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moisture scare!!!

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  • #16
    Re: moisture scare!!!

    Originally posted by dystrust View Post
    The OP is in Florida, so getting dry enough to damage a guitar isn't super likely.
    Ah, ok. That could explain the condensation issue too, if the guitar was cool from air conditioning. Probably ehdwuld doesn't need to worry much about it where he is either. And I suppose for those in extremely moist climates, considering dessicant packs could be understandable. But for most of us dryness can be a real concern. I've never had one of my electrics damaged by dryness. As mentioned upthread though, I've had acoustics- a '49 Gibson, a '74 Guild and an '82 Martin- suffer to the point that all three had cracks, one lost its bridge and another needed a complete refret after its ebony fingerboard shrank so much that the frets all sprouted. After nearly two grand in repairs I'm a little touchy on the subject. And you can bet I'm resolved to keep them from getting too dry again.
    "You should know better by now than to introduce science into a discussion of voodoo."


    • #17
      Re: moisture scare!!!

      Thanks Dystrust for clearing that up.. Yeah, Im in humidland.. So, if I take guitars from in the house to the garage to play, they get condensation. I usually dont give much worry to my guitars drying out either. condensation, yes..

      Yeah, Im going to have to order some of those moisture paks.. guessing I probably should get some of the bigger ones..??
      Believe me when I say that some of the most amazing music in history was made on equipment that's not as good as what you own right now.

      Jol Dantzig


      • #18
        Re: moisture scare!!!

        I can keep them in Colorado for you, they will dry out quick I keep a humidifier running in the house to try to keep some moisture in, but growing up in the south (TN and NC), yep, too much moisture in the air, and FL has more! Let us know if the desiccant packs help, and remember "DO NOT EAT" (or leave them where children or animals can get to them).

