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Which 12AX7 tube......

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  • Which 12AX7 tube......

    .....delivers the smoothest breakup when used for an amps drive channel? I just bought a THD Hotplate to use with my Peavey Classic 30 and I'm in the process of re-dialing things in. As of right now I'm using a Sovtek 5751 in V1. It delivers a cleaner sound from the clean channel and it did help to tame the OD channel somewhat. In the OD channel I'm currentley using a JJ ECC83S. I have tried lesser gained tubes for the OD channel (12AY's and such) but they seem to take to much gain away and leave things rather flat sounding. I'm almost there with the amps OD channel, but if I could just knock a bit of that edge off I'd be all set. If you could be as specific as possible when describing what tube might be worth trying I'd sure appreciate it. Thank you for your time.

  • #2
    Re: Which 12AX7 tube......

    I find the GT 12AX7M to be a good tube when the breakup is too grainy.
    Originally posted by LesStrat
    make sure that you own the gear, not vice versa.
    My Music


    • #3
      Re: Which 12AX7 tube......

      My two favorite pre tubes are the GT 12AX7C and 12AX7M, and I've done lifetime's worth of tube swapping in every type of amp. Of course, there's other good one's, especially NOS, but for new production tubes, these two are impossible to beat.
      The C's are Chinese, but have the best reputation for smooth gain with a tight focused bottom. $14 each.
      The M's are faithful reproductions of Mullard ECC83's (12AX7), and have the most volume and gain of any tube I've ever tried. When you put one in your amp, you hear that your amp just got a bit louder and gainier. The only downside is that they can be muddy sounding in amps that already have adequate gain. For cleaner amps, they'll give you the sense of lowered headroom and better gain at lower levels.
      Those are $23 from most distributors.

      Honorable mention for the Sovtek 12AX7LPS as well. Best thing Sovtek ever made.
      Originally posted by Boogie Bill
      I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!


      • #4
        Re: Which 12AX7 tube......

        Thank's guy's. Aleclee, I've seen the GT 12AX7M at my local music store. Think I'll get a few tomorrow. Gearjonser, it's funny you mentioned the Sovtek 12AX7LPS. I went thru my tube box, found and tried an EH 12AX7LPS. I don't know the differances between the EH and the Sovtek but I rather liked what I was hearing from my gain channel.


        • #5
          Re: Which 12AX7 tube......

          I think EH tubes are Sovtek's higher end tubes. It's interesting that you say the EH says LPS. That would mean it's the same exact tube, whether it's labeled EH or Sovtek. Leave that one in for awhile.
          Originally posted by Boogie Bill
          I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!


          • #6
            Re: Which 12AX7 tube......

            Iīve recently tried both EH 12ax7 and Sovtek 12ax7LPS. They sound in my ears and my rig quite similar, but the LPS is perhaps smoother and gainier (reviews on the LPS however often say the opposite: it is said to be less gainy compared to the EH). They seem to have very different design. LPS stands for "long plate" and spiral filament. There was a Sovtek LP that did not have the spiral filament and hummed with AC heater supplies that most amps use. The spiral reduces this hum and makes the tube very quiet. The long plate tend to be microphonic, and is not recommended for loud combo amps - but thatīs how I use it. The LPS does not light up like other tubes, but stay black, which made me first think it was not working properly. I like the LPS so far, but Iīm worried about itīs rumour of being fragile...

