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Need help with wiring, unwiring pick-ups

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  • Need help with wiring, unwiring pick-ups

    Hi, I am new here. I was wondering if anyone knows how I might go about a project of changing pick-ups, or rather the wiring. I started the hair-brain idea I was going to work on my ESP LTD KH-202 Kirk Hammett Signature Series Guitar. I ordered new parts for the floyd trem, three skull head control knobs, and a seymour duncan SH-13 Dimebag pick-up for the bridge. The wiring was quite simple, even though I have a disability with my eyes. I also have a Dean guitar a DAVE MUSTAINE VMNT ANGEL OF DETH. I actually like the action better on my Dean. So now I am thinking of moving the duncan SH-13 from the ESP to the Dean... only one problem! The Dean has active pick-ups. I really do not like the active pick-ups, nor replacing nine volts. But the wiring of the active pick-up is a bit confusing to me. I might want to disconnect the active system altogether, and replace the front pick-up later as well. I need to know which wires need to stay and which I can take off. I thought hard about the value of this guitar, or if I ever go to sell it, my main concern is, having it play well and sound well for me, right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.