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lower output A2 bridge 'bucker discussion

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  • lower output A2 bridge 'bucker discussion

    Looking at a few different lower output (10K or lower) humbucker options for a swamp ash strat w/ a rosewood board, for a high gain rock setup that also sounds stellar on clean stuff (not just ok on cleans, but really really good). Probably 250K on the volume as there are no tone knobs or splitting/parallel options on this guitar. Just volume and pickup.

    I'm going for: 1) sweet/musical sounding, 2) great on cleans and 3) great on dirty channel. Not super bright either, but if it's A2 and a single 250K pot, that shouldn't be too much of an issue.

    All of them would end up being A2 magnets-- here are my options:
    1. A2 59 - currently have an old MJ wound 59N, so this would be the cheapest option
    2. APH-1 - heck, Slash used these for years, so I know they rock. I've read that this choice is slightly brigher and sweeter in the high end than an A2 59
    3. A2 Jazz - I think 75lespaul said that this was a killer choice? Also, I remember Lt. Kojak saying that this is a great choice for really hearing the wood of the guitar. Not sure how this translates into a high gain setup, since Kojak was mainly talking about hollowbodies or semi-hollows (I think?)
    4. 57 Classic or 57 Classic Plus - a buddy of mine has a 57 Classic in an old Charvel (maple neck and I think and ash body?) and it sounds really damn good. You hear the wood and the strings, not the pickup-- first time I've really understood what people meant when they say that.
    5. '78 - a great choice surely-- very aggressive, but very hard on the ol' wallet too! Probably too rich for my blood at this point.
    6. A2 Screamin' Demon - I've read from a few on the SDUGF board that this one is also a great choice-- warms things up and makes it much less hard/strident sounding. Paired w/ a 250K pot, this could be a very nice choice.
    7. Pearly Gates - sizzly, but rockin' in a strat and just low enough output to keep things sounding good on cleans, but I've read there's some hair to it that just won't dial out, even on clean channel.

    Other choices? Any large preference for any of the above?

    What spurred this on full force was playing the swamp ash strat through a buddy's 50w 5150 III head into a 2x12 cab last night. The strat's got an A8 59 in it that sounded great, just a tad too bright w/ the single 500K pot. Also played an old charvel with the EVH frankenstein humbucker in it and it was a great match (duh!), but I'd like something w/ less output than the Franky 'bucker.

    Chime in, guys!
    Last edited by appar111; 09-12-2012, 09:30 AM.
    "I shall allow this GAS bubble to pass, a mere fart in time." - Aceman

  • #2
    Re: lower output A2 bridge 'bucker discussion

    Originally posted by appar111 View Post
    A2 Jazz - I think 75lespaul said that this was a killer choice? Also, I remember Lt. Kojak saying that this is a great choice for really hearing the wood of the guitar. Not sure how this translates into a high gain setup, since Kojak was mainly talking about hollowbodies or semi-hollows (I think?)
    I was talking about my own guitars (semi- and full- hollowbodies), but the statement works also in solidbody guitars.

    If you REALLY wanna hear the sound of the wood of the guitar, the best mags are A2 and UOA5.

    Originally posted by appar111 View Post
    57 Classic or 57 Classic Plus - a buddy of mine has a 57 Classic in an old Charvel (maple neck and I think and ash body?) and it sounds really damn good. You hear the wood and the strings, not the pickup-- first time I've really understood what people meant when they say that.
    I had this combo for several years in my LPC copy, but they sounded a lot better with an A4/A8 mag combo than the stock A2s.

    If you're going to use an A2 hb p'up, 500K pots are mandatory, if you ask me.



    • #3
      Re: lower output A2 bridge 'bucker discussion

      pearly god damn gates plus with whatever magnet your guitar agrees with.
      Regarding any post I've made before 2018, assume I've changed my mind by now.


      • #4
        Re: lower output A2 bridge 'bucker discussion

        A2 59 is hard to beat man. Just a phenomenal pickup all around.


