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I finally own enough guitars for a couch shot.

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  • #31
    Re: I finally own enough guitars for a couch shot.

    Varg : I said I don't care for it's sound, how does THAT mean I don't like it ? Next time before buggering me, read correctly !

    When I talk Tele, I want a "real" Tele, made by Fender, classic pickup conf, classic control conf. You don't have this Rich LOL, you have a semihollow Squier (semihollow is cool, Squier isn't IMO), you have what I would call an "incomplete" one on the right (no neck pickup ! a Tele with its awesome cleans from the neck pickup WITHOUT a neck pickup makes me really, really sad ^^) and the one on the left tells me you're a Tele shape freak. Dual humbuckers is so un-Tele IMO ^^
    There's so much gear I want that the whole list would make a highway to hell if it was ever written down.
    Don't ask.


    • #32
      Re: I finally own enough guitars for a couch shot.

      OK, so i am gonna echo most of these guys !

      That squire w. 3/4 Pounder is bloody Hot !

      One day (mark my words) i too will be able to do a couch shot, i hope.
      Tele, SG, LP Jr, '76 Ibanez Artist & Tokai LS92 + FUZZ boxes into a '66 AB165 Bassman & 2X12 (55Hz Greenbacks) / '73 Orange OR120 & 2X12 (V30 & SwampThang) / Orange Thunderverb 50 & PPC212 / Marshall Vintage Modern 50 & 2X12 Genz Benz g-Flex / Laney Klipp / Laney AOR Pro Tube 100

      "'s a tree with a microphone" - Leslie West


      • #33
        Re: I finally own enough guitars for a couch shot.

        Originally posted by The JEM Ghost View Post is clear that they are all members of the same family, it is also clear that there is diversity in the family as well, as each member seems to have it's own outspoken character...
        Kind of like my own family.
        Tra-la-laa, lala-la-laa!
        Rich Stevens

        "I am using you; am I amusing you?" - Martha Johnson, What People Do For Fun


        • #34
          Re: I finally own enough guitars for a couch shot.

          Jeez, this batch of new guys are a rowdy bunch, aren't they?

          Originally posted by Nagash View Post
          When I talk Tele, I want a "real" Tele, made by Fender, classic pickup conf, classic control conf. You don't have this Rich LOL, you have a semihollow Squier (semihollow is cool, Squier isn't IMO), you have what I would call an "incomplete" one on the right (no neck pickup ! a Tele with its awesome cleans from the neck pickup WITHOUT a neck pickup makes me really, really sad ^^) and the one on the left tells me you're a Tele shape freak. Dual humbuckers is so un-Tele IMO ^^
          Well, sir, I hope you enjoyed the dump you took on this thread because I'm almost certain that no one else did.

          First of all, while a lot of Squires are of questionable quality, the Classic Vibe series are actually remarkably decent instruments and a hell of a lot of guitar for the price. Especially if you manage to get one for FREE. Did you miss that part? Even if he hadn't, a Squire is nothing to be ashamed of playing.

          Secondly, there are many, many Teles out there with a single bridge pickup. It's called an Esquire. It was also the very first model of Telecaster released by Fender, way back in 1950. So if you want to talk about 'real' Teles, you can't get any 'realer' than a single-pickup Esquire.

          It's not a Tele because it's got two humbuckers? How about a HH Strat? Is that still a Strat? How about an SG with three singles? Does that conform to your definition of an SG? No, scratch that, how about a Les Paul with Coil-splits? I assume that's not a Les Paul? Maybe it's not traditional...but it's a Tele.

          And finally; Rich is a cool guy who's helped a lot of people out here. I've never personally seen him issue one harsh word in the direction of anyone. He went to the effort of taking a photo of gear he likes and gear he enjoys playing and posting it here for all of us ****ers to gawp at. He did it because he's proud of his equipment and it brings him happiness. And because he knows we like to look at pictures of cool guitars. If you don't like his style, that's fine. If you want to think he's an idiot for having three guitars the same shape or not owning a 'real' (by YOUR definition) Tele well then hey, that's your right. But here's a little age-old wisdom you should maybe take onboard...if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all.

          Look, man. I'm sorry if that sounded harsh but I'm grumpy, sleep-deprived, hungover as hell and seriously, you need to learn some ****ing manners.

 I'm not sorry. I meant every damn word.
          I remember calloused hands and paint-stained jeans, and I remember safe-as-houses self-belief.


          • #35
            Re: I finally own enough guitars for a couch shot.

            hows that thinline?

            Somehow i thought this thread was about finally having a COUCH to take a couch shot.


