Re: Ibanez RG750. Breeds, Paf pros or Evo's?
Thanks Chaps.
So many opposing theories and each have merit.
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Ibanez RG750. Breeds, Paf pros or Evo's?
Re: Ibanez RG750. Breeds, Paf pros or Evo's?
New pickups rarely increase resale value on a used guitar. You're better off saving your money.
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Re: Ibanez RG750. Breeds, Paf pros or Evo's?
Originally posted by Destructonehmmmm... im actually planning on putting an EVO on the bridge of my ibanez rg3120... the paf pro rules on the neck of that guitar, but the tone zone blows... totally! so maybe in two weeks i'd find out whether the EVO is worth it or not...
it is said on the dimarzio website that the evolution and fred pickups are nominated for best electric pickup award along with other three finalists given by guitar player magazine. check the "news" section.
more players would probably go for the Ibanez with the EVO...
I replaced it with a JB which sounded more airy and singing, but was still pretty dark in that guitar! Another guy on this forum bought his RG3120 with Evos and I think they also darkened up a bit . My next plan was to get a Super II since I didn't want to cut off the baseplate sided again for a Duncan pick up to fit in this guitar. I think you'll really need to get that pick up, it's awesome I believe! I traded in the guitar, which was probably the best thing I could've ever done, since I discovered Jackson USA guitars and got myself a huge profit by trading and selling!
I also disconnected the tone pot and the results were more agression and high end, also more harmonics I believe, but the JB still sounded warm and undefined on the low end (I really have no idea why!).
As for inter, the Evo will indeed appeal to shredder-wannabees, but real shredders have probably already tried it. The Evo always seems to be "the ok pick up", it's never wonderful but never bad either, at least my friends who've tried it always say that. For class make it a: Evo(b), Paf Pro(n), and Blue Velvet (m) or something. For tone I'd get a Breed(b), Lil' '59(m), Paf Pro (n)
Do keep in mind the buyer will eventually try the guitar, so I believe tone is just as importantLast edited by Neeradj; 11-02-2004, 06:55 AM.
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Re: Ibanez RG750. Breeds, Paf pros or Evo's?
I'm not sure if many people have noticed it, but there's an issue floating around about most Ibanezes sounding a little dark and with lesser total output due to the tone knobs being linear taper(i'm not sure what it is, maybe its something to do with the cap). So i tried disconnecting it the results were there for me to hear, it was as if a wet blanket was taken off the guitar and there were instant improvements in sound. This kinda introduced me to the whole loud, higher output thing and i'm sure i dont want to go back. I think among other things Ibanez lacks power and maybe a lot of players would love to have an EVO in their guitars just to have that edge.
As for me now i've gone for a JB, but thats a different story But it looks like the EVO is a winner here!!!
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Re: Ibanez RG750. Breeds, Paf pros or Evo's?
hmmmm... im actually planning on putting an EVO on the bridge of my ibanez rg3120... the paf pro rules on the neck of that guitar, but the tone zone blows... totally! so maybe in two weeks i'd find out whether the EVO is worth it or not...
it is said on the dimarzio website that the evolution and fred pickups are nominated for best electric pickup award along with other three finalists given by guitar player magazine. check the "news" section.
more players would probably go for the Ibanez with the EVO...
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Re: Ibanez RG750. Breeds, Paf pros or Evo's?
inter, if I'm not mistaken, I believe that Steve Vai used the PAF Pro's in his DLR and WhiteSnake dayz...
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Re: Ibanez RG750. Breeds, Paf pros or Evo's?
Thanks Majestic,
Yeah, it's not the clearest question in the world (seemed good with a few drinks under the belt at 3:00am) .
I agree with the Evo-stunt guitar statement. From what I've heard, they are too trebly and cold with the ceramic mag. Great for single note stuff.
I don't know if I agree with you that Vai hasn't played a regular paf pro live or in the studio, espeacially earlier in his career.
Basically, I'd like to go for the 'Jem vibe' and I'd luv opinions from a buyer's point of view, which of these pups (Breeds, Paf Pros or Evo's) would most appeal? Personally, I'm looking at the Breed and Paf Pro's for versatillity, but I'm guessing most Ibanez buyers are shredders = Evolution.
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Re: Ibanez RG750. Breeds, Paf pros or Evo's? far as the EVO goes....I love it, but only in my "stunt-guitar", which still has a basswood body, and a stop-tail trem. It's also short-scale. Under those conditions, it's a fat-yet-evil pickup, like a Duncan Custom.
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Re: Ibanez RG750. Breeds, Paf pros or Evo's?
I guess I don't understand the question. Are you asking which pickup will increase the guitar's resale value?
As far as tone goes.....I'd play with the pickup that magnifies the best parts of your playing to the fullest.
As far as the PAF Pro goes......again, we've been through this before.....Vai doesn't play the PAF Pro.....he plays the PAF Pro II, or any other pickup that is 13k+, which combined with his thin guitar, floating trem, and minimalist picking technique, most likely lead to his awfullly wimpy tone.
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Ibanez RG750. Breeds, Paf pros or Evo's?
I'm looking at changing my black RG750 to give it that classy JEM7PBK look (i.e. Black body & p/guard with white pups, knobs, switch).
I can get new pickups for quite cheap and selling the stock IBZUSA pickups will probably cover most of the costs. Basically, the upgrade is a catalyst to spend a bit of time with the Breed or Evo pups and I may sell this guitar after I’m done. (I’m GAS’ing heavily for a Wolfgang). I know most of you guys are smarter than the average bear when it comes to pups. But I'd luv to know from a regular buyer's point of view, which of these pups (Breeds, Paf pros or Evo's) would most appeal to potential buyers of this guitar? Btw, these guitar’s are much rarer in Australia than they are in the states so I’ll probably get a reasonable price.
I’m probably going to go with the Evo's only because they’d appeal to the ‘shredder’ guys and they outsell the other two by a country mile as replacement pups. But I don’t want to rule out the other 2 pups because of their obvious quality.
Just so y’all know, I've got a set of paf pro's in another Ibanez RG. Luv them. The only thing that I miss is the screaming high notes, especially past the 12th fret. I’ll be picking up neck f spaced breed for the bridge of my other Ibanez as well due too so many glowing reviews.
BTW, I don't know if anyone has seen the clip of Vai playing the Seville expo in 1992. He's using a JEM7PBK and does 'For the love of God' for the first time live. You can easily tell they are paf pro's by the tone and he's forever double-triple picking high notes to keep them sustaining. I've got the DVD of him playing the Astoria and there's certainly no issues with sustain (Evo's).
I wonder which pup he'd use if he joined another band and had to do rhythm and lead ala DLR band?
Apologies for the long post but any opinions would be greatLast edited by inter; 10-30-2004, 11:33 AM.Tags: None
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