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  • Spin-A-Split

    Mkay, this is the umpteenth time I've asked this but I'm just getting my order sorted out with Blackrose right now so soon I will have all I need.

    I'm going to be running a Cool Rails (neck) and Alnico II Pro humbucker (bridge) in my LTD EC-300. Ordered some dual concentric pots and now I'm a little stuck on what to do. The controls are a 3-way LP switch, the two concentric pots and one 500k pot.

    I'd really like to have the spin-a-split option. I can see a few ways of doing this:
    1. Wire the single 500k pot as a master split, and have two independent tone controls
    2. Wire one of the stacks of each of the concentric knobs and have one master tone.
    3. Wire each concentric set as a volume and tone for each pup and just split the bridge.
    4. Wire each as a volume and tone for each pup and just split the neck.

    Regardless, one stack of each concentric pot will be dedicated as a volume control for each pickup.

    So I'm wondering what the better option is, and how exactly I wire them up. I searched through the schematics and found no mention of the spin a split design...I think I definitely want the split in the neck for some snap on funk rhythm type stuff...but if I can have both easily should I just go for it with both?

    Edit: If I do wire a split for both, do I need to wire it so the north coil of one pup is out, and then the south of the other coil, so as not to have excess noise in the combined switch position?
    Last edited by Ken; 10-12-2004, 08:30 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Spin-A-Split

    #1 won't work very well. I don't think there's any good way to split two 'buckers with one pot.

    If it was me, I'd use one concentric to spin-a-split the two p'ups, then just decide whether you want a master tone, or a master volume.
    I'd lean towards a master volume, with two tone controls.

    (Although, if it was truly mine, I'd do master volume, master tone, concentric for dual spin-a-splits.)


    • #3
      Re: Spin-A-Split

      Hmmm...methinks the best option is to wire the concentric pots as vol/tone and then use the single 500k as a split for the neck position.


      • #4
        Re: Spin-A-Split


        This is the greatest resurrection you've ever seen.

        Do I wire the red AND white wires to the pot for splitting, or just the red or just the white?


        • #5
          Re: Spin-A-Split

          Red and white.

