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MIM Lone Star Stratocaster Upgrades?

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  • MIM Lone Star Stratocaster Upgrades?

    I have recently started upgrading my HSS Lonestar, Initially I replaced the tuning machines with Fender Locking tuners and I just purchased the callaham bridge assembly. My next step would most likely be a bone/tusq nut. This is my first time really tinkering around with upgrading a guitar and I have done hours of research but I am not sure if upgrading the pick ups would be of more importance? I only have one issue with the Texas special/SD pearly gates, the position pointing up at the neck doesn't seem to cut or have as much bite as the far position does. Is this something I can fix within the pickup itself or should I be looking at maybe upgrading them as well? I play a lot of blues/rock, some country so I'm looking for those kind of tones.

  • #2
    Re: MIM Lone Star Stratocaster Upgrades?

    I'd suggest a TUSQ XL nut and TUSQ XL string trees. They're self-lubricating and will enhance your tuning stability greatly, especially when you use the whammy bar.

    Be sure to keep your saddles lubricated, too. I suggest liquid teflon which you can find at your local bicycle shop. You can get a huge bottle of it super cheap that will last you forever. It's much cheaper than specialty products like Big Bends Nut Sauce and it's effective.

    Jeffrey Nadrich
    Last edited by slokat; 08-06-2019, 12:57 PM.


    • #3
      Re: MIM Lone Star Stratocaster Upgrades?

      Originally posted by slokat View Post
      I'd suggest a TUSQ XL nut and TUSQ XL string trees. They're self-lubricating and will enhance your tuning stability greatly, especially when you use the whammy bar.

      Be sure to keep your saddles lubricated, too. I suggest liquid teflon which you can find at your local bicycle shop. You can get a huge bottle of it super cheap that will last you forever. It's much cheaper than specialty products like Big Bends Nut Sauce and it's effective.
      Something like this?
      I’m almost out of nut sauce and wanted something better...


      • #4
        Re: MIM Lone Star Stratocaster Upgrades?

        Welcome to the forum!
        The neck pickup will never really cut as much as the bridge. That is sort of the point. I don't upgrade things unless there is an issue with what I have. You might find a neck pickup that has more high end, but it still won't sound like the bridge pickup.
        Administrator of the SDUGF


        • #5
          Re: MIM Lone Star Stratocaster Upgrades?

          Originally posted by slokat View Post
          I'd suggest a TUSQ XL nut and TUSQ XL string trees. They're self-lubricating and will enhance your tuning stability greatly, especially when you use the whammy bar.
          Agreed. On two of my strats I did this as well as the graphtech saddles, and upgraded the block (didn't want to bother with finding perfectly aligned mounting holes for the bridge plate so left those stock) and I'm VERY happy with the way it turned out.

          In regards to the's really down to preference, changing them wouldn't be an 'upgrade' as much as a change in flavour.


          • #6
            Re: MIM Lone Star Stratocaster Upgrades?

            I like that.... not an upgrade but change in flavor! Good perspective! Of course I'd make changes to components that have issues or are faulty/broken/malfunctioning. But for me personally, part of the fun of playing the electric guitar is that its an instrument within which such a vast amount of tonal possibility lies. Not to mention the endless cosmetic changes that can be made in order that one might possess an axe that illustrates one's own creativity and personal preference. To Chrome or not to Chrome... THAT is a question! And a good one! I am a black hardware guy myself! As far as pickups and electronics go though, it may come to pass that one's tonal preferences have changed or otherwise taken a bit of a turn, whiltst one still much prefers the look and feel of a guitar to a point that one is not ready or willing to sacrifice that variable of the equation.... THAT my friends, is where the beauty lies in that huge case full of pickups in one's local guitar shop! I dare say this very forum would likely not even exist were it not for the MANY others who share in such similar ideals! Guitars are just awesome, to play, AND to play with!
            "As I look back over a misspent life, I find myself more and more convinced that I had more fun PLAYING MY GUITAR than in any other enterprise. It IS really the life of KINGS...."


            • #7
              Re: MIM Lone Star Stratocaster Upgrades?

              you can pull the tone control off the neck pup which will add some high end back into its tone. not sure if youre still watching this thread


              • #8
                Re: MIM Lone Star Stratocaster Upgrades?

                I have one of these guitars and I like it quite a bit. I did the Fender/Schaller locking tuners, Tusq nut and a traditional 50's style string tree. A Callaham block and short bar was going to be the next mod.

                I moved the volume knob to T1 and made T2 a master tone b/c I prefer it that way and the knob gets in the way of my natural picking position.

                To get the neck pickup on more equal footing with the bridge pickup, I back off the bridge pickup's height just a bit, use 010-052 strings, and make sure to pick strongly.


                • #9
                  Re: MIM Lone Star Stratocaster Upgrades?

                  Put a lil'59 pickup in the neck possition!

