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Who is using a Marshall MG series Amp?

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  • #16
    Re: Who is using a Marshall MG series Amp?

    Originally posted by JeffB
    Thank you all for the feedback.

    I'm not particularly worried about the volume as it will be used for practice @ home and jamming with friends once in a while.

    The amp sounded pretty good to me, fairly tube-like..not as good as my 1987 reissue of course, nor as good as the Vox Valvetronix 60 watter I tried, but it's also $375 cheaper than the Vox.

    But I know that amps don't always sound the same at home as they do in the store too.

    Ughh...this is gonna be tough finding what I need/want....
    Get The ValveTronix!!!!

    I had one of the older MG series at home for a good while (borrowed from a friend) G80CD , It wasn't a bad amp for practising and jamming but honestly the Vox Valvetronix kicks its a$$..You wont regret it if you spend that little extra on the Vox!!
    Marshall JVM 410C
    Mesa Boogie DC-3
    ~2010 USA G&L Legacy Special/S-500 bastard-child, Tobaccoburst.
    1996 USA G&L Legacy, Honeyburst, SSS , Dimarzio Injector/Kinman AVn69/AVn69
    2007 USA Gibson LP Studio, Stock PUPs
    2005 USA EBMM Silhouette Special,Hardtail , Tobaccoburst,SSS Stock PUPs
    1999 USA Peavey Wolfgang,Flame Cherryburst Trem
    2005 MIM Fender Tele, Hotrails/Stock Neck
    1997 Yamaha Pacifica 812 EMGs


    • #17
      Re: Who is using a Marshall MG series Amp?

      Originally posted by Benjy_26
      A buddy of mine recently retired his Peavey Prowler for the 100w head version of the new MG. When he told me, i thought the world fell off it's axis. I went to listen to his band play though, and it sounded great. he's running it through a Marshall 2x12 loaded with a V30 and an old peavey Scorpion speaker.

      If it sounds that good, I don't see any prolems with it (except maybe durability).
      Yeah, the 100W head version is pretty great. I like the addition of the "crunch" channel, which takes it away from the more "modern" tones and into the mid to light gain stuff, something (to me) a little more classic sounding.


      I'm not really that big of a tone hound though [but I can tell good gear from bad gear], and I'm very utilitarian in terms of what I buy/play since I don't have cash to throw around nor do I have a car to surf the pawn shops for something "better". So, you may to take my opinion with a grain of salt...

      On a related note: Dosen't BB King use a SS amp?
      Last edited by Closed Eye; 11-22-2004, 01:09 PM.


      • #18
        Re: Who is using a Marshall MG series Amp?

        Originally posted by JeffB
        Thank you all for the feedback.

        I'm not particularly worried about the volume as it will be used for practice @ home and jamming with friends once in a while.

        The amp sounded pretty good to me, fairly tube-like..not as good as my 1987 reissue of course, nor as good as the Vox Valvetronix 60 watter I tried, but it's also $375 cheaper than the Vox.
        Scuse me tounge but HOW THE F*** do you put a 1987 RI even in the same PLANET of quality and tone as an MG100 or a Valvetronix?

        As far as the price... you get what you pay for. If volume is not an issue then you shan't be worried but even with vulome the amp just lacks punch and presence and character.


        • #19
          Re: Who is using a Marshall MG series Amp?

          Originally posted by JeffB
          Any more input on these amps would be welcome. For those who did not care for it, is it just because you prefer tubes so much that nothing else sounds good to you, or would you say for what it is, it's a decent replication/rendition of the Marshall sound?
          I did not care for it because as i said, it sounds thin, tinny and doesn't seem as powerful as it should be for what it's rated at. The sound is buzzy, hollow, and lacks character and the effects are abrasive. If you need to leave the FDD switch on for better tone then that probably says somthing about the amp itself right there... saying that this amp sounds like a Marshall is like saying your Crate GX15 can compete with a Peavey Classic 30.

          Yes, i prefer tubes but i also like a few SS amps for what they have to offer. And usually those SS amps are outstanding examples of what you can do with good engineering of SS stuff for tones. My favorite SS amp is the Line 6 Flextone II series because I think it's easy to get good, usable tones out of them for recording and practice. They're powerful enough to jam with as well and they sound very good. In a raw shootout the Flextone II's will blow the MG off the stage in every category.

          For practice, demo recording, jamming with smaller groups with medium volume I'd use a flextone II... But if you called me to do a live gig right now I'd haul my Boogie Rectoverb up on stage, turn it up loud where the tubes like to be, and leave the chips at home.


          • #20
            Re: Who is using a Marshall MG series Amp?

            Originally posted by TwilightOdyssey
            That amp is complete crap ...
            Straight and to the point, eh?

