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Can we talk about owning many guitars?

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  • #46
    Re: Can we talk about owning many guitars?

    Originally posted by PFDarkside View Post
    That’s great that you can display them!

    Here’s what I’d like to do:

    If you take one of these and use half of it and two shelves you can stand 7 rectangle cases, "V" and "Explorer" style, vertically and have shelving space under for other things. I have two racks split and do that in one area giving me 28 cases stored and other things underneath.
    Aint no pro but I know what I like....
    Guitar to sound output:
    Hamer, Dean, or Various, Levy's straps, Dunlop straplock/picks, Daddarrio strings 10-46, Duncan, Dimarzio, Mogami, Monster, MojoDrive pedal on occasion, Marshall, Crate, Vox, Mesa Boogie, Black Shadow Celestions, Eminence,..


    • #47
      Re: Can we talk about owning many guitars?

      From the man that would know....
      Originally posted by Bad City
      He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


      • #48
        Re: Can we talk about owning many guitars?

        it seems to be always one guitar away from having covered all the bases.


        • #49
          Re: Can we talk about owning many guitars?

          I own 14 electrics and one bass guitar. 5 amps and 3 cabs. Sometimes I feel bad for owning so much gear since I don't gig much less being a pro musician.

          I guess having access to online shopping helps or makes this habit much easier to get out of hand.

          And I'm still gassing for gear. It's never ending.


          • #50
            Re: Can we talk about owning many guitars?

            If you use excel or keep some sort of list what info do you track?

            My spreadsheet list -
            Serial number
            String Gauge
            Work needed
            Purchase date
            My Bands -

            Just some fun guitar stuff from time to time
            GUITAR KULTURE


            • #51
              Re: Can we talk about owning many guitars?

              1. How do you keep track of what you have?


              2. When you GAS for new stuff does the cheaper stuff still turn you on? Like if you've already got a $5000 Les Paul, does buying a new Indonesian Epi still turn your crank?

              I have a $5000 Les Paul. When I walk into a store and see the wall of Gibsons I have zero interest in them since I know there's nothing on that wall that's any better than what I already have.

              That said, other guitars/brands are different. I own a couple of Mexican Fenders because for my purposes they did a better job than the current MIAs... but, I also own a couple of MIAs because for another purpose they were better than the MIMs.

              3. At what point do you become a collector moreso than a player? Let's be honest, we all could probably get by with one or two guitars if all we were interested in was playing. I'm guilty of it myself. I recently divested myself of some amps because it was getting silly.

              First off, I think it's entirely possible to be both a collector and a player simultaneously. That said...

              I don't consider myself a collector because I don't form an emotional attachment to my stuff. To me, it's all just a tool, and it either does the job or it doesn't. I've learned that I'm pretty fickle when it comes to gear; I either like it or I don't, and once I stop liking something it's unlikely I'm ever going to start liking it again.

              On that note, I have no problem selling my former #1 guitar once I've found something I like better. I accept that I'm probably never going to use it again and have no issues with turning it over so I can afford something else.

              4. Do you play them all? When you could play a different guitar every week and not touch the same guitar twice for 6 months or even a year, how do you keep them all fresh in your mind (or hands)?

              No. I have guitars that haven't come out of their cases in a decade. I focus on the guitars that do what I need them to do and tend to ignore/forget everything else.

              5. Something I have found as my collection grew is that I don't feel nearly as intimately connected with all of them. Back when I played mostly the same guitar for years, that guitar was like a part of me. I knew it like the back of my hand. Nowadays I don't have that connection with most of my guitars simply because there's so many and I play a different one all the time. I'm curious how those who have even larger collections feel about this.

              I feel connected to my #1 because I play it 90% of the time. I have another 4 guitars that are really good at something specific, and I pull them out when my #1 isn't cutting it.

              The rest I'm indifferent towards.
              Last edited by some_dude; 02-18-2018, 10:18 PM.
              || Guitar | Wah | Vibe | Amp ||


              • #52
                Re: Can we talk about owning many guitars?

