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What model(s) to use on my HX Stomp for a Punk sound?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by El Dunco View Post
    Sounds like you just invented luxurycore!


    • #17
      Oh, the kind of punk that I'm playing is certainly not -core, LOL. It's easier going. That's why I'm having so much trouble.


      • #18
        Also, FWIW, I hope it gives me more punk cred that I'm plugging into an MG100 head's FX return and a really beat up JCM900 cab, LOL.
        Last edited by Rex_Rocker; 05-26-2024, 01:32 PM.


        • #19
          I would skip the HX Stomp and just use that rig


          • #20
            Originally posted by Securb View Post
            I would skip the HX Stomp and just use that rig

            I tried. It sounds too much like **** even for Punk, or so I thought, LOL. I mean, at the end of the day, I can't stop being me.

            It's still the "pretty" kind of Punk, I think, that we're playing. I'm no Punk conossieur, but it's certainly more towards the Pop Punky kind of deal than Crust or Grindcore or whatever.
            Last edited by Rex_Rocker; 05-26-2024, 06:27 PM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Rex_Rocker View Post
              Well, I guess that's my problem, LOL. I'm pretty unpunk.

              But I was tweaking yesterday, and I settled on using the Friedman with an SD-1 into an IR of a 1960V cab. Sounds cool, but I still sound like myself. I guess I'll see next band practice if it fits the music better. Hopefully, it does.

              I'm going to try another stab at the several 800 models they have there. I'm always super uncomfortable with 800's. The BMT knobs don't really control the frequencies I'm used to (I've always played Rectos or 5150 real life amps or models). But we'll see.
              You're always going to sound like you. I'd can the boost, just run the amp as ragged and raw as possible, don't try to make it smooth or boosted. Use limitations as inspiration to change how you sound and play. The comment about using "wrong" techniques is spot on.


              • #22
                There's a ton of fun options for more raw sounding setups. And there isn't just one punk. Tons of spinoffs and gatekeeping puritanism, just like many other genres. There's a ton of oddballs in the Helix that have turned up on punk, New Wave, pop-punk, or modern punk recordings.

                Helix's take on the Rectifier lacks the modes that a lot of rockers and lower gain players use to make them work. Not surprised it was too much. I was surprised to hear Lindsey Buckingham uses an SD-1 into a Rectifier live, but even with his settings I couldn't get anything close out of Helix's Recto model.

                Given your tone description, I'd suggest trying a boost [Horizon Drive, Top Secret OD, Prize Drive, or Stupor OD] into one of the following:
                Brit 2203, which doess the classic JCM800 sound complete with bright cap, for that 80s kerrang. Line 6 Voltage and Park 75 some easier to dial in Marshall variants.
                The MOO))N (Sunn Model T) is fairly similar to a late bass model JMP, IIRC, but pushed it's like a growlier and rattier sounding JCM800 crossed with a Bassman, with an interesting rasp. I like to use the Moo))n Jump, and play with the bright/normal channel drive balance, but you may prefer sticking to the Nrm or Brt model.
                The Mandarin Rocker [Orange Rockerverb] is worth a look, for something that does a broad range of rock to metal dirty tones.

                Or one of the high-gainers with a Scream 808, Pillars, or other bass cut pedal [even a low-cut EQ]:
                For gainier modern sounds, the Panama [5150], PV Vitriol Crunch or Lead [Invective], Placater Dirty, Archetype Lead, Solo Lead Crunch or OD [Soldano], and Line 6 Badonk are all worth a look, too. Or how about the Revv Generator Purple with the least gain & lower master settings you can stand if you want punchy, tight crunch. Purple may not even

                If the Revv is too tight/not enough bass and doesn't do it for you without a TS, I'd probably look at the Archetype Lead next, Badonk, or Placater Dirty with the sag turned down.

                Oh, speaker cabs are a huge chunk, I like the 4x12 MOO))N T75 for G12T75 sounds (scooped, but punchy), 1x12 Open Cream [G12M-65] is another speaker common in late JMP/JCM800s, or any of the Greenback or Blackback cabs are various flavors of classic, and of course the V30 cabs do their mid-forward thing in variations. Don't stop at the default speaker, try variations! A lot of punks used whatever they had/could afford! Heck, the 2x15 US Dripman makes for a gnarly crunch tone for dark rhythms.

                Hope all that gives you some ideas!
                Last edited by Despair; 05-28-2024, 03:58 PM.


                • #23
                  Ignore the bit about speaker cabs, except to make sure you shut the cab off when running the Stomp into the amp's effects return and a 4x12. I'd try to match the sound of that set of speakers, which would depend on what the particular 900 cab is loaded with. Most common were G12T75s, but you mention a V model. Or, stick with the IR you like if you're already ahead of me on matching the cab...


                  • #24
                    Thanks for the suggestions! I have band practice today, so I guess I'll know if my tweaks have worked.

                    Talk about "luxury core", LOL. I settled on the Klon boosting the Friedman for now. It sounded fatter to me than the SD-1, and I liked that, because it also became dirtier and nastier overall. I hope it works.

                    I just can't get the 800 models to work for me. The mid knob works super alien for me. If I scoop it, it loses all the high-mid bite and aggression, but if I boost it, it starts sounding mega stuffy and kinda vocal. The low-end is also super thuddy rather than punchy. I don't know. I think Marshalls are just not for me.

                    And yeah, I have the HX routed so that my FX send sends a direct signal (no IR) to the amp/cab. I just have the IR at the actual output in case I need to go direct to FOH. I bet the actual show will have pre mic'd cabs because they mentioned most bands would be using the same backline. So who knows. Either way, I'd prefer to send my DI signal to FOH and just use whatever cabs they have there to monitor myself because, well, my IR is my sound.
                    Last edited by Rex_Rocker; 05-29-2024, 12:10 PM.


                    • #25
                      If you want fatter without sounding unnatural, the Prize Drive [Nobels ODR-1] is also great. Adds depth without bloat.

                      A lot of people describe the Klon as transparent, but it definitely adds something, it just is subtle and the amp it doesn't work with is rare.

                      SD-1 is great with a lot of amps, Marshalls it usually sits well with. Generally it beefs them up, without making them shrill or bloated. A lot of Marshalls have popular EQ settings that are pretty extreme. At volume, Plexis often run 3 bass, max mids, 7 treble, 7 or lower presence, for example.

                      800s were often matched with a scooped G12T75 cab, so not shocking the mids don't sit as well with some other cabs. But they are the sound of 80s metal, and a lot more. Often with a different preamp, though...

                      Go with what you like, if it works for you, no reason to worry about anything else!


                      • #26
                        Blink’s early sound is a recto unboosted with medium gain. Backing off the gain on my metal rhythm sound on my JVM is a dead ringer for The Offspring’s Smash sound.

                        With how low the bar ia for the smallest permutations counting as a whole new subgenre, I hope luxurycore catches on!
                        Last edited by El Dunco; 05-31-2024, 11:43 PM.
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                        • #27
                          If I were to start a punk gig today, my rig would be my A8 loaded SG, and my Hot Rails Tele direct into my AC30 with the top boost cranked.


                          • #28
                            Punk is embarrassed for this thread.

                            Just use a Greenway Preset on something and call it a day.
                            Originally posted by Bad City
                            He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...

