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NGD (or how I finally found another one)

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  • #16
    Re: NGD (or how I finally found another one)

    OK, we can finally wrap this up.

    I let everything dry overnight and then use my file to flush up the fret ends. (I set the file up there for the pic, but you want to move away from the headstock)

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    I don't like a heavy bevel so this is as far as I take it.

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    These are the main files I use for 99% of everything fret related. The small triangular file with the corners dulled, a small fine detail file, and the two diamond files.

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    These are the ones I tried over the years and now they collect dust. Plenty of people use these and have for years, it is just that the others work better for me.

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    Here is where I want to give a shout out to Clint (55) for inadvertently forcing me to retry the quarter round file you see on the far right. I was trying to give some pointers and Cliff has the quarter round.

    I normally round off with the small detail file, but using the same motion I was able to remove more material quicker with the half round. I will now use it more often thanks to Clint.

    I don't know how helpful these pics are, but the motion for getting hemispherical ends (for me) is "down and around".

    Click image for larger version

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    Fine tune, and polish

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    The finish gets sprayed over the frets

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    Skip to the end for the rest
    Last edited by Ayrton; 02-01-2019, 03:39 AM.

    Originally posted by John Suhr
    “Practice cures most tone issues”


    • #17
      Re: NGD (or how I finally found another one)

      I love your threads.

      I wonder if it’s going to end up looking like this in the end?

      Oh no.....

      Oh Yeah!


      • #18
        Re: NGD (or how I finally found another one)

        Beautiful guitar!
        I must say, I too love your build/repair threads!
        I wish I had the talent and know how to do the work you do.


        • #19
          Re: NGD (or how I finally found another one)

          Seems like the finish chipped out similar to my MIM p bass when using a heat gun. It waaayyy easier than my MIA jazz bass. Love the process and work pics. Keep up the good work!

          Sent from my LG-H931 using Tapatalk
          Last edited by YeRedHouseOverYonder; 01-04-2018, 09:37 PM.


          • #20
            Re: NGD (or how I finally found another one)

            Fantastic work, love these threads! Did this to one of my guitars once too, I feel your pain!
            "My biggest fear is that when I die my wife will sell my guitars for what I told her they cost" -Anonymous

            Main Gear:
            Orange Rockerverb MKIII 50w
            Orange ppc212 open back cabinet
            Jackson dx10d
            DOD preamp 250 Overdrive
            MXR Carbon Copy
            MXR Phase 90 (EVH Version)


            • #21
              Re: NGD (or how I finally found another one)

              amazing work. I might g ahead and strip and do a refin on that body after all as long as its a almsots total resto. Even though it is Nitro, you can see how thick the finish is with all that filler the modrn Fender uses on it's mid grade non custom shop Nitro finsishes- does look almost like a thick Polyurethane, not at all like a vintage Nitrocellulose Lacquer finish that easily wears down to bare wood .;

              "Anyone who understands Jazz knows that you can't understand it. It's too complicated. That's what's so simple about it." - Yogi Berra


              • #22
                Re: NGD (or how I finally found another one)

                Actually, the finish is far thinner than what would have come on a vintage '50's Strat. Keep in mind Fender was not thinking about anything but cheap production back then, so all bodies were dipped in Fullerplast which was a thick poly sealer before being sprayed with a sunburst finish. Any colors other than Sunburst were usually sprayed right over without stripping, so you ended up with two finishes. Nitro off gases and shrinks, that is why all these years later people try to replicate that with thin skin finishes.

                The finish on the EJ strat is as close to real nitro as CARB will allow. That is why the finish shrinks and checks, but your average AVRI (also finished in lacquer) does not.

                Look how quickly the finish wore through on the body.

                Anyway, the slots are done, and it was an all-day job. I am beat and going to bed.

                Originally posted by John Suhr
                “Practice cures most tone issues”


                • #23
                  Re: NGD (or how I finally found another one)

                  How stable will the slots be afterwards? I see why you're considering SS frets. Jumbo?

                  Sent from my LG-H931 using Tapatalk


                  • #24
                    Re: NGD (or how I finally found another one)

                    Lately been gettin 'Jescar Gold' on all my refrets. Best of both worlds between Nikel Silver and Stainless. Only slightly smaller than 6100 Stainless. To me, they are not gold enough to not be able to use with standard chrome hardware, but Thats just a matter of taste.
                    You can bet those slots will be solid-the man knows what he is doing.
                    Last edited by MetalManiac; 01-05-2018, 12:02 AM.
                    "Anyone who understands Jazz knows that you can't understand it. It's too complicated. That's what's so simple about it." - Yogi Berra


                    • #25
                      Re: NGD (or how I finally found another one)

                      that is a ton of work, ugh! hope this thing was dirt cheap. at least you have the time/patience to do it right and once you put stainless in, youll never have to worry about em again. i wouldnt mess with the body, it looks fine as it is.


                      • #26
                        Re: NGD (or how I finally found another one)

                        Love nice checking in a finish but those chips might need a lil something huh? Nice work on the neck. Looking to see the rest of it.
                        Aint no pro but I know what I like....
                        Guitar to sound output:
                        Hamer, Dean, or Various, Levy's straps, Dunlop straplock/picks, Daddarrio strings 10-46, Duncan, Dimarzio, Mogami, Monster, MojoDrive pedal on occasion, Marshall, Crate, Vox, Mesa Boogie, Black Shadow Celestions, Eminence,..


                        • #27
                          Re: NGD (or how I finally found another one)

                          Originally posted by YeRedHouseOverYonder View Post
                          How stable will the slots be afterwards? I see why you're considering SS frets. Jumbo?
                          CA glue dries harder than the surrounding maple, so no worries. This is a tried and trued method.

                          Jescar 57110SS always

                          Originally posted by John Suhr
                          “Practice cures most tone issues”


                          • #28
                            Re: NGD (or how I finally found another one)

                            guitar and the work you've put in so far looks great! Love the EJ strats
                            TOUQUE ROCK...EH???? I AM CANADIAN


                            • #29
                              Re: NGD (or how I finally found another one)

                              Originally posted by jeremy View Post
                              that is a ton of work, ugh! hope this thing was dirt cheap. at least you have the time/patience to do it right and once you put stainless in, youll never have to worry about em again. i wouldnt mess with the body, it looks fine as it is.
                              I got a fair deal, but I didn’t steal it or anything. I knew the frets were worn, just not what was underneath. I would rather just take the time and do it right.

                              Jerry is off his meds, the body is perfect. I polished it, and put it in the case.

                              Originally posted by John Suhr
                              “Practice cures most tone issues”


                              • #30
                                Re: NGD (or how I finally found another one)

                                i didnt know jerry was ever on his meds

                                have you tried the evo wire? better than ss?