            • #36
              Re: I finally own enough guitars for a couch shot.

              On a less aggressive note:

              +1 to AZ's question. I've never actually played a thinline but I've always been fascinated by them. How do they differ from a solid body Tele?
              I remember calloused hands and paint-stained jeans, and I remember safe-as-houses self-belief.


              • #37
                Re: I finally own enough guitars for a couch shot.

                Originally posted by Kam View Post
                Jeez, this batch of new guys are a rowdy bunch, aren't they?

                Well, sir, I hope you enjoyed the dump you took on this thread because I'm almost certain that no one else did.

                First of all, while a lot of Squires are of questionable quality, the Classic Vibe series are actually remarkably decent instruments and a hell of a lot of guitar for the price. Especially if you manage to get one for FREE. Did you miss that part? Even if he hadn't, a Squire is nothing to be ashamed of playing.

                Secondly, there are many, many Teles out there with a single bridge pickup. It's called an Esquire. It was also the very first model of Telecaster released by Fender, way back in 1950. So if you want to talk about 'real' Teles, you can't get any 'realer' than a single-pickup Esquire.

                It's not a Tele because it's got two humbuckers? How about a HH Strat? Is that still a Strat? How about an SG with three singles? Does that conform to your definition of an SG? No, scratch that, how about a Les Paul with Coil-splits? I assume that's not a Les Paul? Maybe it's not traditional...but it's a Tele.

                And finally; Rich is a cool guy who's helped a lot of people out here. I've never personally seen him issue one harsh word in the direction of anyone. He went to the effort of taking a photo of gear he likes and gear he enjoys playing and posting it here for all of us ****ers to gawp at. He did it because he's proud of his equipment and it brings him happiness. And because he knows we like to look at pictures of cool guitars. If you don't like his style, that's fine. If you want to think he's an idiot for having three guitars the same shape or not owning a 'real' (by YOUR definition) Tele well then hey, that's your right. But here's a little age-old wisdom you should maybe take onboard...if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all.

                Look, man. I'm sorry if that sounded harsh but I'm grumpy, sleep-deprived, hungover as hell and seriously, you need to learn some ****ing manners.

       I'm not sorry. I meant every damn word.

                Next time you want to give me some advice, don't make me feel like you want to tell me I'm an idiot. Idiots don't listen, they carry on being idiots. So next time either BE sorry or don't expect me to give the slightest **** about what you tell me.

                What I call a "real" Tele is the standard model, even if it's not the very first one, it's the one people take as a reference, and this one has two pickups. If I chose the wrong word (even though I used inverted commas to make it clear I didn't want the damn word to be unquestionable), don't forget I'm not a native speaker and that I sometimesmake a few mistakes. I know Esquires aren't bad, but they'll never be as good as Fenders, just like Epiphone is miles away from Gibson in terms of quality.

                For the dual humbuckers, I just said I find it odd to have them in a Tele cause humbuckers make me think of louder music and Tele doesn't, that's all. I personnally like to have different shapes for different guitars, makes them more individual.

                And for the little age-old wisdom you mentioned, I'm not 15 anymore, so stop treating me like an idiot. I came here saing I find three Tele's boring, I never said his guitars suck, I never insulted him, I'm not the guy overreacting here. As I said, and this makes me come back to my first paragraph, either stop treating me like an idiot or don't expect me to want to make things better.
                There's so much gear I want that the whole list would make a highway to hell if it was ever written down.
                Don't ask.


                • #38
                  Re: I finally own enough guitars for a couch shot.

                  Originally posted by Nagash View Post
                  Next time you want to give me some advice, don't make me feel like you want to tell me I'm an idiot. Idiots don't listen, they carry on being idiots. So next time either BE sorry or don't expect me to give the slightest **** about what you tell me.

                  What I call a "real" Tele is the standard model, even if it's not the very first one, it's the one people take as a reference, and this one has two pickups. If I chose the wrong word (even though I used inverted commas to make it clear I didn't want the damn word to be unquestionable), don't forget I'm not a native speaker and that I sometimesmake a few mistakes. I know Esquires aren't bad, but they'll never be as good as Fenders, just like Epiphone is miles away from Gibson in terms of quality.

                  For the dual humbuckers, I just said I find it odd to have them in a Tele cause humbuckers make me think of louder music and Tele doesn't, that's all. I personnally like to have different shapes for different guitars, makes them more individual.

                  And for the little age-old wisdom you mentioned, I'm not 15 anymore, so stop treating me like an idiot. I came here saing I find three Tele's boring, I never said his guitars suck, I never insulted him, I'm not the guy overreacting here. As I said, and this makes me come back to my first paragraph, either stop treating me like an idiot or don't expect me to want to make things better.
                  Frankly I believe anything with the words "Squier", "Fender" or "Telecaster" on it to be a real tele.

