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Arion Tubulator modding.

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  • Arion Tubulator modding.

    Got the pedal recently and want to mod it. From what I have read, since it's a Tube Screamer clone, Tube Screamer mods can be done to it. This is what I'm looking at mod-wise;

    My hang up is with what's being replaced on the TS, then matching it up on the Arion. There's a couple that I might know; the double gain mod, replacing the 4 7k with a 2.2k, that looks to be R9 on the Arion. Then the TS808 mod, replacing the 470ohm with a 100ohm, maybe C1 on the Arion?

    That's where I'm at. Of course, any help is appreciated!

  • #2
    Yes, R9 is the 4.7k to change to 2.2k to change the gain. For the other one, a resistor will not be labeled with a "C", those are capacitors. I don't have time to look into it more right now though, sorry.


    • #3
      Cool, thank you! No worries.


      • #4
        FWIW, it may be easier to just tack another 4.7K resistor across the current R9 to increase the gain instead of removing the current resistor if you aren't practiced at desoldering. The 2 in parallel would be 2.35K, close enough, especially if you consider the tolerance ranges on the resistors used (probably +/- 10%)


        • #5
          Desoldering isn't a problem. I use a bulb, as I never have had luck with the braid.


          • #6
            If it were me, I would still tack it across the existing resistor, that way it will be easier if you want to put it back to stock, and much easier on the traces.


            • #7
              I did get that R9 swapped out and it's sounding good.


              • #8
                BTW, the 100 ohm resistor is R21 (currently 1K) on the Tubulator, but the cap is 1uF instead of 10uF on the 808, their order is also reversed, although that shouldn't matter. Personally, I wouldn't mess with changing those, I doubt you will hear a difference.

                Here's some info that might help -

