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Pickup for the SChecter C1+?

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  • Pickup for the SChecter C1+?

    I've just ordered a used, very cheap Schecter C1+. Now it's got the original SD Design's on. I'm gonna try them out, but I suspect I will eventually replace them for something better.

    I play mainly metal and hard rock, but on occasion I'd like to be able to have a warm clean sound. I'm thinking something high output in the bridge, and a cleaner in the neck?
    The obvious standard choice is JB in the bridge and Jazz in the neck, but anyone tried something else in this guitar?
    After reading a lot of reviews it seems the JB can be very trebley, almost too bright. I'm not sure that's what I want, but I guess the guitar will color the sound aswell...

    Any input appreciated, it's not easy to choose by listening to the sound smaples provided by SD.
    Rek Custom Guitar (Duncan Full Shred set)
    Peavey Vandenberg Ed.2 (Tom Anderson HN3, DiMarzio Chopper)
    Peavey Vandenberg Custom Quilt Top (Stock pickups)

  • #2
    Re: Pickup for the SChecter C1+?

    I'm about to drop a C5/Jazz combo into my C1+, I'll be posting a review in the next week or two. I have a DiMarzio Fred/PAF Pro set right now, but I think I'm starting to grow out of them .
    After Osmosis | My Music | Instagram


    • #3
      Re: Pickup for the SChecter C1+?

      OK, great! So what do you think of the C1+?
      Why are you going for the C5...? I've never even concidered it, I've been thinking about DD, JB and a few other high output PU's, but never that one...
      Rek Custom Guitar (Duncan Full Shred set)
      Peavey Vandenberg Ed.2 (Tom Anderson HN3, DiMarzio Chopper)
      Peavey Vandenberg Custom Quilt Top (Stock pickups)


      • #4
        Re: Pickup for the SChecter C1+?

        I've got a C1+. I left the stock neck pickup in it for now, but the bridge has been changed out to a Distortion. The thing is just so thick and crunchy. It's an awesome pickup in this guitar.


        • #5
          Re: Pickup for the SChecter C1+?

          That's an alternative... The duncan design is probably better on the clean stuff from the neck-pu then the distorded from the bridge?
          So the Distorion sounds good on this axe?

          I've actually been thinking about what it would look like with black uncovered humbuckers, some black Sperzel Tuners, black Tonepros bridge and some cool black knobs...? What do you think of that?
          I'm getting the black cherry one...
          Rek Custom Guitar (Duncan Full Shred set)
          Peavey Vandenberg Ed.2 (Tom Anderson HN3, DiMarzio Chopper)
          Peavey Vandenberg Custom Quilt Top (Stock pickups)


          • #6
            Re: Pickup for the SChecter C1+?

            I used to have C-5/PG in mine, now I have the PGb/aIIpro and i love it
            PRS Singlecuts
            Epiphone Sheraton II
            Vintage acoustics


            • #7
              Re: Pickup for the SChecter C1+?

              Originally posted by Tom M
              I've got a C1+. I left the stock neck pickup in it for now, but the bridge has been changed out to a Distortion. The thing is just so thick and crunchy. It's an awesome pickup in this guitar.

              hey dude the bridge has to be trembucker spaced right?
              Schecter C1 silver top, cream body binding , black hardware, loaded with EMG 81/81
              Epi Les paul honeyburst, loaded with Seymour Duncan DD (b) 59 (n)
              Ibanez Iceman ic300 , Stock pickups
              Yamaha Pacifica , stock
              epiphone acoustic
              marshall combo
              cry baby wah
              monster cables


              • #8
                Re: Pickup for the SChecter C1+?

                i had black knobs on my c1+ when i had it. i had the reddish cherry finish. the black knobs looked stunning on it. plus, the original knobs are cheap doesnt really matter what u put in the neck tho cuz a 24 fret guitar is never going to have the desireable (to me) neck pickup tone since the pickup has to be pushed closer to the bridge. but, if your going to go through with getting a new neck pickup id try the thickest sounding pickup u can.


                • #9
                  Re: Pickup for the SChecter C1+?

                  We'll see when I get it. I'll play it for a while so I know I really wanna keep it.
                  But it's tempting to put black hardware on it!
                  There's gotta be some difference with the neck PU...? I mean, I'll beat a Jazz will give a cleaner, warmer sound than a EMG 81 even if the PU is pushed towards the bridge?

                  Trembuck-spaced? Do you really think so?
                  Rek Custom Guitar (Duncan Full Shred set)
                  Peavey Vandenberg Ed.2 (Tom Anderson HN3, DiMarzio Chopper)
                  Peavey Vandenberg Custom Quilt Top (Stock pickups)


                  • #10
                    Re: Pickup for the SChecter C1+?

                    Originally posted by rombola
                    hey dude the bridge has to be trembucker spaced right?
                    Um... mine is the standard spaced one, and everything lines up fine, so I don't think so.


                    • #11
                      Re: Pickup for the SChecter C1+?

                      You don't need a trem-spaced pickup for it.

                      I love my C1+, and I decided on the C5 because I currently have a DiMarzio Fred in the bridge, and what I don't like about it is a brittle treble response and a spike in the midrange that gives it an almost nasal quality. I heard the JB has a similar trait with its upper mids. The C5 is supposedly smoother on the top end, with a tight bass response. The guitar seems to favor the mids and lower treble frequencies (when played unplugged), so I want a pickup that helps balance out the overall tone.

                      I also wanted something a tad lower in output, because I feel that using a low to mid output pickup with a high gain amp will give you a HUGE sound. The C5 is supposed to be a more vintage tone when compared to the Custom, with less output. The deciding factor for me was versatility. However, since my decision was based on reviews and input from other people, the true proof will come when I install the pickup (hopefully tonight).
                      After Osmosis | My Music | Instagram


                      • #12
                        Re: Pickup for the SChecter C1+?

                        The C5 sucks. I have it in my PRS CE24 and it sounds like **** no matter what I do.

