? That sucks.

                              What would you guys suggest I look into, then?

