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Anyone using the Bogner Ecstasy Blue?

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  • Anyone using the Bogner Ecstasy Blue?

    Had heard about these pedals when they came out but never paid much attention at the time.

    The clips of the blue pedal sound really nice.

    They also appear to have a nice gain range for someone who isn't necessarily into death metal - recently most gear seems to be oriented towards at least 500 gain stages.

    I see there are mini pedals now for more reasonable prices although still not cheap.

    Both the full size (are they still making them?) and the mini look like great pedals albeit steep.

  • #2
    I thought they would have been more popular around here. As there donīt seem to be any users, letīs put this another way.

    Iīm looking at getting a pedal to use with a Princeton Reverb RI for marshall style overdriven sounds. More specifically plexi style sounds.

    I like the sounds Iīm hearing from the reviews of the Blue pedal, the fact that the gain range appears to start quite low appeals, and itīs supposed to be responsive to guitar volume.
    The tones Iīm after are early breakup to van halen tones - and if it doesnīt have that much gain itīs not the end of the world.

    On the other hand I have a list of what I imagine are more or less comparable OD style pedals.
    Without being restricted to this list which seem to be all somewhat plexi based, I have been looking at one of the following:

    wampler plexi drive
    catalinbread dirty little secret
    marvel ramble fx 3
    drybell the engine
    mad professor royal blue / supreme
    jhs charlie brown

    The thing that bugs me the most about watching/listening to video reviews (yes I know the sound quality is not perfect but I donīt have ready access to test any of these in person right now) is that they are so inconsistent.

    Some reviews are playing through a Fender style amp, others through Orange or Laney etc....Iīve even heard one review where the pedal was played through a plexi - why youīd want to review a plexi style OD pedal through a plexi I donīt understand. Even the more commercial ones eg. Sweetwater etc. donīt seem to have much consistency
    Is there a better way to go about this (bearing in mind what I mentioned about no access to test the pedals myself)? I guess not but any constructive ideas are welcome.

    In any case, so far I keep coming back to the bogner pedal.
    As a rule previously Iīve always got gain from the amp with no pedals so this is new territory for me and I know there is a lot of pedal experience on the board.

    Price wise some of these are pretty expensive and I would find it incredibly hard to justify buying a pedal at those prices.I already have a pedal I can use as a clean boost and the more expensive of these pedals seem to all have a boost of some sort built in, so Iīm inclined towards the cheaper end of the scale without that funcionality. While it would be nice I donīt think itīs worth an extra €150 - €200 so even though there are a few listed I think Iīll be staying away.

    BTW Mincer, I saw you went through what I suspect is a similar search not so long ago, do you still have the Ethos pedal and how are you liking it now?


    • #3
      The Bogner Blue is a nice pedal. I prefer the larger Bogner pedals over the smaller ones. In your case, I would suggest the La Grange if you were wanting Bogner for the type of sound you are after. I will list some others that could be a nice option for you.

      Ethos TWE
      Drybell Engine
      Suhr Eclipse
      All of the Friedman Pedals are great.

      The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.


      • #4
        As said above I would have said La Grange or Friedman Dirty Shirley for those tones. Both have plenty of gain and good note separation. I had the Blue, Red and La Grange and found the Blue was redundant so I sold it.


        • #5
          Had checked out the BE-OD but it was just OTT for me and that put me off, but I'l check out the Dirty Shirley (and the La Grange).



          • #6
            Can't speak to the real thing or the pedal, but I do like the model in my Zoom G3N
            Originally posted by Bad City
            He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


            • #7
              Originally posted by playas View Post
              Had checked out the BE-OD but it was just OTT for me and that put me off, but I'l check out the Dirty Shirley (and the La Grange).

              There is an internal trim pot that can be dialed back. Dial that back along with the gain out front and it could work for you. It wouldn't be my first choice but those steps make it a more viable option. Dirty Shirley and Small Box would be where I would start with Friedman. The Shirley has the most mids.
              The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.

