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Custom/59 and Brobucker?!

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  • Custom/59 and Brobucker?!

    Can somoene talk about the differences? What to expect? I am looking to install a new bridge pickup in my 1994 black LP Standard....something with great clarity, open, big, great shimmer and detail in the highs, not dark, fairly balanced......maybe medium output! Thanks!

  • #2
    Re: Custom/59 and Brobucker?!



    • #3
      Re: Custom/59 and Brobucker?!

      The more I think about it, I think the 59/Custom with a 500K CTS Audio taper pot and 59 or Pearly Gates neck is just what my 1994 LP Standard needs. It needs more treble and shimmer!
      Maybe I am just not a pure PAF guy, I think I like a little more meat and fullness and some natural compression. I thought about the Brobucker but the more I hear the 59/Custom, the more I want. I think it could even knock the Wolfetone Timbrewolf out of my LP!
      I prefer the 59/Custom in this over the Antiquities.


      • #4
        Re: Custom/59 and Brobucker?!

        I have never played the custom/59 but from what I have heard and read I think if you are looking for a little more "meat and fullness" it should be what you are looking for.


        • #5
          Re: Custom/59 and Brobucker?!

          In his epic 'How To Build A Hybrid' thread, BachToRock described the Brobucker as having a 'more congested' sound (midrange maybe ?) than the Custom/59. I have also seen him state the same thing in a different thread more recently.
          Lumbering dinosaur (what's a master volume control?)



          • #6
            Re: Custom/59 and Brobucker?!

            your description of what you want sounds much more like the c/59 than the brobucker


            • #7
              Re: Custom/59 and Brobucker?!

              a black LP will most definitely darken the tone.


              • #8
                Re: Custom/59 and Brobucker?!

                Originally posted by jeremy View Post
                your description of what you want sounds much more like the c/59 than the brobucker
                I agree, I am going to get one with a nickel Pearly Gates neck and keep the CTS 500K pots in stock. I am selling my Wolfetone pickups set. The bridge is a Wolfetone Timbrewolf 15K modern slightly scooped heavy sounding pickup. I want this LP to be more vintage and sparkly.

                maybe I should leave my Marshallhead neck pickup in is nice and may match my 59/Custom well!

                Another thought is that Wolfe at Wolfetone said he could rewind my Timbrewolf to whatever I want, like a Marshallhead, Dr. Vintage, Legend, Grey Wolfs, etc.

                This is currently in my LP:
                Last edited by papersoul; 05-22-2012, 09:21 AM.


                • #9
                  Re: Custom/59 and Brobucker?!

                  Maybe make a Timberhead hybrid out of those and forego the C/59.


                  • #10
                    Re: Custom/59 and Brobucker?!

                    Originally posted by King IzzO))) View Post
                    Maybe make a Timberhead hybrid out of those and forego the C/59.
                    Not a bad idea!


                    • #11
                      Re: Custom/59 and Brobucker?!

                      Do any of you consider the 59/Custom to be boutique quality or is boutique or hand wound pickups over rated and hyped?


                      • #12
                        Re: Custom/59 and Brobucker?!

                        "Quality" doesn't mean much when it comes to most pickups outside of the quality of the sound. The only exception might be that Lollar spends extra money to get his wire from a supplier that can supply wire that is very consistent over the spool, so the DCR from one pup to another of the same model doesn't vary as much as other brands.

                        Most commercially available or 'boutique' pickups are of more than sufficient quality in the build.

                        Boutique is only worth it if they give you a sound you really like that you can't find somewhere else. Note that some boutique winders have prices well in line with commercial offerings. Others seem to think their pickups give blow jobs. I'm very skeptical of the latter.


                        • #13
                          Re: Custom/59 and Brobucker?!

                          True....that is why I like Wolfetone, his pickups are around $120 a piece. He said he would be willing to rewind my Timbrewolf and make a Tombrehead which would be a combination of the Timbrewolf and Marshallhead.

                          I wonder which pickups Wolfe could combine to get the 59/Custom effect?

                          This is currently in my LP:
                          Last edited by papersoul; 05-23-2012, 06:09 AM.


                          • #14
                            Re: Custom/59 and Brobucker?!

                            Originally posted by papersoul View Post
                            Do any of you consider the 59/Custom to be boutique quality or is boutique or hand wound pickups over rated and hyped?
                            both those terms are pretty much bs. hand wound has a real meaning but gets over used and just cause something is hand wound doesnt make it good. boutique is a term we came up with to describe "really expensive stuff from a small company" but it gets tossed around too much too. bottom line is if you like it then its right and nothing else really matters.

                            as far as lollar getting magic wire, i think that happens more than you think. it just costs a little more money to get a more consistent product. finding the supplier that will do it right is more of a pita, especially for people like me who only buy 10 lb spools


                            • #15
                              Re: Custom/59 and Brobucker?!

                              Pickups are wire of varying diameter wrapped around a piece of plastic at varying tensions with varying methods with varying magnets, but it's not rocket science. There's no "super duper secret method".

                              I agree with Ray, the only time boutiques are "worth it" are if they offer something no one else does.

                              The only pickups I would consider paying boutique prices for are WCR, and that's only because his pickups are put together smarter and cleaner than others. He really does a good job and put some thought and effort into his work. It helps that he makes the Ironman too, which is probably my favorite pickup.

