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What would u do?

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  • What would u do?

    Heres my situation, as we all know christmas is right around the corner, and my folks are wanting to know what i want. ~~~
    The thing is is that im not really sure. I know im gonna pass up the golf clubs and get something guitar related.
    Now the guitar i have now is a Tradition that i bought a couple years back and really like. The wood is great ( I seem to think ) and i really like how it vibrates and the neck on it. The bad part is it doesnt hold its value worth ****. This is one of the reasons that im looking to ask my old man for some kind of Fender MIA. Either an American or American Deluxe. Only because i can get this deal from my friends dad ( i think ) whos sponsored by fender. I can get a guitar half of the list price. First off should i just keep my guitar or go for a MIA Fender with 3 single coils, ill probabally still keep my guitar anyway though(hopefully my parents wont make me sell it). Or should i get a tube head of some sort( can only spend around 700 bucks) to put ontop of my marshall half stack 4x12, and then sell my mg thats currently on it. Im just wondering what i should do, so im asking for yalls opinions on what you would do... ?

    There is no spoone
    - The Matricks

  • #2
    Re: What would u do?

    You should probably keep your first guitar just for sentimental reasons. If you've already got the Mashall, maybe a new guitar is in order. Then get a new head for your Birthday. Good luck
    GMP Pawnshop Deluxe - Custom Custom Bridge, 59n

    Parker Fly, Ruby Red, 1996 H/H/P

    Parker Nitefly SSH

    THD Univalve with Avatar Cab

    Bad Cat Mini Cat

    Vox Valvetronix AD-60 1x12

    "Thanks for comin out and...


    • #3
      Re: What would u do?

      Ya, im def. gonna keep my guitari have now. And the Marshall seems good for now till i start playing in a band which will be in the next year or so. Im thinking a new guitar would be a good possibility. What difference will i see in quality from Fender American and American Deluxe, locking tuners is all that i know, and im not sure if theyre that great anyway, plus the SCN pups and switching doesnt really help me becuase im gonna be putting either Aps-2s or Texas Hots or Surfers on the guitar... im still waiting for other suggestions too.
      There is no spoone
      - The Matricks


      • #4
        Re: What would u do?

        The Deluxe Strats are just MIAs with a few added appointments (LSR roller nut, locking tuners, etc.) depending on which one you get. The body and neck will be the same. I don't know the difference in price, but you may want to get an MIA and upgrade it yourself. Tuners are not that difficult to change. You may just learn a thing or two along the way.


        • #5
          Re: What would u do?

          Thanks for the input guys. Are the tremelos on most MIAs even usable? if say i got an LSR roller nut put on (will this affect the tone and make the guitar buzz) to stabalize the tuning?
          There is no spoone
          - The Matricks


          • #6
            Re: What would u do?

            I've never used a roller nut, but I haven't heard too many good things about it. It is supposed to reduce string friction when using the trem, but I've heard it can reduce sustain, which is subjective anyway. It's really up to you. More peolpe play Strats with out LSRs than do play them, and I haven't heard complaints about the standard nut. I don't use the trem on my MIA, I blocked it, but I'm sure it's "useable". Any trem you get on an MIA will be the same as on a Deluxe, unless it's a floating trem. What do you play? This might give people an idea of upgrades for you. Strats are some of the easiest guitars to mod, it's a very basic design that many companies make hardware for.


            • #7
              Re: What would u do?

              you could always go highway 1 & get the pickups too
              Originally posted by gibson175
              metal zones are for pussies.


              • #8
                Re: What would u do?

                Originally posted by drew_half_empty
                you could always go highway 1 & get the pickups too
                ...and refinish the body. Uck!


                • #9
                  Re: What would u do?

                  Only because i can get this deal from my friends dad ( i think ) whos sponsored by fender. I can get a guitar half of the list price.

                  Hit that shiz, bro. Hahaha.
                  Important Gear:
                  Fender Standard MIM Strat
                  Epiphone Standard Les Paul
                  fender hot rod deluxe
                  analogman ts-9
                  dunlop 535Q wah


                  • #10
                    Re: What would u do?

                    Originally posted by iDunnoMang

                    Hit that shiz, bro. Hahaha.
                    Hells yes
                    There is no spoone
                    - The Matricks

