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Auto tune Guitars

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  • #16
    Re: Auto tune Guitars

    I have a Gibson LP Studio Robot.. the price was right, and my curiosity compelled me to give it a go..

    1) it is a great sounding/playing guitar.. very powerful, and punchy, killer tone.. it's a Les Paul after all.. has a really thick neck which I don't mind, most likely to put up with the stresses of changing string tensions.. and to communicate between the motorized tuners and the 'computer-brain' located in the control cavity..

    2) when set up correctly.. (bit of a learning curve there) it works pretty damned good.. it's fairly (read below) reliable, and only takes a few seconds to switch between Standard Tuning, and Open G for example.. takes a bit longer for more radically different tunings.. but still pretty quick

    3) Chicks dig it..

    1) I have already had to replace the tuner mechanism for the 6th string.. previous owner cranked on it to tune it 'manually' without pulling the knob out first, resulting in stripping the gear.. this is easy to do admittedly, as old habits we have to reach over and tune without thinking first etc..

    2) Gibson's 'customer service' is virtually non-existant.. they were no help when I inquired about repairing my guitar.. I had to scour eBay to find a replacement for the mechanism.. they're produced by a small company over in Germany, and apparently hadn't been widely available for sale to the public until recently..

    3) You have to remember to charge it.. and pretty often.. If you screw up the sequence of steps, which is easy to do, trust me.. it won't charge properly.. poorly designed.. they need to make it idiot proof *cough* as I have fallen victim to this frustrating event..

    4) it's supposed to tune 'silently' when engaged.. it doesn't.. I still have to turn down my volume pedal to make it completely silent

    5) there's this weird sensation when your wrist is over the bridge.. you can feel the 'electrical field' where the sensors detect the string vibration.. it's quite distracting sometimes.. like your gonna get a shock.. which is not fun

    I originally got it hoping I could utilize it to replace taking 'extra' guitars to my cover-band gigs where we had a bunch of alternate-tunings etc.. and for slide playing.. however, it's been more trouble than it's worth so far.. there's definitely room for improvement

    Sorry for the wall of text.. eyes bleeding..
    Last edited by TeleLubber; 06-09-2011, 01:18 PM.


    • #17
      Re: Auto tune Guitars

      +1 for the robot from Lost in Space tuning his guitar.