                Ya know, this thread has caused me to think

                If I just had one of the Ibanez 6 string crossover basses
                I could a/b it into a guitar amp and a bass amp
                Put a piezo bridge on and sell all my other axes

                Oh then I'd need a backup , .......
                Just here surfing Guitar Pron
                RG2EX1 w/ SD hot-rodded pickups / RG4EXFM1 w/ Carvin S22j/b + FVN middle
                SR500 / Martin 000CE-1/Epiphone Hummingbird
                Epiphone Florentine with OEM Probuckers
                Ehdwuld branded Blue semi hollow custom with JB/Jazz
                Reptile Green Gibson Custom Studio / Aqua Dean Shire semi hollow with piezo
                Carvin Belair / Laney GC80A Acoustic Amp (a gift from Guitar Player Mag)
                GNX3000 (yea I'm a modeler)


                • #53
                  Re: Can we talk about owning many guitars?

                  One other thing that I would like to chime in on...

                  I do have a large collection, but in my defense, this is my only real hobby. I don't ski, own a boat or hot car, collect Hummel figurines or antique firearms. I don't travel to exotic locales. I don't fish or hunt. I don't gamble, or have a climate-controlled and fully-stocked wine cellar. I don't have a Harley dressed in chrome. And...

                  I don't have kids going without shoes or toys or food or dental care. My "wife" isn't driving a crap car on its last legs.

                  I've known a couple of guys who live like total selfishness. Their multitude of hobbies come first, while their family suffers.

                  If this is probably have too many guitars.


                  When you've had budget guitars for a number of years, you may find that your old instrument is holding you back. A quality guitar can inspire you to write great songs, improve your understanding of the Gdim chord while in the Lydian Mode, cure the heartbreak of cystic acne--and help you find true love in the process.


                  • #54
                    Re: Can we talk about owning many guitars?

                    I own 7 guitars and 2 basses at the moment.

                    1. Memory.

                    2. I GAS for all kinds of guitars. Cheap, middle, and expensive. I swore off building partscasters, but yet still hunger for projects. I even bought some old growth white pine for an Esquire build lol. When I use to play bass, I gigged with my MIM p bass (70s dimarzios) more than my MIA J bass. I just redid a Chibson for my nephew and it looks/sounds good. Feels different for sure, but it can get the GAS.

                    3. I think with us being on a pickup forum, if we stop tinkering or worst not play something meant to ring notes, you have become a collector. I sometimes buy pieces to flip, but I play them and try something new for a bit. That's how I have managed to get the majority of guitars I'll be keeping. I'm winding down on flipping for sure.

                    4. Yes. Maybe not all in one week on a given month. I do go into phases as some have mentioned. Whether it's a PAF guitar week, single coils, semi hollows, LP, and etc. Same goes for genres or artists. Do I want to play Led Zep with a Tele, LP, or strat? I'm starting to have my guitars set to different tunings. This actually forces me to play them if I'm in a particular mood. On occasion, I play about 3-4 guitars in one session.

                    5. I feel connected with all my gear because I have grinded and flipped a lot to own what I have. Each piece speaks differently to me. Some do call out stronger than the other. In particular, my KS 336 is my prized guitar. I had to wait 10 years to not only track one down, but actually have the funds to purchase.

                    Funny thing about the cases/storage. The struggle is real in a studio lol! Luckily my GF let me have dibs on a small closet. I'm going to fit in a Morgan 1x12 and a couple small amps in here too.

                    Sent from my LG-H931 using Tapatalk


                    • #55
                      Re: Can we talk about owning many guitars?

                      I'm addicted to Warmoth and the quality. I want more.
                      The things that you wanted
                      I bought them for you


                      • #56
                        Re: Can we talk about owning many guitars?

                        They have personalities, so mine get names. It wasn't always that way for me- I used to think naming guitars was corny, even kind of conceited. And I think if I'd never had more than a couple of guitars I probably wouldn't ever have started doing it. But one very special guitar turned me around, and by now they each have a name that suits them. Every case has a strip of masking tape with the name on it. It makes them easy to find, but some that are more towards the back I have to sort of dig out. The less-used ones sort of get rotated: when I play one that hasn't been out in a while, it winds up in the front. Names make it easier to keep them straight in my mind, though I keep a master list too. And all but a very few have individual files with their particulars.

