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Telecaster MIM: All frets and strings buzz!

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  • #16
    Re: Telecaster MIM: All frets and strings buzz!

    Originally posted by Gtrjunior View Post
    This was my thought too....put the saddles back to their original
    Position and adjust the truss rod.
    there is not a lot of information about this model (J5) about the truss rod.
    I think it behaves nortmally, the most I tighten it (clockwise) the more the neck becomes straight.
    The more I un-tighten it (counter-clockwise) the more the neck becomes like a bow, the 6th string gets far from the 8th fret.
    Just as conclusion,
    there are only two parts to set up the guitar.
    1. Set up the truss rod
    2. Set up the saddles height

    Is this it, or is there anything more to do/examine/configure/repair?


    • #17
      Telecaster MIM: All frets and strings buzz!

      Originally posted by fatecasino View Post
      there is not a lot of information about this model (J5) about the truss rod.
      I think it behaves nortmally, the most I tighten it (clockwise) the more the neck becomes straight.
      The more I un-tighten it (counter-clockwise) the more the neck becomes like a bow, the 6th string gets far from the 8th fret.
      Just as conclusion,
      there are only two parts to set up the guitar.
      1. Set up the truss rod
      2. Set up the saddles height

      Is this it, or is there anything more to do/examine/configure/repair?
      Well there is more than just that in a complete setup. That would be two adjustments to set the action/playability of the guitar, assuming the nut is correctly cut and at the correct height and that the frets are properly level.

      Do you have a straightedge? I think I would adjust the truss so that the neck is perfectly straight.
      Then set the saddles to factory spec.
      If there is still buzzing, loosen the truss rod a 1/4 turn, retune and check for buzz. Rinse and repeat until the buzz is gone.
      If you have to keep adjusting so that the action becomes unplayable, your new bridge may be at fault or your frets need leveling.
      Others with more experience may add or correct something in my post that I’m overlooking....


      • #18
        Re: Telecaster MIM: All frets and strings buzz!

        (the nut has been replaced by a technician a few weeks ago)
        Hence, you suggest to keep the saddles stable at factory settings and adjust the truss rod, is that right?
        Somehow I was thinking that it was the other way round, fix the truss rod at a right position and adjust the saddles. However this made me increase a lot the height of the saddles in order to avoid buzzing.
        I will give it a try the other way round.


        • #19
          Re: Telecaster MIM: All frets and strings buzz!

          Originally posted by fatecasino View Post
          (the nut has been replaced by a technician a few weeks ago)
          Hence, you suggest to keep the saddles stable at factory settings and adjust the truss rod, is that right?
          Somehow I was thinking that it was the other way round, fix the truss rod at a right position and adjust the saddles. However this made me increase a lot the height of the saddles in order to avoid buzzing.
          I will give it a try the other way round.
          Yes, I would set the neck straight first with the saddles at factory height.
          You may find that later you might need to re-adjust the saddles too....but I feel it’s better to start with the factory settings and fine tune from there.

          Once you have the neck straight and saddle at factory settings....if you’re buzzing the first adjustment is to give the neck a little relief by loosening the rod a 1/4 turn at a time, retuning and check for buzz again.


          • #20
            Re: Telecaster MIM: All frets and strings buzz!

            Originally posted by GuitarDoc View Post
            Deep nut slots will only affect the open strings, not fretted. The OP complains that it buzzes at all frets.
            As expected: I stand corrected. Nevermind though, I joined to learn... Thanks Doc for actually using the jelly between your ears when I seemingly can't... :/


            • #21
              Re: Telecaster MIM: All frets and strings buzz!

              Originally posted by nexion218 View Post
              As expected: I stand corrected. Nevermind though, I joined to learn... Thanks Doc for actually using the jelly between your ears when I seemingly can't... :/
              Sometimes it truely seems like just jelly between my ears. Sometimes it seems like just open space.
              Originally Posted by IanBallard
              Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.


              • #22
                Re: Telecaster MIM: All frets and strings buzz!

                I agree with gtrjunior...set your neck perfectly straight, then adjust saddle heights. If you still can't get rid of the buzz adjust the truss rod 1/4 of a turn to loosen it and create a very slight bow. And if that doesn't get rid of the buzz you may need to re-file the string slots in the saddles. Sometimes saddles have slots and sometimes they are smooth on top. Either of those may cause string buzz if they aren't properly slotted and/or relieved. Saddles need to be treated the same way nuts are, but in reverse, to get the best tone.
                Originally Posted by IanBallard
                Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.

