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Plethora Update 1.2!

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  • Plethora Update 1.2!

    Based on things people have asked me about mine, this may be pertinent to some of y'all's interests:
    The most popular thread I've ever made was 1) a joke and 2) based around literally the most inane/mundane question I could think of. That says something about me, or all of you, or both.

  • #2
    The most popular thread I've ever made was 1) a joke and 2) based around literally the most inane/mundane question I could think of. That says something about me, or all of you, or both.


    • #3
      Question...when you have multiple loopers assigned to the pedals, are they really independent? I'd seriously consider one (and get rid of my Ditto X4) if they are.
      Administrator of the SDUGF


      • #4
        I haven't installed the update yet, but I'll let you know.

        Originally posted by Mincer View Post
        Question...when you have multiple loopers assigned to the pedals, are they really independent? I'd seriously consider one (and get rid of my Ditto X4) if they are.
        The most popular thread I've ever made was 1) a joke and 2) based around literally the most inane/mundane question I could think of. That says something about me, or all of you, or both.


        • #5
          Okay, so.

          They behave like (up to) five totally separate loopers: the start and stop are totally independent, as are the lengths of the loops. So you can really create some chaos with a mistimed footstep.

          The only interaction between them is that any loopers down-chain still *hear* the loops playing on loopers up-chain. So when you're building layers, you should go R->L (because the Plethora still runs its signal backwards, for reasons that continue to baffle me).

          All-in-all, I think I'm probably gonna keep using my Jam Man. I like how it syncs to my SDRUM. But I know looping was a very popular request for the PX5.

          Originally posted by Mincer View Post
          Question...when you have multiple loopers assigned to the pedals, are they really independent? I'd seriously consider one (and get rid of my Ditto X4) if they are.
          Last edited by St_Genesius; 12-19-2020, 02:05 PM.
          The most popular thread I've ever made was 1) a joke and 2) based around literally the most inane/mundane question I could think of. That says something about me, or all of you, or both.


          • #6
            Thanks for this. It helps me understand how this works. Are you able to add a master 'fade' for all of the loops? Their Ditto X4 has a 'Fade' button that takes whatever is playing and makes it all fade out over about 10 seconds.
            Administrator of the SDUGF


            • #7
              Not that I noticed, and I'd be very surprised if it's there. Controls were very basic: Record, Dub, Stop/Start, Erase-all. As far as I could tell, there wasn't even a way to undo only the latest layer on a given loop. Which is, I guess, more forgivable when you've got multiples, but... compared to the other pedal models in there, it's a bit bare-bones.

              It would work fine for someone like me who tends to use looping as a way to lay down a chord progression over which my wife has to listen to me noodle for half an hour, but I've gotten spoiled by also having a drum machine in the mix.

              Originally posted by Mincer View Post
              Thanks for this. It helps me understand how this works. Are you able to add a master 'fade' for all of the loops? Their Ditto X4 has a 'Fade' button that takes whatever is playing and makes it all fade out over about 10 seconds.
              The most popular thread I've ever made was 1) a joke and 2) based around literally the most inane/mundane question I could think of. That says something about me, or all of you, or both.



              • #8
                Well, there are always updates that might come out. Thanks for letting me know!
                Administrator of the SDUGF


                • #9
                  Thanks for posting. It’s funny when you have a hardware item and V2 comes out the next year you are pissed. When it’s a software update everyone gets, it’s awesome!
                  Oh no.....

                  Oh Yeah!

