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DSL50 or JCM800

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  • #16
    Re: DSL50 or JCM800

    JCM 800 2 channel amp, 2205 or 2210 (50 and 100 watt respectively). Spend an extra $350-$500 having it modded by either Jeff Seal or Scott Splawn. Then you can have pristine Fender cleans AND awsome Marshall OD tones tailored to your preference (Plexi, Silver Jubilee, 2204, you get the idea)...all in one package. A bonus is that it will be PTP, not PC board. Where else can you get custom tailored Marshall tone for around a grand?

    If you're talking stock Marshalls, and cleans are a must, the the DLS wins that battle. The 800's are built for overdrive. I like the channel switching 800's.
    My Sound Clips


    • #17
      Re: DSL50 or JCM800

      I've owned an '83 JCM 800 2204 and a DSL, and I've got to say that I prefer the DSL.


      • #18
        Re: DSL50 or JCM800

        Not for the dirty tones on the DSL at all. Flabby and unfocused. Never played a reissue, myself, so unfortunately, can't really help you with comparisons. I like the simplicity of the one channel though. Get a nice dirty british tone and roll that volume back when you want it to clean up. Back to tube balls and if that ain't enough stick a distortion pedal in there.


        • #19
          Re: DSL50 or JCM800

          Depends on the year; I'm not a fan of DSL, regardless of the year (TSL is another story), and I really don't like the buzz saw "tone" of the JCM 800 RI's.
          Why don't you take your little Cobra Kais and get outta here?!
          My collaborative PROGRESSIVE ROCK PROJECT, As Follows.


          • #20
            Re: DSL50 or JCM800

            dls50 cause more versatile and less money. both are kick ass amps though.
            we can be heroes


            • #21
              Re: DSL50 or JCM800

              Never tried the 800RI, but I've owned a 800 2204 and a DSL50.

              The DSL50 has nicer cleans and better woman bluesy tone. It has more gain, but sounds a little buzzy and modern.

              The 800 2204 wasn' as bluesy, or as clean, and didn't have as much preamp gain. BUT, the punch-in-the-gut rock-n-roll umph and sustain, and overall quality of tone was unsurpassed by anything I've played (and I've owned a LOT of gear).

              Tough call, if you're into straight up rock-n-roll (especially if you're a lead player) then the JCM800 owns. If you want more versatility go with the DSL. Both are good and excell in different areas.


              • #22
                Re: DSL50 or JCM800

                TattooedCarrot, I have to disagree on the clean thing. The 800's I've owned have done that bluesey stuff better than most anything. That dirty-clean thing with punch is incredible. The DSL (or was it a TSL) that I tried just didn't have the same balls. The 800's with channel switching are cool but they don't quite have the same punch either.

                I have a 800 Reissue and it's great. Just like all the old ones I had but better! The EQ controls seem much more sensitive. I like that. Tons of bass out of this one too, I don't remember my old 800's having this big of a bottom. Also a tad more gain as well. On the versatility, I really love the clean tone as you back it off on an 800. That dirtyish clean thing is killer. Very Trower sounding. Also stuff like Little Wing sounds sooo good like that. That's my kinda clean. the reissue is stunning.

                I'm not a fan of the 900's or the 2000, so I guess you know what I vote.
                But if you need channel switching or reverb I guess that decides it.
                Last edited by gypsy; 10-24-2004, 10:43 AM.


                • #23
                  Re: DSL50 or JCM800

                  50 watt Rectoverb head with el34s. Or the 800 with a boost or pre amp.
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                  • #24
                    Re: DSL50 or JCM800

                    Originally posted by LucidInterval
                    50 watt Rectoverb head with el34s. Or the 800 with a boost or pre amp.
                    I'm currently using a 50W rectoverb head with el34s thru a 4x12 Marshall cab and it outperforms the DSL50 in pretty much every category. Yes, the tone is different but I can still get more than enough british flavor. Sounds great!

                    The JCM800 with a booster was my previous setup and while it sounded awesome it was loud as all hell (couldn't afford a HotPlate at the time) and the cleans were "feh"... If you really wanna stick with a Marshall amp pick up a 2205 JCM800 head and have Jeff Seal do mods on it. The price will end up being about the same as a new rectoverb head.


                    • #25
                      Re: DSL50 or JCM800

                      JCM 800 all the way!!!!!!
                      cause he

                      say so!


                      • #26
                        Re: DSL50 or JCM800

                        DSL50. I dig its no-frills modern sound slightly better.

                        If I personally had to choose between a DSL and a JCM800 I'd still pick my bad-famed SL-X because tonally it is somewhere between the two and don't slay my money reserves.
                        Diabolus in Musica
                        SIDrip Alliance
                        Book of Shadows

