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Blog: The Strap. You Can't Play Standing Up Without It

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  • Blog: The Strap. You Can't Play Standing Up Without It

    Click here.
    Evan Skopp, Inside Track International
    Sales and marketing reps for Musopia, Reunion Blues, and Q-Parts.

  • #2
    Re: Blog: The Strap. You Can't Play Standing Up Without It

    I get around that problem by not even attempting it...
    Warmoth Group @ Flickr : SDUGF group @ SoundCloud : Basic Guitar Setup

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    I dream of a better world, where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned


    • #3
      Re: Blog: The Strap. You Can't Play Standing Up Without It

      Great blog... lots of useful insight on a subject most of us don't think too much about. As for me - I only use leather or suede straps. They are more confortable and also help keep neck heavy guitars like SG's in one place. I do "sling low" but I have long arms so it works for me; I adjust it as low as I can get it without bending my wrists when I play. Straplocks are mandatory in any situation, standing or sitting. I prefer Schallers myself.

      I tend to play standing most of the time and only sit when playing acoustic or classical guitar.


      • #4
        Re: Blog: The Strap. You Can't Play Standing Up Without It

        One strap material I just can't get along with is cotton. I assume that when the author say "canvas", he means woven cotton? The one I tried (planet waves) stuck to my clothes too much and was hard to adjust due the friction/binding of the material against itself.

        I'm not sure how long the design has been around, but the "tubular" (as PW calls them), or sewn edge (?) type straps that are so common now seem to be some of the best made straps I've used. They don't have that "cutting" edge that the nylon webbing type straps have; they are slick on the back so they don't stick to your shirt, and they come in all kinds of cool designs. Example:


        • #5
          Re: Blog: The Strap. You Can't Play Standing Up Without It

          Being the kind of guy I am, I use straps made from buffalo. And they're the nicest I've found. Super soft and comfy and very durable. Haven't needed to replace one yet.

          It's a good cause too. They're made on the Pine Ridge Reservation by the Lakota people. Lakota Leathers.

          Outstanding Christmas gifts too. I'll be carrying them at Goldenbird Guitars but buying direct from the people who make them will put more money in their pockets...and they need it.

          Here's a link:
          “Practice cures most tone issues” - John Suhr


          • #6
            Blog: The Strap. You Can't Play Standing Up Without It

            I go Dave Matthews style - I wear it like a necklace!
            my vinyl record collection | updated 11 August 2015


            • #7
              Re: Blog: The Strap. You Can't Play Standing Up Without It

              I buy guitar straps the way some guys buy suits or watches. I even try to co-ordinate them to match my guitars.

              Read my Seymour Duncan blog posts


              • #8
                Re: Blog: The Strap. You Can't Play Standing Up Without It

                I've got a mix of leather, nylon and cotton. The leather straps I have are from Italia Guitar Straps. Really good quality. My fav though is the one my wife had made for me by a saddle maker in East Texas. He never made a strap but she somehow got the length and width dimensions of another strap of mine and he went from there. Even has my name etched in it. It's so comfortable.


                • #9
                  Re: Blog: The Strap. You Can't Play Standing Up Without It

                  Originally posted by ratherdashing View Post
                  I buy guitar straps the way some guys buy suits or watches. I even try to co-ordinate them to match my guitars.
                  I second this. My Levy's strap was bought with a bit of wine red on it to match my guitar!
                  "The amp has been making a lot of noise and acting funky, perhaps it may be aware of the amount of rock it's about to be punished with" ~GearMannDude
                  "30 days of dating doesn't seem like cheating. It seems like legitimate playing the field, and you happened to catch a pop fly..." ~Aceman
                  "If all else fails, wank, fall asleep, come back to it the next day." ~GuitarStv
                  "The crowd has no perception of tone...only timing and flow." ~Glassman


                  • #10
                    Re: Blog: The Strap. You Can't Play Standing Up Without It

                    Originally posted by GAS-a-holic View Post
                    I only use leather or suede straps.
                    I assume you're talking about suede on the outside. The only straps I don't really like are the ones that have suede on the inside, the part touching my shoulder. The reason I don't like suede is that it doesn't slide around easily like smooth leather.
                    Evan Skopp, Inside Track International
                    Sales and marketing reps for Musopia, Reunion Blues, and Q-Parts.

