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Roasted Peanuts... Err, I mean Maple.

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  • Roasted Peanuts... Err, I mean Maple.

    Roasted Maple. seems like EBMMs have had them as a neck wood option for a while.
    Gibson's now using them on several Les Paul Studios. The look isn't half bad... not very traditional but whatever right? Times are changing with respect to "the norms" and tradition. anyways...

    Anyone played a mahogany neck with a roasted maple board? How's the feel? Sound? It could be the ticket as Les Pauls sound just fine with Ebony (bright attack and smooth feel under the fingers). perhaps roasted maple would be in that ballpark, at least vs. rosewood?

    I haven't seen any of these fretboards available locally yet. Perhaps some of you have, so I thought I'd ask.

  • #2
    Re: Roasted Peanuts... Err, I mean Maple.

    Considering Gibson is having legal problems recently with their import of Indian Rosewood and Macassar Ebony, I think you'll see roasted maple used as an alternative to Ebony. I haven't played one, but having unfinished maple necks, I don't know how any maple can feel as smooth as ebony


    • #3
      Re: Roasted Peanuts... Err, I mean Maple.


