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P-Rails w/ Triple Shots -- Can these rings be flipped upside down?

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  • P-Rails w/ Triple Shots -- Can these rings be flipped upside down?

    This is sort of a continuation of my last thread, but more specifically about the P-Rails/Triple Shot combination. I have been reading reviews and comments, and it sounds like flipping the pickups around so that the rails are closest to the bridge and neck instead of on the inside would work better for me.

    Well, first thought is that I would need to reverse the wiring on the Triple Shots to compensate for the flipped coils, which could become confusing. But, would there be any problem using the usual wiring and flipping the Triple Shot ring upside down, so that the switches are closer to the controls? This seems like the switches would work normally, and get them out of the way since I've seen some comments that the switches stick out a bit.

    It seems straightforward, but I often find simple mods have unexpected complications that like to wait until the last moment to pop up.


  • #2
    Re: P-Rails w/ Triple Shots -- Can these rings be flipped upside down?

    theres no reason you cant flip the pups around.

    i havent had any problem with the triple shots as they are and would think it might be harder to get to the little switches if they were on the other side but again theres no reason you cant


    • #3
      Re: P-Rails w/ Triple Shots -- Can these rings be flipped upside down?

      Thanks, once I get them I'll just flip them around if that's not going to cause any issues. If I find it uncomfortable or hard to change settings, then I'll de-solder and rewire the pickups to the Triple Shot harness. I'm just trying to avoid that step, it might be a little hard to figure out how to rewire the harness with a flipped pickup.

      It looks like I'm not the first person to try this either, but didn't find this old thread when I searched around.

      This is similar, but the Triple Shots are regular.

      #CamagrocInstruments #guitarmods #bassmods #luthierbarcelona #luthierlife #luthiercatalunya #luthiercatalonia #luthiergirona #luthierbanyoles #fenderstratoca...

      He has a pot setup to invert phase, which is kind of cool, something I might think about although I doubt I'd need it.
      Last edited by Spaceboy; 08-17-2012, 02:52 PM.

