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Replacing Pickups in Epiphone Vintage G-400

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  • Replacing Pickups in Epiphone Vintage G-400

    Alright this is the situation.

    I was wondering if it was worth replacing the pickups on an epiphone g-400. Originally i was planning on saving up for a new ibanez to replace the pickups on. But i know for a fact that im not going to be able to buy a new guitar for a lonnnng time. I do not have a job And noone wants to buy my epiphone cuz the area around the input is ripped. My birthday is tomorrow and im spening my money on a new tube amp which will be most likely a second hand peavey classic or traynor ycv.

    I was planning on getting either Air norton in the neck and tone zone in the bridge. OR PAF Pro in the neck and super distortion in the bridge. Which is better? i like to shred but i am also getting into a more vintage sound. If you listen to the band saves the day, then thats the sound i want.

  • #2
    Re: Replacing Pickups in Epiphone Vintage G-400

    How does the guitar feel and play? Do you like the way it sounds unplugged? If so, it's worth fixing up. My personal recommendations for pickups would be a Pearly Gates for the neck and a Custom Custom or Custom for the bridge. I know they are not Dimarzios, but they can do shred in spades and will retain a vintage flavor that most Dimarzio humbuckers can't suss.
    Ain't nothin' but a G thang, baby.

