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Options for running stereo effects between amps

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  • Options for running stereo effects between amps

    Hi all

    My question is about best way of running stereo effects between two amps, and if there is a better way than what I'm doing so far.

    I've put my Marshall and Fender amp in stereo. I've got my guitar plugged into an Ernie Ball Volume/Pan pedal (great pedal). The pedal then goes to the fender, the other to the Marshall via a couple of pedals (OD, compressor, Wah etc).

    I have two stereo pedals being a Nova Delay, and an MXR Tremolo (impulse buy on Ebay!). Anyway, I've got both these pedals running through the effects loops of both amps as they are both Stereo in/Stereo out . They seem to work pretty well, the ping pong effect of the delay, and the panning of tremolo sound as they should. Now, I have an MXR Stereo Chorus, BUT despite having stereo outputs, only has a mono input. So I can't run it in the effects loop like the other two pedals.

    Now I could just replace the Ernie Ball pedal with the chorus, at either the front of the pedal chain (so only one amp has effects) or at the end of the effects chain. Or I could just use the chorus in ONE of the effects loops (which seems kind of a waste to having a stereo effect). This is a definite first world problem I know, but I'd be interested to hear any ideas/solutions from people running similar rigs.

    Cheers, Thanks for reading
    Last edited by drjones; 04-06-2015, 04:18 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Options for running stereo effects between amps

    The chorus and other effects use a delay between sides, or either modulate one signal and not the other to get the effect.

    If you have truly made the two amps stereo then the chorus on one side only becomes a default stereo. But here's the rub......just putting the same signal into two amps isn't stereo. I have true stereo by running the last pedal in my chain as the splitter....its a stereo reverb. This way I get the stereo effect as well as reverb (always on in some form) as well as the split function all in one.

