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GT5/3 and GT6 as effects engine... opinions/help?

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  • GT5/3 and GT6 as effects engine... opinions/help?

    I got fed up with my G Major and am getting rid of it (see the trading post) and I've decided what I'd like to do is run a multi pedal as an effects engine in the effects loop in my amp as it'll be easier to use and less actual hardware. Of course it's hard to get a multi pedal these days without amp models that sounds decent but I'll tell you what I've decided/seen so far.

    1. The ME50 is not gonna work. I'd have to get a 2nd ftsw to change banks AND the sound cuts off for about 1/5th of a second when switching patches. Good overall sound though but I'd rather not buy a 2nd ftsw and the sound cutoff is unacceptable.

    2. The GT6 seems like it would work well but I'd not be needing the preamp or distortion pedal modeling, which seems like kind of a waste of such a nice unit. using it purely as an effects engine seems like it would be underutilizing the thing. Plus if you don't turn the preamp/distortion modeles off running it in the loop of a tube amp (the sound of which you like enough already and you get your OD/DS from the amp and a pedal) it sounds like ass.

    3. I'm thinking maybe a GT5 or GT3 2ndhand would be a good FX engine. I found some old literature on it and I remember them sounding pretty decent for effects (not pre sounds) There's a used GT5 in the local GC for 275...

    4. I don't like digitech at ALL.

    5. Can anyone suggest any alternative pedals/units?

    Thanks for all your input.

  • #2
    Re: GT5/3 and GT6 as effects engine... opinions/help?

    bump.... anyone? comments, personal experience, suggestions?

    I may just put the GT5 at GC on hold until my GMajor sells and i can pay for it... the reviews are better than i expected on Harmony Central too. I'm gonna go see if there's somewhere where I can get manuals for it.
    Last edited by B2D; 09-29-2004, 01:05 AM.


    • #3
      Re: GT5/3 and GT6 as effects engine... opinions/help?

      You may be able to download a .pdf manual?

      I had a GT-6 and the effects were very powerful, so that is a contender I suppose, although there is the preamp issue, although if you get all of your fx set up in patches with no preamp/od/ds on them it should work fine.

      I think a GT-5/3 would probably be ideal though, as from what I hear they are similar fx wise, and like you say you can pick them up cheap, and boss pedals last forever.
      "What frequency are you getting? Is it noise or sweet, sweet music?"


      • #4
        Re: GT5/3 and GT6 as effects engine... opinions/help?

        I love my ME-50's tone, but I HATE that sound cutoff. I wish they'd fix that

        I know the GT-6 and GT-5 got some good reviews. Have you considered those new Korg pedals? I heard some clips of them and they sound kinda cool, probably not as good as the Boss stuff though.

        Are you a heavy FX user? I was going to suggest Line 6 Stompbox modellers, but if you need a bunch of different FX, that'd be pretty expensive.
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        • #5
          Re: GT5/3 and GT6 as effects engine... opinions/help?

          I'm a "heavy" fx user but not in the way you would think. I use several different combos of the same effects and need to switch between them quickly. for instance... 1) slow chorus, 1 medium repeat delay
          2) Fast chorus w/long delay and verb
          3) "Cathedral" delay
          4) slight compressor and long delay, etc etc...

          Occasionally i do like to have a few "weird" settings for trippy sounds as well and having all the "bread and butter" FX plus the wacko ones when you need them there is nice.

          I think I'll go put a hold on that GT5 and keep looking for a manual... if anyone else has anything more to suggest I'll be happy to listen. Thanx!

