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Alnico II Pro Humbuckers

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  • Alnico II Pro Humbuckers

    hi i am new here.....
    i was wonderin if i could replace the vintage PUs on the epiphone 56 goldtop with alnico II pros...
    am a huge slash fan and wanted my guitar to sound like his....a bit at least.... ....
    what PUs should i use at the neck and the briddge.....can i use the same PU at both places?
    thanx in advance

  • #2
    Re: Alnico II Pro Humbuckers

    Does your LP have P-90's? If it does, the Alinco II Pro's won't fit without extensive modification (you'll have to cut your guitar up). The Alnico II Pro Humbuckers are calibrated with a neck and a bridge version. The bridge version will be a bit hotter and thicker to compensate for the position it will be mounted in.

    BTW, Welcome to the Forum!!
    Ain't nothin' but a G thang, baby.


    • #3
      Re: Alnico II Pro Humbuckers

      yeah the LP has P90s.....but will they fit in a standard LP with normal all if i put Alnico IIs at bothe postion will that be ok?

      how diff will it sound if i just leave the P90s in diff do the P90s sound from Alnico IIs


      • #4
        Re: Alnico II Pro Humbuckers

        It really depends on your amp. Slash plays silver jubilees, among others. The amp is pretty critical to tone.. moreso than a pickup.


        • #5
          Re: Alnico II Pro Humbuckers

          The P-90's will have more highs and upper midrange frequencies than the APH's, while also having cleaner, tighter lows.

          P-90's are not iterchangeable with normal humbuckers, their physical dimensions are very different. There are better replacement P-90's from Duncan that will fit your guitar, but not one of them will sound exactly like the Alnico II Pro Humbucker.
          Ain't nothin' but a G thang, baby.


          • #6
            Re: Alnico II Pro Humbuckers

            A2 pros are the way to go for a slash tone, theyre awesome sounding pups, they are sweet clear, warm and round, with amazing vocal quality. I f your uve got a p90 gat i dont think they wud fit. But if its humbucking ull be fine.
            PRS McCarty (59n, 59b)
            1990 Fender Strat Japan (SSL-1, SSL-1, APS-1)

            Orange Dual Terror Head
            Blackstar HT-5
            2 Fender 12" Cabs with Celestion G12H30, Vintage 30
            Vox Pathfiinder 15R


            • #7
              Re: Alnico II Pro Humbuckers

              thanx guys uve been a lot of help....say what wud cime closest to a single coil.....if am using a marshall will it sound on that


              • #8
                Re: Alnico II Pro Humbuckers

                Originally posted by DrSaurabh
                thanx guys uve been a lot of help....say what wud cime closest to a single coil.....if am using a marshall will it sound on that
                Duncan makes a single coil version of the Alnico 2 Pro. The humbucker version will not a fit a P90 guitar unless you route the body to accept the larger humbucking pickups. If you don't mind spending some extra cash, the Duncan custom shop can probably wind you a P90 version of the Alnico 2 Pro.

                Originally posted by JOLLY
                I'm the reason we had to sign waivers


                • #9
                  Re: Alnico II Pro Humbuckers

                  the whole deal is i cant get that kinda customisation done coz am ordering it out of the US..... so its all gonna be done thru my bro who dosnt knw much abt guitars


                  • #10
                    Re: Alnico II Pro Humbuckers

                    If your guitar has P90 soapbars, there's no way you can fit standard humbuckers unless you re-route (and even then). If you really want humbuckers, I suggest you sell your LP and buy another second-hand one with humbuckers, that you can then replace with Alnico II Pros.

                    It's true taht the amp influences your sound, but I have been surprised many times by how much changing pickups can do. In my Eggle Berlin Pro (which is more a PRS-style guiter than a Les Paul) I have an Alnico II Pro in the neck and I must say: Slash through and through! Really, there's no denying it - this IS the Slash tone. I play my guitar through a Marshall JTM60, which, of course, is a Marshall, but by no means a Jubilee head. I think the pickups are a VERY large part of it sounding the way it does.

                    By the way, alnico II pro single coils are very nice pickups, but also to no help to you as they are the standard strat size and won't fit your P90 cavities. They also wouldn't really sound 'Slash', as his sound says very much 'humbucker'. Wiring two of them in series (on a strat) would probably get you close, though.


                    • #11
                      Re: Alnico II Pro Humbuckers

                      One thing people don't seem to realize and overlook is the amp. Yes Slash plays through 100 watt marshall silver jubilee amps i believe and he cranks those amps quite a bit at fairly HIGH volumes in order to work the tubes in his amp. Even if you did have a les paul with alnico 2 pro humbuckers, you would need a marshall tube amp at the least and you would really need to play them at fairly higher volumes to achieve the "slash" tone. From a marshall ss amp it might be alot tougher to achieve slashs tone.
                      Proud Master of Strats.....


                      • #12
                        Re: Alnico II Pro Humbuckers

                        AS long as you keep your signal path clean and run those alncio 2 pros through a tube amp you can pretty much nail his tone (well thats to me anyway) also i dont want to try and sound exactly like slash, i prefer having a slight personal touch to my setup.
                        PRS McCarty (59n, 59b)
                        1990 Fender Strat Japan (SSL-1, SSL-1, APS-1)

                        Orange Dual Terror Head
                        Blackstar HT-5
                        2 Fender 12" Cabs with Celestion G12H30, Vintage 30
                        Vox Pathfiinder 15R