        • #5
          Re: lower output A2 bridge 'bucker discussion

          Originally posted by rumblebox View Post
          pearly god damn gates plus with whatever magnet your guitar agrees with.
          why do you have to swear in every post you make in one of my threads?
          "I shall allow this GAS bubble to pass, a mere fart in time." - Aceman


          • #6
            Re: lower output A2 bridge 'bucker discussion

            i was unaware every post i make is in your threads. and yes. i stand by the PG+.

            and you're welcome for my awesome input.
            Regarding any post I've made before 2018, assume I've changed my mind by now.


            • #7
              Re: lower output A2 bridge 'bucker discussion

              Originally posted by rumblebox View Post
              i was unaware every post i make is in your threads. and yes. i stand by the PG+.

              and you're welcome for my awesome input.
              uhhh, durr.... that's not what I said. I said "every post you make in one of my threads", not "every post you make is in my threads". Re-read what I god damn wrote

              seriously though, thanks for the opinion. Isn't the PG+ available through Fender too? Might be able to score that one used on Ebay for a good price. How is the + different from the regular PG?
              "I shall allow this GAS bubble to pass, a mere fart in time." - Aceman


              • #8
                Re: lower output A2 bridge 'bucker discussion

                Originally posted by appar111 View Post
                How is the + different from the regular PG?
                + has A5 mag instead of A2. To really compare the difference, I think one would have to try both using the same mag. + should be more scooped sound because of the A5.


                • #9
                  Re: lower output A2 bridge 'bucker discussion

                  Ah, I can see that maybe matching up better with the scooped nature of most single coils in an HSS setup. Swapping for an A2 should theoretically make it a PG, right?
                  "I shall allow this GAS bubble to pass, a mere fart in time." - Aceman


                  • #10
                    Re: lower output A2 bridge 'bucker discussion

                    Haha the PG+ is wound like .5 more than the regular PG and has an A5 instead of A2. It's been so long since i used a regular PG, so i couldn't really describe the difference. I'm honestly happy with the A5 mag in this pickup. I might not even experiment with swaps except for maybe an A2, A3, A4 or UOA5. LOL

                    I don't think you can get it through fender, but they're relatively easy to find used. They also only came in parchment color, but mine is covered anyway.
                    Last edited by rumblebox; 09-12-2012, 06:14 PM.
                    Regarding any post I've made before 2018, assume I've changed my mind by now.


                    • #11
                      Re: lower output A2 bridge 'bucker discussion

                      The PG+ is only available new from Fender. It has more winds so it will be hotter than the PG and have a bit more mids. The A5 makes it tight and slightly scooped to effectively take out the extra mids, but and A2 will make it comparitively a hotter more middy version of the PG.
                      Originally Posted by IanBallard
                      Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.


                      • #12
                        Re: lower output A2 bridge 'bucker discussion

                        I know some here have reported PG+'s in the mid to upper 8k range, but the few I've seen have been 8.1-8.3 like a normal PGb.


                        • #13
                          Re: lower output A2 bridge 'bucker discussion

                          I know it's not on the list but the Gibson Burstbuckers. I have the BB3 in my BFG Les Paul and it's my favourite pickup ever. I'm not sure how hot it actually is but it doesn't sound too powerful. And it's supposet to have A2 in it.
                          Originally posted by Jamie Hyneman
                          When in doubt... C4
                          "Biologists think they are biochemists,
                          Biochemists think they are Physical Chemists,
                          Physical Chemists think they are Physicists,
                          Physicists think they are Gods,
                          And God thinks he is a Mathematician."

                          "Physicists defer only to mathematicians, mathematicians defer only to God."


                          • #14
                            Re: lower output A2 bridge 'bucker discussion

                            Originally posted by lemonman View Post
                            I know some here have reported PG+'s in the mid to upper 8k range, but the few I've seen have been 8.1-8.3 like a normal PGb.
                            i'll measure mine today when i get home.
                            Regarding any post I've made before 2018, assume I've changed my mind by now.