                        I don't much concern myself with value/collectibility. If I find one that fills a gap in my stable, or plays really nicely and speaks to me (or is just really cool), having plenty of guitars already won't stop me from buying. Some of the nice ones I want are out of reach financially. Many of mine are not particularly high priced, though others are. And some of the classics I bought many years ago are pretty valuable now.

                        I don't gig much anymore, my touring years are long behind me. Some might call me a collector now, I guess. But I spent decades playing for a living, as a working musician and/or studio rat. So I identify as a player and I always will. I've earned it, I think.

                        Do I play them all? Some don't get played very often, to be honest. There are maybe a dozen or so that I haven't picked up up in more than a year, especially a few of the acoustics. (I have to be remember to be conscientious about keeping 'em humidified when they sit unplayed for long periods; I don't have the luxury of climate controlled storage space.) Others get more regular attention, especially my favorites of each type. They tend to be on top of the stacks or in the front of the bunch. And there's one set of six or eight cases standing up like a row of books, so I can pull any of those out without having to move others out of the way first. Plus I always have one out in a stand right next to my workspace, within arm's reach in case inspiration strikes.

                        I still feel a real connection to the guitars I've played hundreds (or thousand) of sets on. When I pick up one of my heavily gigged axes, I'm right at home again. It feels like putting on a comfortable old shirt. Among newly acquired ones, for many it can take several dozen hours of play time to really get a feel for their individual character and how we work best together. There are exceptions- with some I've felt a genuine rapport right away. Others I never really quite bonded with and those ones usually get passed along- sold or given away.

                        I will admit that there are a special few that I seldom play but which I hang on to anyway, just to know I have them. So one part of me must have a collector's mindset after all. But I remain a player at heart.
                        Last edited by eclecticsynergy; 02-20-2018, 01:58 AM.
                        "You should know better by now than to introduce science into a discussion of voodoo."


                        • #57
                          Re: Can we talk about owning many guitars?

                          Originally posted by Wattage View Post
                          If you use excel or keep some sort of list what info do you track?

                          My spreadsheet list -
                          Serial number
                          String Gauge
                          Work needed
                          Purchase date
                          I use a pretty big Excel file for tracking all things guitar related.

                          One sheet has the basics… make, model, name, color, serial number, purchase date, year of manufacture, purchase price, list price, and comments.

                          There’s another sheet for planned mods and/or repairs.

                          Another sheet has detailed plans for builds/projects in the making.

                          Yet another sheet has a “wish list.“

                          And finally there is a sheet that tracks individual string changes on each guitar. Don’t laugh… It makes it easier to recognize when you have developed a burr or are having a problem with a particular saddle or something. When you have several guitars you start losing track of how long it’s been since you changed strings.

                          Of course, each guitar has a dedicated file folder on my computer as well containing pics, diagrams, etc.

                          Yes… I’m a f***ing nerd!
                          Originally posted by The Commodores?
                          "Chicken Brown Chicken Brown Cow"


                          • #58
                            Re: Can we talk about owning many guitars?

                            Originally posted by BTMN View Post
                            If you take one of these and use half of it and two shelves you can stand 7 rectangle cases, "V" and "Explorer" style, vertically and have shelving space under for other things. I have two racks split and do that in one area giving me 28 cases stored and other things underneath.
                            I think I understand, but do you have an image?
                            Oh no.....

                            Oh Yeah!


                            • #59
                              Re: Can we talk about owning many guitars?

                              I do keep a spreadsheet of all my gear but it's for insurance purposes rather than keeping track of my stuff. For everything I have:
                              Make, model, serial #, colour, replacement cost, and notes on any distinguishing characteristics or modifications.

                              Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk
                              My Rolling Stones tribute band: The Main Street Exiles

                              At the battle of the bands, the loser is always the audience. -Demitri Martin


                              • #60
                                Re: Can we talk about owning many guitars?

                                ^^ Interesting. I might have to make one since I'll be picking up renters insurance for my guitars. Do you keep invoices or receipts?

                                Sent from my LG-H931 using Tapatalk

