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Behringer VT999 Monster tube OD pedal MODS

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  • Behringer VT999 Monster tube OD pedal MODS

    Hey everyone I was wondering if anyone has ever done or heard of the BITMO MOD for this pedal? I was thinking of buying the mod kit for 20 bucks and you do it yourself but I never tried anything like that and dont want to fry anything. There is instructions but still leary of trying it. If you have done it can you tell me is it hard and does it really make a difference in the tone and sound of this OD pedal? Thanks

  • #2
    Re: Behringer VT999 Monster tube OD pedal MODS

    I have only seen their kits around. They seem to be on the "up and up".....lots of guys have bought the various kits over thge years. Do not think I have heard many bad comments.
    Twenty Bux is not much. Can you afford a new pedal if you ruin it.?
    Never been inside that particular before, but many modern pedals have a Very Small PCB in them, with very small parts and traces. It is real easy to over-heat a PCB, so you need to be careful.
    Some pedals require a bit of disassembley to get them open (lights, switches and jacks need to come off) make note of what went where.
    SMD parts will require a different technique to solder them on the board.
    good luck

