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warmer than an Alnico Pro II ? for bridge

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  • warmer than an Alnico Pro II ? for bridge

    I have a set of Alnico Pro IIs which I have tried in 3 different mahogany guitars.
    They sound the best so far, but I would really like the bridge to be more 'fuller' sounding - like a bit more warm (bass) a tiny bit more mids, and a tad less bright in the highs.
    Looking at the tone chart and I can't find anything.
    Any suggestions ?

    I am playing through a Super Champ XD (with 10" Ragin' Cajun' speaker)
    Is this amp causing my guitars to sound more trebly than normal ?

    I just found these - Duncan Vintage Blues '59 Humbucker Set - anyone have experience with these ?

    I play mostly 'uppity' blues.

  • #2
    Re: warmer than an Alnico Pro II ? for bridge

    What value are the pots you're using it with? If they're not 250k then I'd swap them out for some before trying out anything else. They'll move the freq. range a bit lower and warm things up. It's also a much cheaper fix than a whole new pup. I have experience with the '59 set in an SG but I've never used the A2 pros so I can't really compare them. The '59b, to my ears, was a little thin sounding but it was still warm. The highs are quite bright but I rarely found them too bright or piercing. The low end was tight but relatively full and the mids were nicely scooped but the mahogany body of the guitar filled those in. Without trying out the A2pros I can't know for sure but to be honest, reading what you don't like about them doesn't make me think that a '59 will be the pickup for you.
    I remember calloused hands and paint-stained jeans, and I remember safe-as-houses self-belief.


    • #3
      Re: warmer than an Alnico Pro II ? for bridge

      You're talking to a guy that loves warm, full bridges.

      Step 1 - two 250K pots and a roughcast A2. This may do it. If not, procede to:

      Step 2 - an unoriented A5 with either 500K's or 250K's.

      One of these will solve your problem. The magents are several dollars each; with pots you're looking at maybe $20 in total. Please, don't rush out and buy a new PU until you've seen what your A2P can do. It's a very good PU.
      "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
      "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
      "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."


      • #4
        Re: warmer than an Alnico Pro II ? for bridge

        Fuller, warmer, more mids and a tad less highs.....sounds like you need a middle aged woman of Latin American origin.

        Seriously, go with the CC. Even though it is hotter than the APH, it will do what you are asking. I have one in the bridge of a very heavy strat copy and it will never, never leave. If you want to hear it in action, let me know and I will point you to some of my clips.
        My Sound Clips


        • #5
          Re: warmer than an Alnico Pro II ? for bridge

          Although it's backed with the best of intentions, you don't need to buy another PU at this point. I've seen too many guys chase their tails buying PU after PU, all based on heartfelt recommendations. 'Work with what you have' first and then decide. You have no idea what that A2P is capable of with other magnets and pots, and it's not in your best interests to jettison it yet. Plenty of time for that later.

          A CC is going to sound a lot different in a Strat copy, than in one of your mahogany bodies, and especially if you're playing 'uppity blues'. A CC is not the first choice for that.
          "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
          "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
          "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."


          • #6
            Re: warmer than an Alnico Pro II ? for bridge

            Originally posted by Crane View Post
            I have a set of Alnico Pro IIs which I have tried in 3 different mahogany guitars.
            They sound the best so far, but I would really like the bridge to be more 'fuller' sounding - like a bit more warm (bass) a tiny bit more mids, and a tad less bright in the highs.
            I play mostly 'uppity' blues.
            I can't believe nobody chimed in with what it should be the obvious answer for his request: AlNiCo 8 magnet for that p'up!

            Anyway, there you have it. Everything you want in that p'up just with a magnet change that would set you up ten bucks tops and it'll take you 'bout max a halfn'hour if you have ten thumbs in your hands.

            Last edited by LtKojak; 07-27-2010, 01:45 AM.


            • #7
              Re: warmer than an Alnico Pro II ? for bridge

              Thnx for all the suggestions.
              I am an electronic tech, so I am good with a soldering iron.
              However, I'm new at pickups.
              I never had one apart - afraid the tone fairies will get out.
              Besides, I don't want to tear it apart in case I decide to sell it.
              I know I wouldn't want a pickup that was torn apart.
              At this point, changing pickups - I have down to a science and changing magnets and pots would probably take me more time !
              I have 3 mahogany guitars - 2 of them only have 1 vol. and 1 tone
              So if I changed the pots, would it darken the neck pickup also ?

              Right now I am leaning towards a Breed bridge.
              Any experience with them ?


              • #8
                Re: warmer than an Alnico Pro II ? for bridge

                CC/APH is the calibrated stock Duncan set you seek.

                I think all these magnet gurus are going to single handedly put the pickup industry out of business! ROFL....just kidding, of course.
                Originally posted by Boogie Bill
                I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!


                • #9
                  Re: warmer than an Alnico Pro II ? for bridge

                  Pearly Gates bridge does precisely what you want. Instead of the bottom hole that the APH1b has it has a low-mids push. (in the neck that can be bad but you are talking bridge here)

                  A APH1b with A5 pretty much turns into a '59b which goes from scooped and gets very snorty on harder play. I have no idea how people end up recommending that to you.

                  The Duncan Custom can be a contender for overdriven sound. It can really sing but still backs off very well.


                  • #10
                    Re: warmer than an Alnico Pro II ? for bridge

                    Idk about the Pearly Gates as I took it out of the bridge and slapped my A2 Pro as I thought the Pearly was too bridge in my Les Paul. The Pearly has more upper mid presence in my opinion. Personally based on my experience I wouldnt recommend a Pearly Gates if you think the A2 Pro isnt warm enough.


                    • #11
                      Re: warmer than an Alnico Pro II ? for bridge

                      Originally posted by Crane View Post
                      I never had one apart - afraid the tone fairies will get out
                      There are NO TONE FAIRIES. It won't affect the resale value unless you break something and a coil goes dead, but is highly improbable.

                      But if you don't want the hassle, my word of advice is useless to you.


                      • #12
                        Re: warmer than an Alnico Pro II ? for bridge

                        I got a Breed bridge new for $54.
                        Installed in Mira = search over.
                        Alnico Pro II in the neck.

                        Overall the Alnico Pro IIs are my favorite SDs.
                        I wish I could put a nickel set in the Mira, but I need the Breed (which does not come in nickel) to tame the ice picky beast.


                        • #13
                          Re: warmer than an Alnico Pro II ? for bridge

                          Originally posted by LtKojak View Post
                          There are NO TONE FAIRIES.
                          I don't know...I always kind of thought Keith was a bit of a Tone Fairy.

                          And might I suggest simply turning the tone knob down a touch? It's crazy, but it might just work...
                          Originally posted by Bad City
                          He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


                          • #14
                            Re: warmer than an Alnico Pro II ? for bridge

                            Originally posted by Aceman View Post

                            And might I suggest simply turning the tone knob down a touch? It's crazy, but it might just work...
                            Now that's just uncalled for.
                            My Sound Clips


                            • #15
                              Re: warmer than an Alnico Pro II ? for bridge

                              Ever thought about buying the Slash custom APII? They have al the enhanced characteristics you seem to want in your sound?

