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What do you do when you have the money ....but you shouldnt be spending it

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  • #16
    Re: What do you do when you have the money ....but you shouldnt be spending it

    Originally posted by Kam View Post
    Dear OP,
    Ignore this man, he's obviously insane.

    Kind regards,
    LOL, being insane is awesome, you should try it some time. But in all seriousness, if you really want it, buy it!


    • #17
      Re: What do you do when you have the money ....but you shouldnt be spending it

      Geez are you guys serious?

      Do you already have a guitar? Then don't buy it period. Playing is supposed to be a part of your life, not your entire life. There's priorities in life. It's not like a new instrument will make you play better. If you've already got some cool gear around then why bother?

      I vote no. A big, big no. Use that money on something you need, not something you want. A guitar is essential, maybe. More than one's just something to give yourself a pat in the back unless you make a living out of it.


      • #18
        Re: What do you do when you have the money ....but you shouldnt be spending it

        What are the other things you need to pay for? Car loan or something like that? This all depends on how important the other priorities in your life are.

        However a good deal on a sweet guitar doesn't come along often and if you can do it while still maintaining your other priorities i don't see why you shouldn't do it.

        For example if I hadn't bought the new guitars I got this year i'd have my car paid off by now...but all the guitars i bought can be sold for more than i paid for them. It might not balance out exactly in the books but now i have more tools for more art and my car will still get paid off before the loan's up...just not NOW

        So um yeah...if it's a rare one-of-a-kind awesome guitar that you never see anymore and you're current with everything...don't hesitate on the axe.

        If it's a slightly-used American Standard Strat and your ex-girlfriend is 8 and 3/4 months pregnant with your first kid then you should probly save your money.
        green globe burned black by sunn


        • #19
          Re: What do you do when you have the money ....but you shouldnt be spending it

          Honestly, it depends on the instrument, but my opinion:

          No sense in being loose with your cash, all it does is cause trouble. You're obviously not in a financial situation that you could purchase the guitar AND continue on with life like nothing ever happened. If you were, you wouldn't be posting a thread such as this.

          Save your cash, and when you're in a position that you can afford said instrument, buy it. Search on eBay, Craigslist, whatever. Find it and get it. Until then, keep dreaming and be content with what you own.
          This is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfections. - St. Augustine of Hippo


          • #20
            Re: What do you do when you have the money ....but you shouldnt be spending it

            I know what I do....but it's because I've amassed a good collection.
            I know I shouldn't spend money out of pocket, so I start listing things for sale, then front the money for the piece I want. And then, like usual, I have a tougher time selling my stuff than I thought I would. I just keep it listed or lower the price, then recoup what I spent.

            I think most people would be amazed at how much money they've got sitting idle in their closet.....mics, road cases, pedals, bicycles, and junk you may not miss.
            Originally posted by Boogie Bill
            I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!


            • #21
              Re: What do you do when you have the money ....but you shouldnt be spending it

              Originally posted by zerosturm View Post
              There is a guitar I just came across today that I really want. Only problem is its gonna cost $1000 plus. I have the money to buy it and these dont come around too often but I know I have things I should be spending that money on first. I guess my logic tells me I could always get one later but I want it now
              Ever heard of a CREDIT CARD...?


              • #22
                Re: What do you do when you have the money ....but you shouldnt be spending it

                If you don't think you can afford it, I would say don't play it. Whenever I have actually got my hands on the equipment in question and hear the magic its too late and I will have it within a few days.
                I am doing a masters at the moment and only have about £75 to spend a month (less than $125) after rent and food. I have also been decending into my paying overdraft. I came into £450 which could have sorted me out til October (when I will be getting paid again). Straight after I got the money I played a Marshall JVM, saw one on ebay for £500 and well.. its sitting next to me now.
                Don't regret it at all, but kind of wish I had more sense
                Frank Sinatra - "I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day."


                • #23
                  Re: What do you do when you have the money ....but you shouldnt be spending it

                  Just say no. There will still be plenty of great guitars around when you do have the money.


                  • #24
                    Re: What do you do when you have the money ....but you shouldnt be spending it

                    wow, the answers in this thread makes me question the life wisdom of many here. TC has a solid head. don't do it, you'll always fall in love with another guitar.


                    • #25
                      Re: What do you do when you have the money ....but you shouldnt be spending it

                      What do you need the cash for? I do this kind of crazy act sparingly, and when I do it's because of a good deal. Do a quick ebay search and see how much the thing is going for. It's if good, consider it.


                      • #26
                        Re: What do you do when you have the money ....but you shouldnt be spending it

                        I don't understand the original question


                        • #27
                          Re: What do you do when you have the money ....but you shouldnt be spending it

                          You're about to see what can go wrong when you acquire money you need and put it to bad use. stay tuned. $500 are about to go out the window.


                          • #28
                            Re: What do you do when you have the money ....but you shouldnt be spending it

                            Originally posted by zerosturm View Post
                            What do you do when you have the money ....but you shouldnt be spending it [?]
                            You should definitely........................................ .................ah, nevermind, I don't wanna spoil the surprise!
                            my vinyl record collection | updated 11 August 2015


                            • #29
                              Re: What do you do when you have the money ....but you shouldnt be spending it

                              Eh, guilty as charged over here. Been saving my money selling off quite a bit of stuff and then across came a deal I couldn't say no to. I should be saving it for a "rainy day" fund or putting it towards some money I've already set aside for down payment on a house, but I haven't. Thankfully, I did prioritize a few really important things before taking the plunge.

                              Do yourself a favor. This is something I'm going to try to do more from now on (mind you). Set up different accounts for things that are important to you. Try to set aside what you can and leave some as "spending money". Put that spending money somewhere where you readily access it and put the rest into places that are out of sight and out of mind. You'll be less likely to tap into those funds that way. That's the one thing that's really saved me thus far.
                              Originally posted by kevlar3000
                              I learned a long time ago that the only thing that mattered regarding tone was what my ears thought.
                              Originally posted by Zerberus
                              Better is often the enemy of good
                              Originally posted by ginormous
                              Covers feed the body, originals feed the soul.


                              • #30
                                Re: What do you do when you have the money ....but you shouldnt be spending it

                                Well as if it was ever in question ...I want that guitar and Im gonna try and get it. I am although being somewhat responsible and I started putting stuff up on Ebay tonight. I have a friend that owes me $150 Ill hit up tomorrow..(I know hes good on it). I also have one other guitar I am willing to part with that will get me $275-$300. So worst case scenario I get $225 from my ebay sale, $150 from my friend and $275 for that guitar. With a little wheeling and dealing I could only need to come up with about $300. Case closed

