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P bass scarcity

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  • #31
    Re: P bass scarcity

    Ok, as crazy as this sounds, I'm finding the same thing. The quantity of P-Basses available is miniscule compared to Jazz Basses. Maybe it's true, everyone that buys a precision keeps it... But even new, the GCs around here have the entire range of Jazz Basses, but only one MIM P and no Squier P's.

    I just want a plank I can put an Antquity II and high mass bridge on!
    Oh no.....

    Oh Yeah!


    • #32
      Re: P bass scarcity

      Well, for the basses I am interested in, mostly AVRI, you get a ton of Ps cheaply and no Js, and if Js are available they cost 30% more although they had the same price originally


      • #33
        P bass scarcity

        Broaden your search online.
        Ship to any GC from other for free. Very good return policy.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


        • #34
          Re: P bass scarcity

          Originally posted by uOpt View Post
          Well, for the basses I am interested in, mostly AVRI, you get a ton of Ps cheaply and no Js, and if Js are available they cost 30% more although they had the same price originally
          Cheaply is a relative statement when it comes to AVRI.

          My online search is what led me to bump this post. GC used online and local Craigslist are J heavy, it reminded me of this thread.
          Oh no.....

          Oh Yeah!


          • #35
            Re: P bass scarcity

            Originally posted by SnakeAces View Post
            I don't know, maybe, but to my ears over the years of playing P basses and PJ basses I never noticed a difference.
            My '76 Fender P and my '84 Fender Jazz Bass Special were two vastly different animals with stock pickups.
            '69 Fender Mustang bass
            '69 Gibson EB-1
            '76 Rickenbacker 4001 w/SD for Rick N & B
            '76 Fender Precision w/Dimarzio Model P
            '84 MIJ Fender Jazz Bass Special w/SD Hot for P neck & Dimarzio Model J for bridge [BEAD tuning]
            '99 Fretless MIJ Fender Precision/'87 MIJ Fender Squier Jazz hybrid w/SD QP for Jazz
            '12 MIM Fender Jazz w/Dimarzio Model J
            '14 Fretless Warmoth Custom T w/ SDCS Stack for SCPB N & B


            • #36
              Re: P bass scarcity

              Originally posted by BRHGM View Post
              It's true. When you absolutely have to have a P bass there is no substitute.

              Except when you can get a Jazz bass with split coils (Black Top) or HB's (Modern Player). There's so many versions of Jazz basses these days, I don't see a need for me to ever get a P bass.
              "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
              "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
              "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."

