Several of you have commented on how good the GT-M's sound in your amps. I am considering experimenting with some more GOOD tubes since I put my Marshall back together. I am currently running a NOS RTF 12AX7 in V1 and a NOS GE Greyplate 12AX7 in V2. I am using a mix of other new production tubes in V3, V4 and my PI slot.
Do my V3 and V4 slots really make that much difference in tone? Also is it worth it to put a NOS in the PI slot?
Of the true NOS tubes, list me your favorites and then why. I don't mind spending $100 a tube for Mullards or Bugle Boy's if they really are the schnizzle...I just want your opinions.
Do my V3 and V4 slots really make that much difference in tone? Also is it worth it to put a NOS in the PI slot?
Of the true NOS tubes, list me your favorites and then why. I don't mind spending $100 a tube for Mullards or Bugle Boy's if they really are the schnizzle...I just want your opinions.