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Block Question?

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  • Block Question?

    For those out there who actually do like to change the block and like the difference...
    Are the AVRI Fender blocks made as well as the Callaham's? How about the GF blocks?
    Thanks for sharing your observations!
    Last edited by jbear; 12-19-2012, 12:59 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Block Question?

    Originally posted by jbear View Post
    For those out there who actually do like to change the block and like the difference...
    Are the AVRI Fender blocks made as well as the Callaham's? How about the GF blocks?
    Thanks for sharing your observations!
    I can tell you that I have a real '63 Strat and a real '62 vibrato as a spare in case my '63 ever needs one.

    I compared the Fender Reissue '62 Vibrato to the original vibrato in my '63 Strat and to the spare '62 Vibrato I have and even weighed them all.

    All weighed the same and seem identical.

    So if this Fender block you're thinking of is identical to the block used in Fender's '62 Reissue I'd say go for it.

    I replaced the vibratos in all of my Strats with the Fender '62 Reissue except my '63 which has the original.

    They all look, sound and weigh the same.
    Last edited by Lewguitar; 12-19-2012, 01:22 PM.
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    • #3
      Re: Block Question?

      I appreciate the response. Thank you!
      I am curious as to whether the fairly substantial price difference was due to a difference in materials or...just marketing.
      I have Callahams in two three of eight Strats and I'm a fan. Thought I might try something different...and less expensive would not be a bad thing.


      • #4
        Re: Block Question?

        I highly doubt that blocks made from actual steel and having the same dimensions sound very different, and I don't see how they would age.

        I actually have a GFS steel block for my normally zinc block MIJ trem here but didn't come around to test it. But you'd still have slightly different saddles.

        Quite honestly I can't see the AVRI trem that you can buy on Amazon being much different from the Callaham. I have a Callaham and it was a audible difference to the zinc block equipped MIJ, I can say that much.


        • #5
          Re: Block Question?

          Or you could try these I bought a Brass block for my Floyd from them.
          They have some blocks for Strats as well.
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