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Alnico 8 Super Distortions?

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  • Alnico 8 Super Distortions?

    Anyone tried this?

    I am wanting something that is a hair warmer/less "brittle" than the ceramics, but without losing high end, or the characteristic "gnarl" of the Super Distortions.

    Originally posted by LesStrat
    Yogi Berra was correct.
    Originally posted by JOLLY
    I do a few chord things, some crappy lead stuff, and then some rhythm stuff.

  • #2
    Re: Alnico 8 Super Distortions?

    the ceramic magnet is glued in super distortions...


    • #3
      Re: Alnico 8 Super Distortions?

      You need to take the baseplate off and slide an exacto knife blade under the magnet to get it to come loose. It isn't like most other pickups where you can just push the magnet in/out.

      Last edited by idsnowdog; 08-11-2012, 12:37 PM.


      • #4
        Re: Alnico 8 Super Distortions?

        I'll figure out the mechanical aspects of it. If it can be put together, it can be taken apart. But I'm curious to hear about tone with mag swaps in these pickups. Thanks.
        Originally posted by LesStrat
        Yogi Berra was correct.
        Originally posted by JOLLY
        I do a few chord things, some crappy lead stuff, and then some rhythm stuff.


        • #5
          Re: Alnico 8 Super Distortions?

          I havent done a A8 swap yet that didnt lose some high end over the ceramics that came out. Sometimes this is good sometimes not. It would be worth a shot. I guess I just dont drink the A8 kool aid enough.
          "It keeps you fit - the alcohol, nasty women, sweat on stage, bad food - it's all very good for you." -Bon Scott

          "Let me put it this way: the 5150 will treat
          you better than any girlfriend, because it screams louder, it's easier to pick up, and it shuts up when you take your plug out." -Rip Glitter


          • #6
            Re: Alnico 8 Super Distortions?

            Originally posted by Edgecrusher View Post
            I havent done a A8 swap yet that didnt lose some high end over the ceramics that came out. Sometimes this is good sometimes not. It would be worth a shot. I guess I just dont drink the A8 kool aid enough.

            A8's are also more expensive.

            What about A5? I don't want the low end to get too boomy, though, and I don't want to eviscerate the mids.

            The over all tone of the ceramics is good, in terms of e.q. It the slightly "plucky" attack that I want to tone down. I want less "plink" and more "chew." (God, these adjectives are ridiculous.) I'm trying different picks, and they do make a big difference, but not quite enough.

            It's also worth noting that the tone circuit on the guitar will consist of one treble cut knob and one bass cut knob. The treble cut knob will have a pretty low value cap, like .01 mF at max, probably lower.
            Last edited by ItsaBass; 08-11-2012, 03:03 PM.
            Originally posted by LesStrat
            Yogi Berra was correct.
            Originally posted by JOLLY
            I do a few chord things, some crappy lead stuff, and then some rhythm stuff.


            • #7
              Re: Alnico 8 Super Distortions?

              I haven't tried the Super D, but I must say that I haven't tried a ceramic mag pup that I have liked. I have always found inprovement in the "brittle" highs with an A8. The A8 doesn't change alot about the pup, mainly the highs. (This is in reference to ceramic pups only, so don't give me alot of hate mail for that last statement).

              When I put an A8 in my SD Distortion, it improved the highs making them warmer sounding but still present. For me, the A2 was the perfect solution to what I was looking for with the DD.

              Sounds like the A8 would be your perfect solution. Try it. The extra cost of an A8 is minimal if it gives you the tone that you're after.
              Last edited by GuitarDoc; 08-12-2012, 09:17 AM.
              Originally Posted by IanBallard
              Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.


              • #8
                Re: Alnico 8 Super Distortions?

                I tried an A5 in the Super D and it lost all of its personality. It became narrowly focused on the upper midrange and lost fullness.

