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Tube amp + torpedo live vs ax8

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  • Tube amp + torpedo live vs ax8

    Ok I have the money to buy the Ax8 but not the money for a tube amp, cab plus torpedo live for bedroom level. I still play with my plugins ( Amplitube 4, Th3 and Bias).

    So my guitar teacher has been telling me to get something better like a tube amp because it will help me hear my notes better, dynamics etc.. it just sounds better and will make me enjoy guitar more. Is this true?

    I can't decide between the two. It's because some people sell their tube amps because a high end modeler feels like a tube amp. Does the Ax8 feels like a real amp? Or its the same as a computer plugin?

    Let me here what you guys think. Thanks
    Last edited by Willy25; 11-17-2018, 07:44 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Tube amp + torpedo live vs ax8

    I haven't played the ax8 but I have a helix. I sold my Mesa tube amp and I don't regret it.

    What makes you a better player is playing more and having a tube amp you can hardly use at home doesn't help that. How you practice also matters, so you can't spend all your time editing patches on a modeling amp. The simplicity of a tube amp is good for this but with discipline a good modeling amp is not a time sink.

    Another thing that improves your playing is recording yourself and listening to it. You can do this incredibly easily with a good modeling amp and get a great tone. Mic'ing up an amp and getting a good tone is much more hassle. You can notice a lot of small details listening to a recording of yourself that are hard to notice while you're focused on playing.

    Get whatever inspires you to play more, suits your needs (e.g. volume constraints) and is minimal hassle so you focus on playing.

    Sent from my BlackBerry using Tapatalk


    • #3
      Re: Tube amp + torpedo live vs ax8

      At this point in your guitar experience a decent small tube amp would be your better choice. You need to focus on your playing technique not your effects (which actually take away from your playing technique).

      Ibanezrocks makes some good points, but even a high powered tube amp still has a volume control so you can play quietly at home. Some even have a headphone jack to allow silent playing. With a good tube amp you don't need a lot of watts to be powerful enough to play gigs and yet quiet enough to also play at home...even a 5 watt amp can get loud. Anything up to about 20 watts should serve your purpose.
      Last edited by GuitarDoc; 11-18-2018, 06:09 AM.
      Originally Posted by IanBallard
      Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.


      • #4
        Re: Tube amp + torpedo live vs ax8

        Thanks for the advice guys!

        Yes I should focus more on my technique and get something that will inspire me to keep playing. A tube amp!

        If I wanna play live with friends and church and go cheap. Can I get the same tones as my plugins with a pod hd500hx plus adding a Mooer radar cab sim pedal? There is a midi pedal by Amplitube but I don't want to carry my computer around and interface. Has any one here made that kind of upgrade?


        • #5
          Re: Tube amp + torpedo live vs ax8

          I don’t consider amplitude and cab sims an “upgrade” personally.
          But to each his own.


          • #6
            Re: Tube amp + torpedo live vs ax8

            Well, my AX8 sounds and responds to my playing just like my tube amp, and it is a breeze to record or play live with, so there is that.
            Administrator of the SDUGF


            • #7
              Re: Tube amp + torpedo live vs ax8

              Going from inexpensive modeling devices to an old Super Reverb was quite humbling, and therefore beneficial to my playing.
              “I can play the hell out of a riff. The rest of it’s all bulls**t anyway,” Gary Holt


              • #8
                Re: Tube amp + torpedo live vs ax8

                Originally posted by Willy25 View Post
                I can't decide between the two. It's because some people sell their tube amps because a high end modeler feels like a tube amp. Does the Ax8 feels like a real amp? Or its the same as a computer plugin?
                For every thread I’ve read about someone who’s “seen the light” and decided to sell all their tube amps because modelling has gotten that good, there’s another thread about someone else who’s also seen the light and is selling his modeller to for a tube amp because modelling isn’t good enough.

                Personally, I think that regardless of what side of that argument you choose to be on playing through headphones isn’t ideal.
                || Guitar | Wah | Vibe | Amp ||


                • #9
                  Re: Tube amp + torpedo live vs ax8

                  Originally posted by JB_From_Hell View Post
                  Going from inexpensive modeling devices to an old Super Reverb was quite humbling, and therefore beneficial to my playing.
                  Going from a tube amp that I had to play quietly to a high-end modeling amp was quite humbling, and therefore beneficial to my playing.

                  Seriously, being able to record yourself conveniently makes a huge difference. You should do it every week if you can.

                  Sent from my BlackBerry using Tapatalk


                  • #10
                    Re: Tube amp + torpedo live vs ax8

                    Originally posted by ibanezrocks View Post
                    Going from a tube amp that I had to play quietly to a high-end modeling amp was quite humbling, and therefore beneficial to my playing.
                    Can you play your modeling amp louder than the tube amp?

                    I'm not anti modeling. If it works for you, great. It happens that my favorite tones come from old Fender amps, specifically a Super Reverb. I'm fortunate enough to have one, and I enjoy it at any volume.
                    “I can play the hell out of a riff. The rest of it’s all bulls**t anyway,” Gary Holt

