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Let's review MY pedalboard!

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  • Let's review MY pedalboard!

    Seems only fair. You showed me yours, so time to whip mine out! Without further ado, Steve "The Cadillac Cowboy" Dallas' pedal board....

    The signal chain is

    Boss Wireless > EHX Pitchfork (usually set to drop 1/2 step) > EHX Synth 9 > Morley Liberty Wah > Amp

    There is a One Spot Pro CS7 underneath

    In the Loop is a Zoom G3N. It is used for delays, Chorus, Reverb, whatever. There 50+ patches, one for every song in the set. Most have some combination of Delay/Chorus/Reverb on them. Occasionally something spicier like the Vocalizer for Living' On A Prayer, or the momentary Kick Flanger for Down Boys, etc.

    Originally posted by Bad City
    He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...

  • #2

    The Pitchfork screams, "I can't transpose songs on the fly". Yet a valuable tool when playing in a cover band and needing to play in many different tunings. I will give you a pass there. Seeing you have a ton of empty real estate, there is no reason to have it on its side. It just screams, "I think I am cool" you are not.

    The Synth 9 is cool if you can not find a keyboard player willing to wear a wig. The ZOOM multi tells us you are content with getting a "close enough" setting for your modulation and effects. The Morley is a great choice; I cannot slam you for that.

    I remember you slamming me for having pet hair on my board, but it looks like you have Chewbacca for a roadie.

    The random power strip and extra-long cables tell me you are not ready for a live gig. It is unmanaged and unprofessional.

    I know you have other pedals and lots of room for them. Finish your board and stop relying so much on the ZOOM petal to get everything done for you. Don't return to this thread until you are willing to show us a complete board.


    • #3
      Oh yeah - that cord running between the Synth9 and the Zoom is for the amp channel switch / solo boost buttons. I like them away from the other pedals a little.
      Originally posted by Bad City
      He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


      • #4
        Bruh. At least put a tremolo in there.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Blille View Post
          Bruh. At least put a tremolo in there.
          That's the first thing I thought.
          Administrator of the SDUGF


          • #6
            I’m not a roaster, but one thing that would improve your gigging life is a Pedal Python. Gather the signal, switching and power all into one wrap, color code the plugs at the amp end (if you haven’t already) and it’s a little more convenient setting up.

            The most impressive thing of this board is taking the time to program 50 presets on the zoom and being able to navigate to them quickly live.
            Oh no.....

            Oh Yeah!


            • #7
              Nice Rig,

              I see 3 possible pedalboard demerits that need issued.

              1) all that dog hair on your velcro -get your sh*t together man.

              2). 2 digital EHX pedals (and the 2 noisiest they make) in series without a bypass relay insertion system to keep them out of signal path when not in use? What are you thinking -you are livin' on the edge!!! There's going to be that horrible classic EHX digital noise floor pulsing pumping through your amp when you crank it for a gig... every Dog at the Chili cook off will be howling in pain from your rig

              3) Morley Wah is a violation of flag code,.... clean that pedal up for God and Country man.

              Thats all I got, in fact, I'm disappointed -you are not giving us enough pedalboard material here Ace.
              “For me, when everything goes wrong – that’s when adventure starts.” Yvonne Chouinard


              • #8
                Let's see. Points for the amp and cabinet. Solid foundation.

                1. Clean the thing, will ya? There's enough dust and hair on not just the board, but the pedals, that I'd want to wear gloves before touching it.
                2. Boss Wireless - not a bad choice but there are much better options out there when it comes to range and reliability.
                3. Pitch fork? Tune down your guitars half step and play everything that way, ditch the pitch fork. Your singer will thank you too.
                4. Not familiar with the Synth 9 myself but from what I have heard of it, sounds like a cool toy to have in the rig for various things.
                5. Points for a cool Morley Wah.
                6. If you didn't have such a cool amp/cabinet setup, the Zoom would destroy any credibility for the rig. Just don't use it for distortion or overdrive....EVER. The FX are good for the need.
                7. Buy a duster and clean everything! Have I mentioned that?

                For an 80's tribute style band, functional and gets the job done. If anything, get a good compressor out front for clean settings and even for leads. You'll be glad you did.


                • #9
                  Needs individual tremolo, phaser, a Big Muff and at least one analog delay.


                  • #10
                    Apart from what the others said, I think if you swapped the Zoom for an MS3 (not much more money) using the 4 cable method you would be able to have patches that included:
                    - onboard effects in the loop
                    - onboard effects before the preamp
                    - amp channel and boost (is it that model?)
                    - two of the three pedals you have (let’s say wah and synth9 since it looks like the pitchfork is always in

                    So if now you have to change the amp channel, boost, change patch on the zoom, turn of synth 9 - Instead of 4 taps it would be one.
                    Last edited by Blille; 12-29-2021, 03:36 PM.


                    • #11
                      Man...this is all you guys have? I filled PAGES. You guys have barely hit double digit post counts.
                      Originally posted by Bad City
                      He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Aceman View Post
                        Man...this is all you guys have? I filled PAGES. You guys have barely hit double digit post counts.
                        It's all the dog hair and dirt..... it's throwing off our concentration.
                        “For me, when everything goes wrong – that’s when adventure starts.” Yvonne Chouinard


                        • #13
                          I'm game for the roast....

                          Zoom Digital!?! Into a decent Mesa! Then into a Marshall?? What in the actual **** Bob? Ha ha ha
                          pick a brand!!

                          That's like having a Honda motor powering a 3 colored Chevy S-10 with a handmade wooden camper shell awkwardly strapped on the back.

                          Kudos for the Mesa and or Marshall...
                          But the one sideways pedal just looks like you gave up on things.... maybe it's like "mini me" from Austin Powers, when Goldmember says he's too shhmall and doesn't understand....

                          is there a noise gate somewhere in all that digital polyphonic nonsense?

                          Get a vacuum to all the dog or cat hair and I'll give you back a point for having 2 ehx pedals together at least they're in the same family...

                          Points for having your cables tucked away nice and cleanly.

                          .....and for the love of wet panties!
                          Where in the hell is the dirt box? How do you have a pedal board without a dirt box!!!
                          That's what pedal boards were made to do...hold distortion pedals!

                          Ha ha good fun!
                          Last edited by 80's_Thrash_Metal; 12-29-2021, 11:07 PM.


                          • #14
                            I shall address all of your issues...and yes - gigging reality is never as sexy as gear ho'ing!
                            Originally posted by Bad City
                            He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Aceman View Post
                              Man...this is all you guys have? I filled PAGES. You guys have barely hit double digit post counts.
                              Sorry, I was trying to be helpful. My bad.

