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805 vs ocd

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  • 805 vs ocd

    I am looking to expand my pedal board. Currently my drive section consists of an inexpensive Klon clone, and an ep-booster. I've got a distinct interest in the ocd and the 805. How would they compare/compliment each other. Would they pair well for low-high gain sounds? Or would one just be a redundancy of the other?

  • #2
    Re: 805 vs ocd

    the 805 is based on a tubescreamer which employs soft diode clipping, so its basically a nice tube screamer with the addition of a 3 band eq.
    The ocd is a jfet distortion unit. Much more cutting, harmonically rich and sustaining than a tube screamer.

    Tube screamers tend to sound best as a kind of dirty boost, whereas ocds tend to be more of a standalone distortion generator.

    They are both cool but both very different.

    Ive done a lot of gigs using a tubescreamer as a versatile crunchy tone for rhythm and bluesy leads, then swapping to the ocd for dirty leads, then combining the two for really liquid wailing leads.

    Get both!

    whichever boost/od/dirt fuzz is best really comes down to your personal preference and how each pedal interacts with your amp of choice.
    "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
    Yehudi Menuhin


    • #3
      Re: 805 vs ocd

      Awesome! Thanks! I've had trouble comparing the two in my head between videos. Lol


      • #4
        Re: 805 vs ocd

        An OCD is a distortion pedal, it has more gain than thje 805, which is an overdrive. Distortion pedals can be used as an overdrive if you set the gain low, and an overdrive as a distortion if you max out the gain. The main difference is that they are designed to sound best doing one thing or the other.

        You can go either way, if you get the 805, you can stack the 805 and the Klone, you get two flavors of overdrive, or you can stack them and get a roaring lead tone. Or you can get the OCD, have a dedicated OD, a dedicated distortion, and stack them for a lead tone that feeds back like crazy (in a good way) and gives up the squeelies. I have three overdrives, two distortions and three fuzzes on my board, so I can't settle on any one thing.

        Also note that neither the OCD or 805 is an "amp in a pedal", so how they sound varies heavily from one amp to the next.

        The Joyo Ultimate Drive and the new Caline CP-21 are OCD clones. You can score one of those for about $40.


        • #5
          Re: 805 vs ocd

          Awesome! Thanks!


          • #6
            Re: 805 vs ocd

            As for the amp, I'm currently running through a rebel 30. I'm looking/hoping to get an older bassman blackface or maybe a kit to build one myself.