                  Fenders budget line is er... Squier. not "Esquire" (or even Squire wink wink). The Esquire is the first version of the Telecaster and it's own thing really.

                  3 teles is boring? Have you ever played a tele?


                  • #39
                    Re: I finally own enough guitars for a couch shot.

                    Originally posted by Nagash View Post
                    Next time you want to give me some advice, don't make me feel like you want to tell me I'm an idiot. Idiots don't listen, they carry on being idiots. So next time either BE sorry or don't expect me to give the slightest **** about what you tell me.

                    What I call a "real" Tele is the standard model, even if it's not the very first one, it's the one people take as a reference, and this one has two pickups. If I chose the wrong word (even though I used inverted commas to make it clear I didn't want the damn word to be unquestionable), don't forget I'm not a native speaker and that I sometimesmake a few mistakes. I know Esquires aren't bad, but they'll never be as good as Fenders, just like Epiphone is miles away from Gibson in terms of quality.

                    For the dual humbuckers, I just said I find it odd to have them in a Tele cause humbuckers make me think of louder music and Tele doesn't, that's all. I personnally like to have different shapes for different guitars, makes them more individual.

                    And for the little age-old wisdom you mentioned, I'm not 15 anymore, so stop treating me like an idiot. I came here saing I find three Tele's boring, I never said his guitars suck, I never insulted him, I'm not the guy overreacting here. As I said, and this makes me come back to my first paragraph, either stop treating me like an idiot or don't expect me to want to make things better.

                    I'll admit, I neglected to glance at your location, so I wasn't aware that you weren't a native speaker. Since I'm a bit of a stickler for spelling and grammar, that actually says quite a lot about your ability to read and write coherently in English. It's impressive, to say the least.

                    Aaaaaannnnnnyyyyyyywwwwwwaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yy......

                    Man, I never meant to make you feel like an idiot. I was just pointing out some flaws in your logic. I'm not saying you're stupid....just that you have a bad attitude.

                    I mean, how would you feel if you posted a photo of your gear and someone just came along and called it boring? Not great, I'd expect. I thought you were being incredibly rude and I called you on it. That's all.

                    We've derailed this thread enough with this petty argument, so this'll probably be my last off-topic post in this thread. I just ask you to be a little more considerate in the future. That's all.
                    I remember calloused hands and paint-stained jeans, and I remember safe-as-houses self-belief.


                    • #40
                      Re: I finally own enough guitars for a couch shot.

                      The Thinline is great guitar. It still has the Tele snap, but with a broader, more woody sound. The neck is as good as my MIMs. It's great for practicing unplugged, since it has a bit more guts & volume. Nothing wrong with the unplugged sound - a decent '60s-style set of pickup, and RWRP to boot. It may say Squier on the peghead, but it's not just a beater. The CV is a worthwhile, playable guitar and an economical way to scratch the Thinline itch.
                      Last edited by Rich_S; 11-28-2010, 06:48 PM.
                      Tra-la-laa, lala-la-laa!
                      Rich Stevens

                      "I am using you; am I amusing you?" - Martha Johnson, What People Do For Fun


                      • #41
                        Re: I finally own enough guitars for a couch shot.

                        @Kam : okay, we're done.

                        I think I know the problem with his familiy picture... it has guitars, it has a couch, but... NO CAT !

                        Family pictures without a cat = not epic.

                        Just kidding, I'lml stay away from this thread from now on.
                        There's so much gear I want that the whole list would make a highway to hell if it was ever written down.
                        Don't ask.


                        • #42
                          Re: I finally own enough guitars for a couch shot.

                          I have 3 guitars as well, but now I need a couch.


                          • #43
                            Re: I finally own enough guitars for a couch shot.

                            Originally posted by Nagash View Post
                            @Kam : okay, we're done.

                            I think I know the problem with his familiy picture... it has guitars, it has a couch, but... NO CAT !

                            Family pictures without a cat = not epic.

                            Just kidding, I'lml stay away from this thread from now on.
                            No, you're not kidding.

                            I've seen a few pictures here of a bunch of guitars... and cats.


                            • #44
                              Re: I finally own enough guitars for a couch shot.


                              Nice collection, man!

                              I'm surprised to hear myself say this, but the gold one would look awesome with a rosewood fretboard.
                              Last edited by sosomething; 11-29-2010, 08:18 AM.

                              Hear or Follow my music:

