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Does the PODxt come w/ recording software?

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  • Does the PODxt come w/ recording software?

    I know the POD 2.0 comes with that Emagic Soundriver disc, but does the PODxt come with the same software?

    Also, which one would you invest in? The POD 2.0? The PODxt? I know one is it's own thing and the other is based on the Vetta series, but what's the real difference? Is one better than the other? Can I record with both on the computer without buying any additional software?

    A lot of questions, yes, and I apologize, but I gotsta know!

  • #2
    Re: Does the PODxt come w/ recording software?

    The POD XT has more parameters you can alter, such as mike placement, mic type (I think) and more, plus a whole different set of amp models altogether.
    Hoo Hooooo Hooo Hoooooooo

    Sent from an old crank telephone in rural GA


    • #3
      Re: Does the PODxt come w/ recording software?

      I think PODxt is a much more comprehensive system to use if you want amp modelling and crap. Don't know if it comes with
      • EBMM JPX BFR (Crunch Lab/Liquifire)
      • Schecter C-1 Classic (Custom8/Jazz)
      • Mayones Duvell 7 Standard (Instrumental SFTY-3/Decomp)
      • G&L Tribute Comanche
      • Godin Stadium 59 (Custom Cajun/'59)
      • Horizon Precision Drive --> Fulltone FB3/FD 2 --> Crybaby From Hell (Fasel) --> Boss BF-2 --> CH-1 --> TC Flashback X4
      • Mesa/Boogie Mark IV-B (SED =C= 6L6) + EarCandy BuzzBomb 2x12 (V30/C90)


      • #4
        Re: Does the PODxt come w/ recording software?

        Soundiver is not recording software. It only allows you to manage and edit tone parameters. The new version uses the new Line 6 Edit software, which is free and supported by Line 6 now. The PODxt version 2.0 is much much more comprehensive over the old POD 2, in capability and sound.

        As far as recording software, you can get some pretty cheap or free alternatives that do limited recording from the web. Cool Edit is one or nTrack from FASoft.
        Institute Of Noise Music Productions

        Director of US Sales & Operations
        Bogner Amplification

