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    I decided to gut the Michael Kelly Patriot again and try a different wiring scheme with some new pots. I got a couple Alpha 500k push/pull pots from Sam Ash to go with a new allparts 500k CTS pot I've had for awhile.

    The guitar was set up as a 2 vol, no tone with a 3-way toggle. I've never been crazy about the 3 way toggle being located right behind the other 2 knobs. so the plan was to remove the 3-way toggle and make it a 2 vol, 1 tone with the CTS pot for the bridge vol, the neck alpha vol push/pull switching the pickups and the alpha push/pull tone control coil splitting both pickups.

    To accomodate the larger shaft diameter of the new pots, I had to drill out the current holes a bit with a 3/8 drill bit. I did the wiring last night and everything works perfectly, however there is a big difference between the Alpha pots and the CTS pot in respect to how they rotate. The Apha pots rotate very effortlessly, while the CTS pot is very stiff. Hard to rotate to the point where things live volume swells would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. I'm wondering if maybe the CTS pot I have isnt meant to be a tone pot, though I've never seen any distinction in the item descriptions when looking them up. I think its been awhile since I used CTS pots because most of the imports I usually get have the smaller hole diameter for the pots so I usually buy Alpha pots to fit. Are CTS pots generally like that?

  • #2
    Re: CTS POTS

    That kind of sounds like what happens when you overheat a pot. But it could just be a bad pot, it happens. I've had a few over the years that were just stiff. I've also overheated a few in the past and have the same thing happen.


    • #3
      Re: CTS POTS

      It was tight before I installed it. I just figured once I got it in and the knob on, it wouldnt feel so tight. I'm using a 30w iron. I'd have to try really hard to fry a volume pot i think.