            (love your avatar, btw, Jeff!)
            Strongbad RAWKS!

            Edit: I realize that this is an unsubstantiated claim. I will go into detail if you want.
            I definitely am curious about everyone's opinions. If you have the time a short summary would be much appreciated. This is a very important investment for me, and I'd really like to make the best possible choice. I've been out of the guitar loop for nearly 10 years and am not up on all the latest equipment. Heck if money weren't an issue I'd buy a VHT combo and be done with it
            I'm an internet person. All we do is waste time evaluating things that have next-to-zero real world significance.

            Remember, it's just a plank of wood. YOU have to find the music in it - The Telecaster Handbook


            • #21
              Re: Who is using a Marshall MG series Amp?

              i have an mg15dfx. not a bad little practice amp. the effects are definitely the best part about it. Goes from no distortion to full blown... heh.

              soon to be thrown off a truck going down the highway. watch out, fretfire!
              Important Gear:
              Fender Standard MIM Strat
              Epiphone Standard Les Paul
              fender hot rod deluxe
              analogman ts-9
              dunlop 535Q wah


              • #22
                Re: Who is using a Marshall MG series Amp?

                Originally posted by y2stevo
                Get The ValveTronix!!!!

                I had one of the older MG series at home for a good while (borrowed from a friend) G80CD , It wasn't a bad amp for practising and jamming but honestly the Vox Valvetronix kicks its a$$..You wont regret it if you spend that little extra on the Vox!!
                I was definitely impressed with the Vox 60 watter. Alot of really good sounds and only a few not so hot sounds. It was definitely the best of the modeling amps I've tried (admittedly I have only tried 3...but). To swing the Vox though, I'd have to sell my 1987, and I'm really trying to avoid that. It only does one thing, but it does that one thing better than anything else, and I'd hate like heck to give it up for fear of wanting it back someday and not being able to afford it.
                I'm an internet person. All we do is waste time evaluating things that have next-to-zero real world significance.

                Remember, it's just a plank of wood. YOU have to find the music in it - The Telecaster Handbook


                • #23
                  Re: Who is using a Marshall MG series Amp?

                  Originally posted by B2D
                  Scuse me tounge but HOW THE F*** do you put a 1987 RI even in the same PLANET of quality and tone as an MG100 or a Valvetronix?
                  Well I thought the "of course" was a satisfactory disclaimer I meant that the MG was not close to the 1987, and the MG was not even as good as the Vox.

                  As far as the price... you get what you pay for. If volume is not an issue then you shan't be worried but even with vulome the amp just lacks punch and presence and character.
                  Thanks for the comments As I said above this is an important investment for me, and I'm really trying to get people's opinions who have more experience with this newer equipment than I do. The last time I bought an amp was 1995. Back then the SansAmp was new and people were sceptical about it (I know, I got all kinds of crap for buying one ) modeling is a very well accepted technology, and solid state seems to have improved greatly too.
                  I'm an internet person. All we do is waste time evaluating things that have next-to-zero real world significance.

                  Remember, it's just a plank of wood. YOU have to find the music in it - The Telecaster Handbook


                  • #24
                    Re: Who is using a Marshall MG series Amp?

                    Originally posted by B2D
                    ...saying that this amp sounds like a Marshall is like saying your Crate GX15 can compete with a Peavey Classic 30....
                    Heh..not familiar with either of those amps, but I think I can make an educated guess regarding your analogy And yes, I was not terribly impressed with the effects either in the MG (though it's not a concern for me personally, I use stompers, and will run my Boss DD into the FX loop)

                    My favorite SS amp is the Line 6 Flextone II series....the Flextone II's will blow the MG off the stage in every category.
                    How similar is the Flextone II to the Flextone III (I believe that is the current model)? The only line 6 I've tried was the Spider II and although it was a cool amp, I didn't think it sounded.."real" enough..flat and thin. Is the Flextone a big improvement?

                    But if you called me to do a live gig right now I'd haul my Boogie Rectoverb up on stage, turn it up loud where the tubes like to be, and leave the chips at home.
                    Heh. I cannot argue there I prefer tubes by far as well, and would love to own a Boogie (one of the few tube amp brands available for a long time I have not owned). Thanx again for your comments.
                    I'm an internet person. All we do is waste time evaluating things that have next-to-zero real world significance.

                    Remember, it's just a plank of wood. YOU have to find the music in it - The Telecaster Handbook


                    • #25
                      Re: Who is using a Marshall MG series Amp?

                      I used an MG100RCD for several years before I bought my Mesa. It didn't really sound all that bad to me. But again, I'm just another tube fiend.

                      Wanna buy my old Marshall?

                      phear teh guitar pissing kitty of DEWM!!!

